Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-four distribution

Buriaz Fort is a medium-sized city on the No. 1 Survivor Fortress. Although it is not very large, the transportation here is convenient because of its geographical location. It has become a distribution center for various commodities.

In this urban area full of commercial streets, there is a place where various types of weapons and equipment are shipped in large quantities. Because of the large volume of shipments, they take the wholesale route. Every merchant has a huge warehouse. It's not the kind of street-facing shops, so it's jokingly called Warehouse Street.

It was already late today, the noisy voices gradually receded, and all warehouses have basically entered the stage of inventory, only a few customers are still there, and the warehouse with the KK145 brand is brightly lit, the door is closed, obviously there are still people inside. Someone is picking the goods.

"Old Keke, we don't do business once or twice. Why are you still so unreasonable?" A strong man with four guards glanced at the quotation, and looked at the old man opposite him with a displeased expression.

Speaking of which, Old Cork is considered a celebrity on Warehouse Street. He has been selling equipment here almost all his life, and he has inherited his father's business.

Although his store is not the biggest, and his items are not top-notch, but as long as you come to him, he can always get you things with very high cost performance.

And whether you are a big customer who buys hundreds or thousands of pieces at a time, or a customer who buys a dozen or even a few single pieces at a time, he treats you equally, as long as you can make money, he will give you a very favorable price s price.

So over the years, Cork has not earned the most money, but he is the most popular and has many friends. Later, as long as it is not a big deal, Cork sends a project list and price list to the people over there. Just pay directly.

It can be said that he has a lot of trust in him, which is a reward for his consistent good reputation.

The same is true for this middle-aged man. He has been buying equipment from Cork for more than ten universe years, and the cooperation has always been very pleasant.

It's just that now he feels a little unhappy, because the things on this project list are very different from what he expected.

Old Cork narrowed his eyes, and said slowly: "The price is normal, what are you referring to?"

The middle-aged man put away the item list, and said bluntly: "Qiha Du of the Jinweimen clan has already told me that you...have very cheap goods here."

"I just got the goods dozens of universes a few days ago, not for something more cost-effective. Is it worth making another trip? It takes two days to go back and forth!"

"It seems, old Kirk, do you think I get less goods from you?"

The middle-aged man was talking, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Old Kirk subconsciously glanced at the door, his two sons were still standing there, the door was closed, and his wife and daughter were also watching from the table at the end of the warehouse, which made him feel at ease. few.

Although he is not a master, Fu Leila is only in his early 10,000 years, but his son and daughter are very talented in cultivation. Although their race is extinct, he still has the relevant ability and passed it on to his son and daughter Afterwards, the three children now pay Leila more than 50,000, and even the most outstanding daughter has reached 70,000. Perhaps there is hope of breaking through to a master in this life.

"Risk." Old Kirk said: "Since you know it, let me tell the truth, the goods are still there, but you can't expose them in a short time, there must be something wrong with it, but it's not what you and I should know. So I can give you the goods, but you have to guarantee me!"

"Don't worry about this. If the goods are okay, who would sell them at such a low price? Since I have taken advantage, I must be quiet, otherwise the goods may not be our turn." The middle-aged man assured, patted his chest .

"I may not have as good a relationship as Qihadu and you, but we have cooperated with each other for more than ten years, and we have a very close relationship with Qihadu, so you can rest assured that I will abide by the agreement."

Hearing the middle-aged man so assured,

Old Kirk looked at him for a few seconds, then nodded, and asked directly, "What level of equipment do you want?"

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, "I have to look at the price, if I can, I hope to buy ten pieces of Hongning grade!"

Ten pieces of Hong Ning grade are quite a feat for this middle-aged race.

Old Cork didn't answer, but took out a piece of paper from his clothes and handed it to the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man saw it, he could hardly conceal his excitement.

My good friend is right, the equipment here is really cheap!

According to this price, he can buy twelve pieces for the price of ten ordinary Hongning grades!

And this is not what shocked the middle-aged man the most. What surprised him the most was that there was a Lenny-level shadow in this list!

This thing, which used to not appear in those big stores in the entire Warehouse Street, because it was not qualified, but now it can be seen in the small store in Cork.

The price... makes it almost impossible to resist the urge to buy.

"Well, old Cork, can I discuss it with the family? Don't worry, we will keep it secret, because I don't have enough money, because I want to buy a lot. I want both of your Lenny grades!"

A few minutes later, the middle-aged man received the money from the clan, and he bought the two Lenny grades, fifteen Hongning grades, and two hundred Kegang grades in one go.

The price of these weapons and equipment is 20% lower than the normal price in the market!

Old Cork sent them away, and when he closed the door again, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

These people bought it cheaply, and he made a lot of money. The profit from this transaction alone was already enough to earn what he had earned in the past two hundred cosmic days.

"Hurry up, contact them again, I want a batch of equipment, no, two batches, five Lenny-level, fifty Hongning-level and one thousand Kegang-level!"

"Damn, this is simply picking up money!" Old Kirk patted his son excitedly.


Sioux, business district.

Yao Hansu sat at a table, watching the waiter pour water for the twenty or so patriarchs in front of him.

These twenty or so people are the middle forces in the Sioux Alliance, and each has many ethnic vassals under their banners. It can be said that in the pyramid structure of the Sioux camp, they play a role of linking the past and the future. To a certain extent , the Sioux control more races by controlling them.

Jie Su sat behind Yao Hansu, very quiet.

But no one can ignore this man anymore, he broke through to the level of a master at a young age, and Yao Hansu followed him to study when he went out to work, which was clearly cultivated as a successor.

In addition, these patriarchs also have sources of information. Knowing the latest wind direction within the Sioux clan, it is natural to be more sure of the importance of this future star.

So after these patriarchs saluted Yao Hansu, they also greeted Jiesu.

"This time it's a purely private act. Don't think too much about it. Let's call everyone here. The first is to get in touch and exchange views on the recent situation, because in less formal occasions, there should be less formal views."

Hearing Yao Hansu say this, everyone laughed.

In fact, they all admire the patriarch of the Sioux tribe.

This is related to Yao Hansu's foreign policy since he took over the Sioux. He changed the "parasitic" way of the Sioux before, and began to reform with determination. Although the pace is not so large, every measure is true. The purpose of developing the Sioux Clan is to make the small races under its banner strong, instead of only thinking about exploitation and plunder like before.

In the past, even if the methods of the Sioux were mild enough, they were still a kind of plunder.

Now that Yaohansu has reformed, the situation is improving. Especially in the recent cosmic year, the Sioux began to make their voice heard among all races in the universe. They not only began to sell arrays and other things to other races, but also built Arrays and even bases.

These are all exclusive, and the profits are naturally high, but to be honest, you can add an extra layer of protection to your base, or even re-establish a strong and safe base, no one cares about spending a little more money.

It can be said that in the past year, especially in the second half of the year, the Sioux people have basically stopped sucking blood from these races. Not only that, it is estimated that their finances have also improved for the first time in so many years.

Hello, hello, everyone, these races are naturally happy. After they don't have to make offerings to the Sioux, they have more money in hand, so they can naturally develop better.

"Secondly, it can be regarded as asking everyone for help." Yao Hansu said with a smile.

The hearts of the patriarchs of these races sank. These words are a bit familiar.

In the past, when the Sioux people wanted to suck their blood, they often used this sentence to start the scene.

"Everyone knows that the situation of all races in the universe is unstable recently, because this time we are arguing with the Hall Stars about the planet hunting ground. Even because of this, a fleet of the Sioux tribe was attacked in outer space, and the entire army was wiped out. Pay it back in your life. Who did it, you can know with your ass."

The faces of these tribesmen changed, and they all became serious.

Regardless of whether Yaohansu intends to suck their blood this time, they and the Su tribe are now one. If the Su tribe needs their help because they cannot bear the pressure, it will be a matter of no hesitation.

If the Sioux can't stand it anymore, they won't have a good time either.

"No one can tell how far this conflict will develop in the future, so everyone has to prepare for the worst."

Yao Hansu's fingers tapped lightly on the table, as if tapping on everyone's heart.

"What's the worst plan...?" a clansman asked.

"War!" Yao Hansu replied simply.

"Many people don't think so, and they are very optimistic about the situation. They have given countless examples to prove this point, saying that the previous crises were much more serious than this one, but there was no war."

Speaking of this, Yao Hansu sneered and continued: "Is the previous experience applicable to the present? The external environment and the internal environment have changed, but they turned a blind eye."

"Even they are so stupid that they still have illusions about the Hall star Lena star, selectively ignoring the hostility of these two races towards everyone except them not long ago!"

"Maybe there is no nutrition frenzy, we have become the slaves of those two big clans."

After Yao Hansu finished speaking, he nodded the table again: "Why are the Sioux people starting to stand out? Because we are no longer as good as before. We need to grow stronger quickly and have the strength to make others fearful, so as to prevent other races from growing against us. ambition!"

These patriarchs nodded when they heard this. Although Yao Hansu didn't understand what happened before, they still heard about it.

"So, we also have to arm ourselves. This time I brought you some weapons and equipment." The patriarch of the Sioux clan didn't talk nonsense, and directly sent them the list.

The rest of the patriarchs looked at each other and sighed secretly. After talking so much, they didn't want to sell them equipment at a high price. After all, the Sioux tribe holds most of the equipment purchase rights and agency rights.

It's just that when they glanced at the list, they all puffed several times before they calmed down.

These equipment are not expensive, but too cheap!

"You guys discuss it, discuss it with the races below, and finally report the number to me. Within thirty cosmic days, all these equipment will arrive."

After speaking, Yao Hansu looked at the patriarchs and said, "If your needs are sufficient, you can sell some outside. Of course, keep a low profile. As for who the 'outside' refers to, everyone knows in their hearts."

Many people's faces changed when they heard Yao Hansu.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't do anything that harms the Sioux family, I don't care who you associate with. After all, the Sioux family was weak in the past, and I can understand your intention to be second-hand. But still the same sentence, you guys It’s fine to keep in touch with them, but if you betray the Sioux or harm the Sioux, then don’t blame me for disregarding my friendship for so many years.”

Yao Hansu stood up and said, "You guys can talk to Jiesu about the rest."

After speaking, the patriarch of the Sioux clan left the house.


Musk star.

Stele Yin looked at the receipt in his hand, hehe laughed, and said to Yiserwei who was by his side: "It seems that we still underestimated your friend's talent and ability in equipment manufacturing."

Esther Wei proudly said: "That's right! Old man, how about it, can you trust him this time?"

Beiyin laughed: "I trusted him a long time ago, otherwise I would help him with his almost words and a block? Do we really think that our Musk people are a charity? It's just that he is like this now, and my confidence is even stronger. "

"Also, my good daughter, what do you think is the ultimate goal of this kid from Earth?"


Old Cork, he got the shipment he wanted after five days, but what he didn't know was that this situation was happening in many cities on every survivor's fort, and the sellers didn't have any big merchants. It was those merchants who had been in business for many years with a guaranteed reputation. At the beginning, the buyers were also small and medium-sized races. Slowly, some big families also participated.

Of course, this is a process. The big clan really started to enter the market, about 50 or 60 universes later, when batches of equipment were secretly rolled out to the market.

The reason for this situation is that the huge seemingly endless supply of goods has almost fed the small and medium races with purchasing power, but the supply of goods is still continuous, and the bolder ones began to contact the big clans quietly.

It's cheap and doesn't take advantage of the bastards. When these big clans see these low-priced equipment, they don't care where it comes from. Buy it first and then talk.

So after a few days of stagnation, sales began to increase suddenly.

At this time, there are still five days before the auction of the Talos Red Dwarf.

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