Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and seventy first sight in the city of the gods (middle)

Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes.

It's another Lieutenant, these dwarves are really rich.

Out of habit, Ye Zhongming had the urge to go up and study it.

But he also knew that before he got close, he would be melted by this thing.

"Do you know how many Fierce Gods the Talos Red Dwarves have now?" Ye Zhongming interrupted suddenly, he was really interested in this.

Zizikaba smiled, "I don't know that, in any race, the number and capabilities of the Raging God-level equipment are all top secrets. Don't look at what we know now which race has which Raging God-level equipment, but That's because they were seen by others when they got or used this piece of equipment. But no one really knows if they have other equipment, and the abilities of the Raging God-level equipment they know."

Ye Zhongming nodded, in fact, this is normal.

Many races are willing to talk about the rank of the strongest in the clan, because it involves many aspects, such as the evaluation of race and everyone's identification with this race, which in turn affects aspects such as business rights and so on.

But the Raging God class, which can change the situation or even the fate of a race, is equivalent to nuclear weapons in peacetime, and it really is better to hide it as deeply as possible. At certain moments, for certain super-rich families, you know me As long as there is, as for what and how much there is, you don't need to investigate.

The purpose is to scare you.

"Aside from other things, even the Sioux clan that is closely related to you, their Lieutenant-level is actually far from what you see on the surface, and they all have stuff at the bottom of the box."

Zizikaba answered a few digressions. He was actually quite interested in this question, so he added a few more sentences.

"Everyone says that the red dwarves of Talos may have five or even seven pieces of Raging God-level equipment, but in fact, I guess, they should have more than ten pieces of this top-level equipment in their hands, and three of them are certain. The Sky Hammer and the Armor of Shadow, but I can confirm five pieces here, because there are records in the Library Palace, and the Abyss Ax and Falling Court Cannon are also here."

Ye Zhongming became interested as soon as he heard it, there are five Liaring Gods with names and surnames.

"In addition to these five pieces, according to some not-so-clear records and clues, it is very likely that the 'Fangqiu' and 'Thousand Feeding Magic Pot' are also in their hands. The probability is very high. In addition to those rumored by the outside world, more than ten pieces Probably more than seventy percent."

"Now that they have a master craftsman, it means that they have successfully produced the Lie Shen class. If the number does not exceed ten, then it is unreasonable."

Zizikaba now lacks the eyesight and ferocity he had in the novice battlefield, and has an excellent attitude towards Ye Zhongming.

"Speaking of the city's defense force, there is a three-tiered urban structure, and the residents on the bottom layer are composed, so that these dwarves have ample room to play. So they announced a rule many, many years ago, Known as the defense law of the Artisan City, these settled residents are issued mechanical armor, everyone joins the defense system, and each house is a small fortress."

Ye Zhongming was stunned when he heard this. At this time, their vehicle had arrived not far from the huge and majestic city gate, and hundreds of soldiers in armor could already be seen checking the past lives and identity plates one by one. Yes, along with racial registration and identification.

The traffic flow is getting slower and slower, and it has stopped here.

Ye Zhongming sat in the vehicle and said with some surprise: "All the people are soldiers? To achieve this, the price will not be small."

Zizikaba smiled when he heard this, "The word "all people are soldiers" is a good use."

"The people here rely on those dwarves for their food. The people at the bottom are responsible for all the food, drink, food, housing and transportation of the dwarves. There are a lot of dwarves, and the manpower required for these aspects is a huge number."

"Besides, this is a city of equipment manufacturing, where astronomical amounts of various metals and materials are needed every day. In any case, although these dwarves are not generous, they are at least fair in the transaction, so they are willing to There are a lot of people who sell them materials.


"But as you can see, the lowest level of the city of craftsmen is all small fortresses. There is no structure like a commercial street at all. It is naturally impossible for foreign businessmen to settle here, so the people here are born to go out to run business. .Buy the materials outside, and dedicate the original price to the red dwarves of Talos."

"Original price?" Ye Zhongming asked.

"Yes, the original price. They will sell it to these dwarves for as much as they received, and they will get a certain amount of salary and cultivation resources just like other people who provide basic services for the dwarves."

"Employment relationship?" Ye Zhongming couldn't understand what Zizikaba said, because this kind of relationship was not very reliable.

"Here, free medical care, free housing, free education, and free living costs. The only function of the salary you get is to buy what you need for cultivation. Once you advance, you will get various rewards."

"In addition, the Talos red dwarves are famous outside, no one will provoke them, so these people who are attached to them will not encounter trouble."

"You see, living here saves worry, effort and money. The cohesion is very strong. The only thing they have to do is to wear the mechanical armor distributed to them to fight when there is an invasion from outside."

"Will someone invade their Artisan City now? No, so..."

Zizikaba shrugged, and finally explained the characteristics of the first floor of the City of Gods.

At this time, the vehicle of the two people came to the front of the checkpoint, Zizikaba opened the door, and handed over their ID cards with Ye Zhongming.

It is not difficult for them to get a certificate and make themselves conform to the certificate.

Soon, these soldiers in mechanical armor returned their credentials, and after scanning the vehicle, they let it go.

The speed of entering the city is much faster. For this auction, the red dwarves of Talos specially emptied a large area of ​​the city. As long as they enter and register and pay, they can get a shelter.

Naturally, this is only the case for people with no background. Those with certain status, or those from a large family, can live on the second floor.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the scene? I have a way to get an invitation letter." After settling down in a fairly tidy little house, Zizikaba asked Ye Zhongming.

The auction is held at the real core of the red dwarves of Talos on the third floor, and it is not accessible to ordinary people.

"Isn't it a live broadcast throughout the city? It's the same whether you go or not." Ye Zhongming waved his hands indifferently, then suddenly looked at Zizikaba and said, "Want to go out for a stroll?"

Zizikaba's expression changed, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing." Ye Zhongming smiled: "You only told me the reason for the formation of the Mechanical Legion of the Divine Craftsman City, but you didn't tell me how powerful they are, so I'm going to try."

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