Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-four sealed

The shock that the double master craftsman brought to each race is enough, but when the three master craftsmen come to this world, there is no need to add after the word shock.

The three master craftsmen means that the red dwarves of Talos have three more pieces of fierce god-level equipment, which means that the number of such top-level artifacts in their hands must exceed ten, and may even go directly to twenty.

How many peak masters are there among the Talos red dwarves? There are only a few of them on the surface, but everyone knows that there are still some monsters in this group of dwarves.

Well, the news that is not very good for all races is that once there is a war with the red dwarves of Talos, the peak masters of them may each have a raging god.

Of course, it's also possible that they don't have so many peak masters, so congratulations, their peak masters may have two Liaring Gods per capita.

This alone allowed these dwarves to overwhelm all the super giants in terms of top-level combat power, even including the three most powerful races at the top, the Lena Stars, the Hall Stars, and the Gu Rui Royal Family.

These dwarves used to be a super rich race, and their overall strength could rank among the top five races. Now, they may be among the top three.

They now have the confidence and ability to confront the Lena Stars and Hall Stars directly.

Many people thought of their active performance in the Council of Ten Thousand Races when they stood on the side of the Hall Stars to suppress the Sioux. Now, they all got the answer here.

That may be a signal that the Talos red dwarf seeks the authority of all races in the universe.

Representatives of many races that can influence all races in the universe are already considering how to deal with these dwarves in the future.

The new master craftsman put the two exquisite boxes on the two display stands respectively, and then stood beside Lingqin.

This master craftsman named Utata is the best-dressed among the three, and he is dressed in a Kegang-level suit...

"Don't worry, everyone. We will enter this link later. Now, what we want to show you is another gift we have prepared."

Heiting Yanting said with a smile, while waving his hands to the back, immediately eight dwarves driving a huge beast cart appeared in the venue.

"Tanxili!" Zizikaba said in a low voice, but Ye Zhongming could still hear the surprise in his tone.

He had heard of this name before, but he had never seen it before. He even thought about it for a long time before he remembered the information about this beast.

Tanxili, a mutant life that is almost extinct, has a strong body and combat power. Their time from birth to adulthood is very short, only twelve cosmic years, but their lifespan can reach a long life of nearly five hundred years.

Although the price is that their reproductive ability is not strong, it does not prevent them from continuously increasing their strength when they are adults, and it will not stop until the last fifty years of their lives.

That is to say, this kind of mutated life will only be able to reach the peak of its strength when its life is drawing to a close.

It sounds weak, but on the contrary, they are born at level nine, even the most innately endowed individual can become a super nine life in a hundred years, and then until the peak of three hundred and fifty years, they rely on time The heap will also become a remarkable existence.

It is this characteristic of Tanxili that makes them the object of competition among various races, and it is precisely because of their strength that they follow the top-level intelligent life in the universe.

After that, there was endless fighting and a sharp decrease in numbers.

Up to now, the sandalwood is almost extinct, but I didn't expect the dwarves to still exist here, and there are still two ends!

"It's really showing us what's in the house." After Zizikaba calmed down, he smiled coldly.

This may be a signal for the dwarves to seek the authority of all races in the universe, but it is also a warning! It doesn't matter who this warning is aimed at.

The car pulled by Tan Juli stopped in the middle of the auction. Hei Ting Yanting went over in person, first touched Tan Juli's head, and then shook his hands slightly, and the huge box placed behind the beast cart was taken away. He lifts up.

In fact, his hands did not touch the box,

But I can't see any light of energy precipitation.

In front of the huge box, Heiting Yanting looked very small, but the box was very obedient, it left the beast car and landed on the ground smoothly and quietly.

Heiting Yanting waved his hand again, and the metal box made a clicking sound. The whole metal box was like building blocks being disassembled and reassembled, and it was laid flat on the ground in a short while, revealing the neat and tidy clothes inside. Small boxes stacked together.

"This is a sealed box, a piece of 'luck' given to you by our Talos red dwarves. Of course, luck really depends on luck."

Heiting Yanting said with a smile: "One million monthly gold, what you can get depends entirely on luck. There should be some news before, but I still want to introduce some."

"In the sealed box, there are weapons and equipment, rare treasures, art treasures, beast eggs of war pets... and the fully-assisted combat system that our Talos red dwarves have just successfully developed recently."

"As for what this combat system is and what kind of capabilities it has, I'm sorry everyone. Only customers who get it from the sealed box or buy it directly can know. The price is five million monthly gold per set. "

After finishing speaking, Heiting Yanting raised his head slightly, so that the other beings who looked at him through the colorful light in the city of Godsmith felt as if they were being watched.

"Everyone at the Chamber of Commerce is also eligible to buy, and there will also be a batch of sealed boxes for sale there."

Many people looked around when they heard this sentence, and they found a vehicle in four directions, and the opened compartment was full of such exquisite boxes.

"Oh, by the way, let me also say that although there are good things and bad things in the sealed box, some are worthless and some are priceless, but aside from them, the sealed box itself is a good thing , it is a piece of space equipment, although it is not too big inside, but it can store some items, some special substances such as those whose energy activity will dissipate, you can put them in it, which can play a role in extending the storage period , and, this box can be put into space equipment."

After finishing speaking, Heiting Yanting stopped talking nonsense, but pointed to the terminal on each table of everyone present, "You can place an order on it, and after payment, our people will deliver the quantity you purchased to your hands. Business Those of you who will meet, you can go to the four sales outlets to buy."

Interested people immediately started buying after everyone heard it, and the scene became a bit chaotic.

Ye Zhongming didn't move, he was thinking about what Heiting Yanting said.

It can be put into space equipment...

Dwarves, have you mastered the technology of space folding? Then if I master it, can I take out the Fallen Saint Bow without waiting for the two elemental elves to grow up?

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