Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and fifty see through

"Boss, according to what you said, I tested him, and sure enough, he is willing to pay high-quality Lenny-level equipment in exchange for those things that increase Fu Leila."

A02 said aloud, "There should be only a few super rich and Talos red dwarves who can produce so many Lenny-classes now, and the complete set of boutique Lenny-classes is obviously newly manufactured, so the former can be ruled out. The identity of this new A11 is almost certain."

"He is the spokesperson of an outstanding craftsman among the red dwarves of Talos, or, the spokesperson of that divine craftsman."

The No. 2 founder gave his guess, which is also reasonable.

Everyone has seen that set of equipment, and it has surpassed their cognition. At first glance, it is brand new, and it has never been seen on the market.

And only those bearded dwarves have this ability.

How could Ye Zhongming get this if he wasn't their spokesperson.

As for why he is just the spokesperson and not the master craftsman himself, this is too simple, and his size exceeds the standard.

A01 was silent, did not express his attitude, but continued to look at the equipment in front of him in a trance.

Yes, it was founder number 3, that is, A03, who offered the dry-dried liver of the Mipu animal just now, but A03 bid on behalf of founder number one.

"Do you know what this guy did before?" A01 said suddenly.

The founders of No. 2 and No. 3 did not pay too much attention to this new A11, because the life change under the mask is not a rare thing in the years since they were secretly established, and they also rejected it from the beginning. became the present acceptance.

Because they have tried before, catch and kill the impostors, and then re-find the participants.

But later they discovered that this method would weaken the hidden strength for a period of time, and the resources they could grasp were less. Because the new members they find meet the requirements, there is a window period before they go through a series of investigations and officially enter the organization. During this period, the benefits that the original member would have brought have disappeared.

So they started accepting 'fakes', because the fakes killed or replaced the real ones, at least to some extent, he was better than the real ones.

As long as they keep an eye on it and prevent counterfeit goods from becoming an unstable factor, it will be fine.

"He transmitted a life to a place called Earth through A22, and then brought back hundreds of lives."

"That earth is the home planet of a little guy named Ye Zhongming who is the first in the novice battlefield this time. He now belongs to the star-eyed clan."

Hearing what the No. 1 founder said, the other two were taken aback, and only frowned again.

"It doesn't seem right." The founder of No. 3 said: "If this new A11 is the agent of that master craftsman, then they should be on the opposite side of the star-eyed clan. In the novice battlefield, both sides are enemies. Ah, the red dwarves of Talos also strongly demanded to punish the star-eyed people in this planet hunting incident, they sided with the Hall star people, if so, how could he help the person from the earth?"

The two sides are enemies, helping one enemy return to the home planet and bringing people back? That's two more.

The founder of No. 1 smiled and said: "This is the interesting part. The two sides are now in a state of tension due to several conflicts, but they are secretly contacting through this person named Ye Zhongming?"

"I couldn't figure it out before, until I knew two things."

"Boss, what's the matter?" The No. 2 founder felt that this matter might have some impact on the current situation, so he really wanted to know the answer.

"The first thing, the initial conflict between Talos Red Dwarf and this Ye Zhongming was because Ye Zhongming gave up his agent status as Talos Red Dwarf and switched to the arms of the Star-Eyed Clan."

"The second thing is that Ye Zhongming and the Star-Eyed Clan are having conflicts right now."

After listening to the people in the room, they all understood a little bit.

"You mean,

Ye Zhongming took refuge in Talos Red Dwarf again? "The No. 2 founder guessed.

The No. 1 founder nodded, then shook his head again: "Of course it is possible. Ye Zhongming probably had conflicts with those dwarves when he was on his mother planet, or there was some dissatisfaction, or other accidents happened. In short, I didn’t understand anything when I came up through the guide sun, so I chose the star-eyed tribe.”

"But after getting to know him for a period of time, he himself is considered excellent. Knowing that the Star-Eyed Clan and Talos Red Dwarves are incomparable, so his mentality has changed, and it is normal to return to the past again, so he was attacked by the Star-Eyed Clan. repel."

The founders No. 2 and No. 3 both nodded, thinking that things should be like this. Humans are all pursuing the maximization of profits. If it was them, they might make such a choice.

The No. 1 founder said again: "But I am more inclined to another possibility."

No. 2 and No. 3 looked at the boss in puzzlement, not knowing what else was possible.

"That's right, this is a play, a play directed and acted by the red dwarves of Talos!"

"What if Ye Zhongming was originally a pawn of the dwarves, and the dwarves let him enter the star-eyed clan on purpose?"

"Intentionally entered the star-eyed tribe? What is there to pay attention to about the star-eyed tribe?" Number three didn't understand.

Founder No. 1 replied: "The Star-eyed tribe itself is nothing, but the Star-eyed tribe has Paibai, the person who is regarded as the hope of the future by the entire race. This person, Jiesu, and Yserwei's relationship, you guys You all know, right?"

The other two nodded. They really didn't know before, but this time the incident was too big, so they naturally knew it.

"Behind Jiesu is the Sioux, who are regarded as successors by Yao Hansu. The Sioux is one of the leading races of the three camps. Behind Iserwey is the Musk star, the backbone of the Hol star alliance, a super Dazu, there is an unfathomable peak master father, the tablet seal."

"Now, the Sioux and the Musk planets have united by coincidence to fight against the Hall stars. The cause is the death of Kun Zuo on the hunting ground of the planet, and who is most likely to have something to do with the death of Kun Zuo?"

"Marriage violates the best interests of the Star-Eye Clan, and they are an alliance with the Sioux Clan."

"You see, everything is connected with Ye Zhongming and the Star Eye Clan. Even when the situation was about to subside, the dwarves jumped out in good time, causing the two sides to continue to clash. Several air battles in the outer sky, Huo The Er Stars, the Su Clan, and the Musk Stars have suffered a lot, but they have no losses, not only that, but they are going to hold a raging god-level auction!"

"Think about it carefully... isn't it, a little scary?"

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