Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-three hate

Neither Ye Zhongming nor the mechanical ghost had a good look on their faces.

Not because I was tired, but because I saw a... device behind Carney.

In order to be able to be with the mechanical ghost, Kani made a special trip back to Fei Luosong, hoping to get the recognition and blessings of the relationship between the two of them.

Who wouldn't want to have the best of both worlds if they could.

What's more, the Sioux had already said hello before, and both the mechanical ghost and Kani felt that there was no problem.

However, something went wrong.

"Clan, why did you do this to you!"

Mrs. Xiaozheng said these words almost through gritted teeth.

Indeed, Xiaozheng felt that he didn't like Kani because he disliked her being short, although he was not as tall as her. I dislike the freckles on his face, even though he doesn't look good when he grows up. I hate that Fu Leila is not tall enough, although he is not as tall as others.

But he knew one thing, that is, Kani had left the Fei Luosong people without a word because of him before, and this time when she went back, she just wanted to ask the clan to allow her to stay with the mechanical ghost.

After all, Kani's blood is from the Fei Luo Song people.

But that poor race forced Carney to install a device called 'Dragon Heart'.

Every once in a while, this device needs to go back to the installer to fill it with the 'life liquid' that only he knows the formula ratio. If he doesn't go back, the dragon's heart will dry up, and once it dries up, Kani will die .

The dragon heart replaced... Kani's original heart!

This is an extremely vicious practice!

Fei Luosong also told Kani that it was for her own good, because after replacing the dragon heart, the direct effect of this kind of thing, which is priced at millions of months of gold, is to speed up the speed of cultivation, so that people who use Those who can quickly improve Fu Leila.

But the disadvantages or side effects are also obvious. Once the bottleneck is approached, that is, when Fu Leila is 10,000 to 20,000, the breakthrough will be very dangerous, and it may explode at any time. It was a narrow escape!

Even if you are extremely lucky and break through 100,000 Fu Leila, after that, the disadvantages of the dragon heart will be more manifested. The energy it can carry and the energy provided by the life fluid can no longer meet the needs of the wearer. Need, this will make the practice extremely difficult, and if you raise 20,000 Fu Leila, you will no longer be able to improve. That is the theoretical height of Dragon Heart. Basically, after passing the threshold of a great master, the user's strength will decrease. Stagnation.

For Carney? ! Just use this?

Perhaps, this thing cultivates quickly when it is under the hands of a master, but there are ghost gates standing in front of it, and it needs to be passed one by one. The faster you practice, you have to face life and death one after another in a very short period of time. test!

That kind of test with a success rate of about 30% is less than the hurdle of 100,000 Fu Leila!

To put it bluntly, this is not to control Kani, and then to control the mechanical ghosts, isn't it just to affect Ye Zhongming's star-eyed clan and even the Sioux clan!

Using an ordinary clansman in exchange for the possible benefits, the Feiluosong people had a good plan.

Moreover, they did this clearly because they were not afraid of offending Ye Zhongming's Star-eyed Clan, because they were stronger than the Star-eyed Clan. As for the Sioux Clan, they probably didn't think they would stand up for Kani at all. The reason for saying hello before was because Ye Zhongming knew mechanical ghosts, Fei Luosong had already given face, and now the target of his attack is his own clansman, and no one can stop him!

But to the mechanical ghost, this is an insult to him, and to Ye Zhongming, this is contempt and provocation to him!

People, I didn't take the feelings of the mechanical ghost and you Ye Zhongming into consideration at all.

People, I think I can secure you!

"Mom... that!" After the mechanical ghost asked that sentence, the room was very silent. In fact, he could guess eight or nine points by himself, so the anger in his heart turned into two words that smelt blood.

Like a wounded giant beast, it neighed unwillingly.

"They want me to understand the reason why the Star-Eyed Clan is suddenly powerful and why they can establish a good relationship with the Su Clan. They... don't believe that it's just because Paobai and Jie Su are good friends."

Although Kani didn't say anything bad to the Feiluo Song people at this time, it can be heard from her tone and the name of the race that the little girl has alienated her race in her heart, and... …hatred.

"Before, I heard Mrs. Xiaozheng say that Fei Luosong people did not regard him as a member of the clan, but only as cannon fodder to attract the enemy's attention and firepower on the battlefield, because his partner in battle is the best cannon fodder."

"At that time, I was a little angry."

Ye Zhongming sat on the seat that belonged to him, talking lightly.

"Later, the people of Feiluosong simply agreed to let the mechanical ghosts leave them. I was very grateful to them and asked the Sioux to bring some things to express my gratitude."

"But now..." Ye Zhongming's eyes fell on Kani.

"I'm mad at them, I hate them."

"Little Zheng, from now on, you will be Kani's Mayo, what do you think?" Ye Zhongming's eyes were calm and almost indifferent.

The mechanical ghost nodded slowly.

Although Ye Zhongming called him Xiao Zhengtai, in fact he is already an adult, even if he didn't have it before, he has it now.

He knew that he had to take responsibility for Kani. It seemed that Ye Zhongming was forcing him, but the mechanical ghost didn't reject him at all, and there was a faint sense of joy gradually expanding.

Carney smiled brightly.

"You see, Xiao Zhengtai belongs to me, and now Ka Ni is Xiao Zhengtai's, so she is also my person, my person, and she is not allowed to be treated like this."

Ye Zhongming stood up, walked up to Kani, and stretched out his hands to rub the little girl's fluffy hair.

"From today onwards, you have nothing to do with Fei Luosong people. You are just Xiaozhengtai's woman, you are just my friend, you are just... us earthlings, okay?"

Kani looked at the mechanical ghost, then at Ye Zhongming, and nodded.

The King of Cloud Top also laughed, and the whole room lost the coldness just now and became warm again.

"I won't let you have an accident, don't worry, I will send you to a place where someone will find a solution to the dragon's heart, no matter how much money is spent, no matter how difficult it is, Xiaozheng and I Nothing will happen to you."

This sentence was a bit long-winded by the King of Genting, but the other two people could hear strong confidence and an inexplicable emotion here.

Ye Zhongming touched a piece of material and continued to manufacture equipment, but in his heart, in a dark corner, the name of a race was engraved.

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