Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-three: The age of the craftsman (below)

At the beginning, the entire scene and the Divine Craftsman City, which was able to watch the live broadcast, were silent for a while, and then there were cheers that shook the sky.

That voice made the whole city tremble slightly.

Double God Craftsman!

It is said that these foreigners who came here, even these people from Shenjiang City, heard this news for the first time, and were deeply shocked by it.

It was also the first time for many Talos red dwarves to hear about it, and they cheered and roared without image.

No one knows better than them what the Double God Craftsman means to them.

From above the light curtain, many people could see that even at the Liaoshen-level auction site, those big figures sitting there were very shocked, no longer the silence or even indifference just now, and there was an unconcealable surprise on their faces.

Ye Zhongming and Zizikaba glanced at each other in this area belonging to outsiders, and both saw the deep shock in each other's eyes.

Just like the people around them now.

Among the Taros red dwarves, no, there is a saying among all the races in the universe that although the Talos red dwarves have always maintained a very strong strength, from a relative perspective, there are also periods of weakness and periods of prosperity of.

The weaker one is the era without master craftsmen. The dwarves in this era may not have any reduction in personal force, but in terms of their basic equipment manufacturing, they cannot manufacture raging god-level equipment.

Of course, even if the Talos red dwarves can't make the Vulcan, other races can't make it either, so this is actually nothing.

In the strong period, when there are more than two master craftsmen, the Talos red dwarves will come to a stage of leap in strength.

This is actually easy to understand. What is the sign of a master craftsman? It is the successful manufacture of Raging God-level equipment, so there are two master craftsmen, which means that the entire Talos red dwarf has two more Raging God-level equipment.

There is almost no comparison in the combat effectiveness of a peak master with Lie Shen level equipment and a peak master without Lie God level equipment.

Between the two periods, the dwarves call it the plateau, when they have but one master craftsman.

In the history of the dwarves, more than half of the time is in a stable period, two-fifths of the time is a weak period, and only one-tenth of the time is a strong period.

Originally, everyone thought that the red dwarves of Talos were just in a stable period, but unexpectedly, they went from a weak period to a strong period!

For the Talos red dwarves themselves, this is naturally a great thing, which means that they can continue to enjoy the glory of the race.

But for other races and Ye Zhongming who already regarded them as enemies, the news was not so good.

These dwarves are already very powerful in combat. They are the kind whose cultivation talents are at the average level of all races in the universe, but whose bodies are top-notch. In addition, although they are not top-notch, they are also ranked in the forefront of life expectancy and good fertility. After possessing a unique manufacturing talent, the Talos red dwarves must be a powerful race.

And the current configuration of the two master craftsmen will make the Talos red dwarves even stronger. They are stronger, which is naturally not a good thing for their enemies.

"It seems that your actions this time are more irritating to them." Zizikaba said softly.

Ye Zhongming nodded, he knew what his companion meant.

For matters like the double master craftsman, it can be made public a few years earlier, a few years later, or announced publicly. In fact, you can wait and choose. Announcing the birth of a new master craftsman at certain critical moments will definitely have a better effect than now.

What are the benefits of the announcement of the double god craftsman now? Can you sell the Raging God for a higher price? Won't. Even because of the advent of the new master craftsman, many people are worried, worried that the quality of the Liaoshen grade sold is mediocre, or worried that the dwarves will come up with one for sale again in the future, which is of better quality and cheaper.

The only thing that can be explained is that the dwarves were in a hurry. They discovered that someone could make their equipment, and that their technology had been cracked.

It has even become a very large scale, with a mature inheritance system.

Under such circumstances, while the red dwarves of Talos are secretly looking for these people, they must tell all life in the universe that even if someone cracks and imitates their manufacturing technology, they are still unrivaled in the world at a truly high-end level!

At the same time, this is also a warning to the forces that cracked the manufacturing technology, telling them that the Talos red dwarves have entered a powerful period, and anyone who dares to oppose them will die.

"I know that before this auction, many people thought that we would put up a former Liar God-level work for auction, and the performance of this work would be the worst among all equipment of the same level. .”

Heiting Yanting said to everyone with a smile.

"It's normal for you to have this kind of thinking, but what I want to say is..." The patriarch of the Talos red dwarf narrowed his eyes slightly and continued: "This is all your own thinking, and you are using your own thinking to speculate our technology."

This is a bit blunt, but since this Heiting Yanting is the patriarch and a master craftsman, he is a peak master plus a master craftsman, such a person has the confidence to say this.

"Each of our Talos red dwarves' Ragnarok is a perfect work, otherwise it would not be called such a sacred title. Each work has its own unique ability and is unique."

"They are all the best!"

The patriarch spoke with great confidence, but it was difficult to say what the listeners thought.

Saying that your lot is perfect before the auction is suspected of raising the price.

"I know that I can't convince everyone, so today, my clansmen and I have made a decision."

Heiting Yanting looked around the scene, and waved his hand forcefully in front of him.

"We will take out two pieces of Raging God-level equipment, announce their performance, and then let everyone on the scene vote to choose which one to auction!"

Before he finished speaking, there was already a commotion below.

This was completely unimaginable in the past. After all, in the few Liaoshen-level auctions, what can be announced is the name plus the real thing and the price. Others are only known to the successful bidders.

But now they have to make such a change, even if they don't get it in the end, they can still know what the two pieces of Lieutenant-level equipment are.

"One of these two pieces of equipment was ordered before, and the other was recently made by our Talos red dwarf craftsman."

Heiting Yanting had an inexplicable smile on his face.

"By the way, the author is not me, nor Lingqin, but Utata... another master craftsman of our Talos red dwarves."

As soon as the words fell, a dwarf walked slowly from behind carrying two boxes.

Everyone else has only one thought in their minds at the moment.

Three master craftsmen!

These dwarves turned out to be three craftsmen!

In this case, there is a recognized name.

The age of the master craftsman!

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