Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-two great improvement in quality

The mechanical ghost is quite lucky. With Ye Zhongming's help, his idea can work. That is to say, he can connect with the mechanical beast made by Ye Zhongming and become his battle partner.

Seeing that the mechanical ghost established contact with a Hongning-level mechanical beast and then disconnected, Ye Zhongming asked at the time, did it hurt?

The mechanical ghost didn't feel anything, and truthfully replied that it didn't hurt very much, it just hurt the body a little bit, which can be ignored.

Since then, the little Zhengtai who came from the earth has often fallen into deep remorse for this sentence.

Because... When Ye Zhongming was helping the mechanical ghost to test whether the equipment could be used, he noticed the internal changes of the mechanical beast during the process.

Ye Zhongming discovered that because of the particularity of the mechanical ghost, once he had contact with the mechanical beast, in a sense, the mechanical beast became a part of the mechanical ghost. This method endowed the mechanical beasts with certain...activity that Ye Zhongming could not give them.

If Ye Zhongming is not a top craftsman, and should be the master craftsman second only to the master craftsman of all races in the universe, he may not be able to notice the fleeting changes at that time.

It's just that after Ye Zhongming found out, this tiny change could no longer escape his monitoring.

After a short period of research, Ye Zhongming discovered a problem, that is, although there was no change in parts, energy, structure, etc. of this Hongning-level mechanical beast used as an experimental body, its strength , but improved a bit.

That's an overall improvement.

This little discovery is like a treasure to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming made a discovery, and he immediately pulled the mechanical ghost to start the experiment.

At the beginning, Mrs. Xiaozheng didn't think much of it. She felt that she had reserved several Lenny-class war beasts. They were worth tens of millions. Even if she sold him, she couldn't afford them. They could give them to you for free. What happened to the test?

But half a day after the experiment started, Xiao Zhengtai had the urge to run away.

He had seen Ye Zhongming's working status.

too crazy!

That's the only way Mrs. Xiaozheng could describe it.

Originally, the content of the experiment was not complicated. It was nothing more than Ye Zhongming making the mechanical war beasts, let the mechanical ghosts contact them, give them vitality, see how much the overall improvement of these things has been made, and then actively break the connection.

But the frequency of the test was too fast, the mechanical ghost cut off almost immediately after establishing contact, and before he could catch his breath, he was going to test with the next one.

The degree of connection produced by each trial is also different, high and low. For this kind of experiment that was essentially cutting his flesh, the mechanical ghost seemed to have entered hell, and the pain almost never left his body, the difference was only a little pain or a huge pain for a while.

The little face became even whiter.

What's even more frightening is that whenever he needs to rest after suffering many times, Ye Zhongming will give him a potion or pill at the right time, allowing him to recover quickly.

Every time Xiao Zhengtai swallowed the medicine and continued to work, he would have the illusion of being guarded by someone.

He sometimes thinks, won't this guy be tired? Why can he keep making equipment and feel the changes of equipment without showing fatigue at all?

This... is simply not human.

Xiao Zhengtai's inhuman life lasted for three full days, before Ye Zhongming let him go temporarily. Yes, temporarily.

Xiaozheng has one day's rest time, and then he will follow Ye Zhongming to start the formal equipment refining plan.

The mechanical ghost is full of nothing to love.

Ye Zhongming actually didn't want to do this either, but who made mechanical ghost talents be too important to him now.

The King of Genting discovered that the overall improvement of the mechanical war beasts activated by the mechanical ghosts is considerable. Under the premise of not harming Xiaozheng's fundamentals, in the best case, the two of them can cooperate to make the high-quality goods The first-level Hongning-level war beast was successfully upgraded to the Lenny-level, and the ordinary Lenny-level was upgraded to the high-quality Lenny-level.

The reason why the two are juxtaposed is because the upgrade from the Hongning level to the Lenny level is a real leapfrog level, and although the common level Lenny to the boutique Lenny has made great progress, there is no level upgrade after all. Although the quality is high, but In terms of overall improvement percentage, it is similar to Hong Ningsheng Lenny.

This incident is of great significance to Ye Zhongming and the entire force that belongs to him.

Although it is still impossible to break through the bottleneck and allow Ye Zhongming to manufacture Lie Shen-level equipment, under the same manufacturing conditions, the manufactured mechanical beasts can basically be raised by a small level, which is against the sky.

You must know that when manufacturing Lenny-level equipment or war beasts, even Ye Zhongming's failure rate will increase a lot. For outsiders, that may be a very low probability, but for people in a harsh environment, at any time For the King of Genting, who may all be doomed, every failure will make him stay in danger for a longer time, and his life will be in jeopardy.

But now, with the help of mechanical ghosts, Ye Zhongming's success rate can basically reach 100% of the ordinary Hongning level, and 90% of the elite level. The success rate of the regular Lenny class can now exceed 80%, and that of the premium Lenny class exceeds 70%!

With this success rate outside, it is estimated that the red dwarves of Talos will come to the door the next day, pointing at Ye Zhongming with a fierce god-level weapon and asking him if he wants to join or die. There is no third choice.

The higher the success rate, the less waste, which undoubtedly saves costs. And the level of manufacturing is improved, and the selling price is increased, which undoubtedly increases profits.

In other words, Ye Zhongming still manufactures equipment as before, but the money he earns in the end can basically increase by 30%!

That's an increase in tens of millions!

The price is only to provide quick recovery drugs to the mechanical ghosts. In this regard, Ye Zhongming has Changxu Aquarium to help him, so there is no problem at all.

So after the mechanical ghost officially joined the next day, the quality of the equipment produced by Ye Zhongming directly rose to a higher level.

One thing to say is that the mechanical ghost can only communicate with the mechanical beast, so he cannot upgrade the weapons and equipment. But Ye Zhongming solved this problem after only a few tens of seconds of thinking.

He changed his way of thinking about making weapons and equipment, and used the previous concept of combining war equipment and mechanical war beasts to turn some parts of the mechanical war beasts into weapons and equipment, and let the mechanical ghosts activate them before dismantling them. , there is no sympathy, so the activity is still there, and it will not decrease.

Ye Zhongming's mental strength seems to be endless, his physical strength seems to be possessed by monsters, and the manufacturing of equipment is due to the sense of urgency brought about by external pressure, so he is full of energy. Now the most talked about is "Little Zhengtai, 10 units"—— —In this way, how much energy can be input by the mechanical ghost to create a strong connection.

But Mrs. Xiaozheng was suffering too much, she was cutting her own flesh all the time, and she took the initiative.

When Kani, the little girl from Fei Luosong, unexpectedly appeared in Yunding Manor, she finally couldn't help the anger in her heart when she saw the deep-set black eye sockets of the mechanical ghost.

"Say, who is that shameless person? Why did you drain my mayo?!"

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