Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-two: The age of the craftsman (Part 1)

At least in the eyes of outsiders, Artisan City is still as busy as ever.

The mysterious actions of the mechanical legion did not seem to cause any fluctuations. The place is still full of mechanical roars day and night, and the air is filled with the smell of melting metal.

Ordinary visitors and buyers looked at the goods in the place marked by the red dwarves of Talos, and those who had something, gathered on the second floor and talked about what they wanted to talk about. And the real big shots who came here were all waiting quietly on the third floor.

A fierce god-level auction started in such a situation.

Whether it was an ordinary participant who didn't know something happened secretly, or a big shot who was sensitive to the situation, they were all deeply shocked at that moment.

The time was announced before, and the entire Divine Craftsman City seemed to wake up.

First, there was a shock that was not too violent, but everyone could clearly feel it. The whole city shook slightly under the horrified eyes of many people. the life of the city.

In this kind of shock and panic, everyone raised their heads and looked at the highest place in the whole city——God's Eye.

There, something more like a symbol of Artisan City opened up.

Even for many people who live in Divine Craftsman City, this is the first time they have seen the divine eye open.

When it is not opened, the divine eye is more like a metal ball. People with high strength or sensitive perception can feel the slightest coercion from above. But in the eyes of more people, this thing is just a symbol.

Inside the dwarves, there is actually a ranking of master craftsmen. This ranking is not based on strength, but on "generation". It is also the only piece of Raging God-level equipment made by three master craftsmen so far.

That era was the glorious era of the red dwarves of Talos. Many people said that if those dwarves wanted to unify all races in the universe at that time, they should be able to do it.

It's a pity that the dwarves at that time were all focused on manufacturing equipment, and had no interest in unification. This situation has continued for many years, and lasted for the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations. Era, in every era, there are at least three master craftsmen of the Talos red dwarves, and even five master craftsmen lived together in the seventh generation at its peak.

At that time, it was also the era when a large number of Raging God level weapons came out, accounting for almost a small half of all Raging God level weapons.

After the God's Eye was created by the fifth generation of artisans, it was placed on the built artisan city in the seventh generation and became the patron saint of the city.

It has only been opened three times so far.

The first time it was put on for the first time, it enveloped the entire city under its own protection, making the city shine for three days, as if it was telling the world.

The second time was during the famous 'Day and Twilight War', when the army of five million was approaching the city, God's Eye launched its attack, directly defeating the siege battle that had not yet started.

The last time, it had something to do with the Star-Eyed Clan. At that time, the awesome bronze commander stirred up the situation among all the races in the universe, and there was an existence who was also a big man among the top masters who challenged the Talos red dwarf who had no master craftsman in a very short period of time. One blow severely injured that powerful being, causing him to retreat and die within ten years due to the deteriorating injuries.

Someone once said that if it wasn't for that person's withdrawal, maybe that change might really bring about drastic changes in the universe.

Now, this is the fourth time that God's Eye has opened its pupils.

Because the Divine Craftsman City has three floors, although the area becomes smaller as it goes up, this is only relative to the first floor. In fact, even the highest third floor has an area equivalent to a large city.

And the divine eye is on a high tower above the third floor. Normally, even on the third floor, there will be a place directly below where the divine eye cannot be seen.

Not to mention the lower two floors.

However, everyone who reached out to Godcraft City felt that God's eyes were watching them.

Then, the huge eye emitted a series of halos, and these pale silver halos fell from the third floor one by one. The diameter is just enough to 'set' on the border of the Godsmith City, and each circle will change as the height drops. It is dim, but it can leave a light curtain at the place where it falls.

Soon, the entire city was shrouded in light.

Only God's Eye stands proudly above the city, watching here and the world.

Afterwards, the divine eyes turned and slowly turned towards the sky, like a smoke ring, spraying a colorful circle of energy into the sky, this circle of energy rose slowly, until it reached a certain height, it suddenly exploded and turned into seven colors The light is shining, slowly falling from the sky.

The strange thing is that even if these rays of light disappear on the ground, they will not stop, and there are still colorful lights on it.

Everyone was shocked.

This kind of seven-color light obviously needs energy consumption, and falling from such a high place, the energy consumption will not be less.

For such a large area, it is already a lot to consume it once, but now, it keeps falling like this? ! How much energy is needed to create such a spectacle?

Are all these energies provided by the divine eyes? Can this be done with just one launch?

Everyone is extremely shocked at this moment, including Ye Zhongming.

They are not ordinary evolutionaries, so they can feel the hugeness of this power even more.

Just when everyone was overwhelmed by this situation, a voice resounded in the entire city of craftsmen.

"Welcome to the city of craftsmen!"

At this moment, amidst the rising light, countless images with a height of four or five meters and a width of two or three meters appeared, which were very realistic, almost comparable to holographic images.

"I am the new patriarch of the red dwarves of Talos, Heiting Yanting." The dwarf who spoke was not so strong, and his clothes were very simple, looking like an ordinary person.

Many people were shocked when they heard this, the new patriarch?

"At the same time, I also want to introduce someone, my wife, my clansman, Lingqin! Our master craftsman."

Next to him, a female dwarf appeared. She didn't wear commoner clothes like the patriarch, but she only wore ordinary equipment. Everyone couldn't help feeling that she no longer needed to use equipment to show herself.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't finished my self-introduction." The patriarch Heiting Yanting said with a smile: "I am also a master craftsman."

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