Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-five luck

"Buy it?" Zizikaba had a headache.

There are naturally many good things in the sealed box, but the price is really expensive, a million-month-old gold, and this price alone directly excludes some less powerful middle-level races.

They can buy a lot of Hongning grade with this money, so there is no need to gamble here. Because once the bet is lost, for many middle races, the next cosmic year may have to live on a tight budget.

There are only a few powerful middle races and big races that can afford to buy it without affecting the operation of the race. But don't forget, if you buy one, you will want to buy the second one, no matter what the first one is. what.

In this case, if you don’t spend a few million, you won’t give up. Basically, only the rich and super rich are the absolute main buyers. For other races, it’s good to buy one or two once in a while.

Although Zizikaba is also a person of status, it is a bit difficult for him to come up with one million monthly pensions.

But who wouldn't want to see what's inside?

Ye Zhongming nodded: "Buy it, buy ten first and see."

Zizikaba was helpless by Ye Zhongming's tone. Sure enough, craftsmen are local tyrants.

They didn't know the purchase situation on the third floor. Ye Zhongming directly transferred five million to Zizikaba, and the two bought it separately, so as not to buy too much and attract attention.

The first floor was called by Hei Ting Yan Ting as the site of the trade fair. The four sales outlets were quickly surrounded, but the order was still good. Half of the people were watching the fun, and half of the other half bought one or two to try. Try your luck.

Of course, there are also generous ones. After all, there must be something of great value in it. If you encounter it, you will make a lot of money, so you can buy five or six, seven or eight at a time, and some ten, but the quantity is not large. Most of them are relatively well-known races.

There will be no more, and until now, no one has bought twenty people at once.

Ye Zhongming and Zizikaba bought five sealed boxes respectively. When they came back, Zizikaba wanted to give the five sealed boxes to Ye Zhongming, but was rejected by the King of Cloud Top.

"This is for you, smell good." Ye Zhongming said with a smile.

Zizikaba has been trying his best to cooperate since he knew that Ye Zhongming was the person chosen by the library palace. This is true for business affairs and private affairs. Ye Zhongming is very grateful to him, and he will not be stingy when he has the opportunity this time.

This is also a straightforward person. After understanding what Ye Zhongming meant, he didn't shirk too much, and simply started to open the box.

At this time, someone had already opened it, and there were exclamations one after another, some excited or sighing, obviously related to what was opened.

I have to say that the tricks of the dwarf's dream and geology really captured the gambling and herd mentality in people's hearts. I can't stand it anymore.

No, in a place not far from Ye Zhongming, a person opened a Hum egg. This thing will be a super nine-level thing after it grows up. Three and a half million or four million monthly gold, females are more expensive.

Someone also offered a set of five pieces of Hongning grade and one piece of Lenny grade, and the premium exceeded hundreds of thousands to one million months of gold. After all, there is a huge price gap between these equipments, whether they are ordinary or high-quality goods, and the specifics need to be identified.

Of course, there are premiums, and there are naturally losses.

This guy put six pieces of equipment in one box just now, so he was very lucky. But there were also ones that were ordered, which were still of Hongning level, and the value was only tens of thousands of months of gold, which made that person beating his chest and stamping his feet with regret.

These have stimulated the people around, so ushered in the second wave of sales climax.

Zizikaba had already opened the first box at this time.

He took out what was inside, looked at it and smiled wryly at Ye Zhongming: "I think this thing is a pit."

What he opened was a scroll, not a skill or equipment, but a painting.

Landscape painting, real landscape painting.

What's more pitiful is not this, but the artist of this painting is not well-known. At least Zizikaba has lived for so many years and has never heard of it. Even if he is a rising star, the value of this painting is not more than 10,000 months old.

Ye Zhongming wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't expect these dwarves to be quite entertaining.

Zizikaba opened the second, the third and the last one.

Hongning class...Lenny class...

Zizikaba's complexion is not very good.

Does he lack equipment now? Can following Ye Zhongming lack Lenny-level equipment? He now has a set of high-quality Lenny grades specially customized for him by Ye Zhongming.

These two things add up to hundreds of thousands, which is really useless to him.

When the fourth item came out, Zizikaba became normal.

"Jiaxiao?" Ye Zhongming came over, a little surprised.

This thing is a very precious manufacturing material, which belongs to the kind of metal with great activity. Adding this thing to the joints and other parts of various equipment will not only make it more flexible, but also stronger. It is sold by the gram in the market. The price of a gram is in the tens of thousands of months of gold, so how can such a small piece cost more than three hundred grams, that is, more than three million months of gold.

"It doesn't seem to be a loss." Zizikaba smiled and looked at the fifth one, but his expression just disappeared.

It is a kind of food, although it is also very precious, after eating it can play a role in condensing mental strength, and can also dispel some mental damage, but the price is only 100,000 yuan.

Zizikaba shook his head helplessly, and gave Ye Zhongming all these boxes and equipment, leaving only the painting for himself, which was a warning to his luck.

Ye Zhongming patted Zizikaba on the shoulder to express comfort, and then began to open the five sealed boxes by himself.

A Lenny grade was opened in the first box. Ye Zhongming just checked it briefly, and it was worth two to three hundred thousand at most, which was a big loss.

The things in the second box are better. It is a very famous artwork statue, carved by a peak master. It is said that he has integrated many of his perceptions of martial arts, evolution, and life into this work. So in the past, this thing has been auctioned for a high price of more than five million months old gold.

However, none of the previous funders learned anything from the above, so this thing gradually lost its aura, and it was unexpected that it would be bought by the dwarves.

But these dwarves didn't see anything from it, so they just took it as a prize.

It is estimated that no one will buy this thing for 100,000 yuan now.

Ye Zhongming was not annoyed, he thought it was pretty good. Afterwards, he opened the third box, which was the most common Hongning grade. The fourth box was also equipment, which was pretty good, the high-quality Lenny grade, and its value was at most equal to a million.

Seeing Ye Zhongming's first four boxes, Zizikaba felt much more comfortable.

But when Ye Zhongming opened the fifth box, he couldn't help feeling suspicious while sighing.

Is this guy who just came here for a cosmic year, the chosen one with all the luck?

Ye Zhongming opened the fifth box, which was the combat assistance system that sold for five million!

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