Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-nine first sight in the city of the gods (Part 1)

While the Star-Eye Clan was still thinking of ways to deal with Ye Zhongming, the King of Genting had already arrived at Survivor Fortress No. 7, because the auction of the Talos Red Dwarf would be held here.

This is also the headquarters of the Red Dwarves of Talos.

This time it was Zizikaba who followed Ye Zhongming, and both of them brought masks and items to hide their identities.

The Su people can come, but Jie Su can't. He is one of the important suspects in the hunting ground of the planet. Naturally, it is impossible to show up here openly, otherwise it would be like slapping the Hall star in the face.

Naturally, the Star-Eye Clan couldn't come. If they appeared here, the Hall Stars wouldn't mind a major accident.

Naturally, Ye Zhongming couldn't come, but he has many things to hide his identity, and to a certain extent, he is still one of the 'protagonists' of this auction, so he had to come.

At the same time, this is a provincial capital that has not existed for a long time for all races in the universe, and many people and forces will come to join in the fun, such as the dark side.

This dark gathering was held here, and it was just the night before the Talos Red Dwarf's auction, that is, tonight.

After Zizikaba and Ye Zhongming met again, they came to the City of Artisan, which is the royal city of those dwarfs.

Su Cheng once gave Ye Zhongming a great shock, and that kind of extreme defense made the king of Yunding very envious. It's not that he didn't imagine that one day he would build his base like that in the future, but he told Jie Su that After reading it, I gave up the idea.

Not to mention that those intertwined forms of the ultimate defensive formation without dead ends are the secrets of the Sioux. Even if it can be arranged for Ye Zhongming's base, it will take more than ten cosmic years at the fastest time, and the consumption of months and years of gold There are even countless numbers, and Jie Su is not too clear about it, so he only gave a rough idea, but even Ye Zhongming felt desperate after hearing that number.

Also, money is not enough, because all kinds of materials are almost treasures for arranging the defensive formations at the bottom of the box of the Sioux, and money may not be able to get them. It is estimated that it will not take ten years to gather these materials. Not for eight years.

But here, that is, Artisan City, this name is actually not the official name of Talos Red Dwarf King City, but a name evolved by many people because of the ability of these dwarves in equipment manufacturing. But after so many years, Talos Red The dwarf has always liked this name, so he continued to call it that way.

It doesn't matter whether there is a master craftsman in this city.

Of course, there are now.

So this city, now lives up to its name.

Just like weapons and equipment, metal is the eternal subject, and this master craftsman city is also full of full metal style.

The whole city is artificially divided into three parts. From a distance, it looks like a metal mountain. The three parts are the upper and lower floors.

The bottom floor has the largest area. It is the same as a normal city, except that there are thick or thin metal pillars in various places in the city to support the upper two-story structure. The thin ones have arms, which probably do not play a role They are used for support, but have other uses. The thicker ones are estimated to be as big as a residential area in an ordinary city, and it may take more than ten minutes to go around them. It is more appropriate to say that they are pillars, rather than a metal mountain.

It is such a mess of various pillars that gives the city of Shenjiang an alternative style.

In the middle of the city, there is the thickest metal mountain. There is a road leading to the second floor of the city. It is very wide and strong, and huge metal machinery can often be seen walking on it.

Compared with the second floor, which is scattered and supported, the third floor of the city is much more orderly. It is a city in the air supported by twelve giant pillars protruding from the second floor, above which is a complete metal building. The castle, at the top of the castle, is a huge honeycomb-shaped irregular sphere, and you can occasionally see the light shining inside.

Faced with this vast and towering city, everyone will feel their own insignificance when looking at it before entering the city.

Artisan City, City of Metal, City of Giant Peaks... There are other nicknames with more than two digits.

"On the No. 7 survivor's fortress, the Artisan City and the surrounding farmland occupy one-twentieth of the area. This is a terrifying figure, and it can be seen that these dwarves are domineering."

Zizikaba knew Ye Zhongming's affairs very well, so he knew the grievances between this man and the Talos red dwarf, so he stood on Ye Zhongming's side when he spoke, which sounds very agreeable sense.

"Maybe it's because they are not tall enough. They make everything taller than this city. Building on the ground can no longer satisfy their hearts, so they built it like this."

"It's just that I have to admire their talent in construction. This seemingly messy city is full of metal flavors. When it comes to defensive power, it will never be much weaker than Sioux City. If the full value is one hundred , Sioux City has a full score, and here must have at least ninety-five points."

The two of them were driving the vehicle towards the city along the huge traffic flow while chatting.

Zizikaba obviously knows this place very well, and he introduced it effortlessly and convincingly.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said, "Organ?"

"Part." Zizikaba replied: "This place is naturally full of all kinds of mechanisms, and it is difficult to move an inch as long as they are activated, but this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is the artisan city, which is known as the first guard of all races in the universe. Mechanical Legion."

Because there are too many lives who want to participate in this grand event, for safety reasons, the Talos red dwarves issued an air ban early on, so unless some people with status, other people have to enter the city from the eight roads. You can only enter after inspection.

As a result, traffic jams became the norm, and the speed of the vehicle was very slow, giving the two people enough time to chat.

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