Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and ninety, you shorties are the ones who robbed (Part 1)

"Different eras have resulted in different design concepts, so the gap between the two Raging Gods is quite large." Hei Ting Yanting continued to tell everyone after introducing the various abilities.

"But one thing is certain is that the superiority of Raging God-level equipment has not been surpassed for so many years. Even if there are better weapons and equipment in the future, it must be us Talos red dwarves who designed all these, When I say the future, I mean a thousand years later!"

"Within a thousand years, no one, including us Talos red dwarves, can create more advanced equipment than the Vulcan."

"This is the consensus of several of our master craftsmen, because no matter from the concept to the material or the manufacturing method, the Raging God is the pinnacle. We really can't imagine anything that can be better."

"So everyone, bid with peace of mind, they are the present and future of this era."

"Please choose which one you want to bid, and then send it to the terminal. The time is ten minutes."

After saying this, Heiting Yanting stepped back again to give these buyers time.

"Which one do you think they will choose?" Zizikaba left for a while while the box was being sealed and the auxiliary system was on sale, and when he came back, he heard Heiting Yanting say this, and asked Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, "I think it should be Thunder Wings. After all, this thing is more adaptable and more in line with the personality of the universe."

Zizikaba was confused by what he said, "What is the character of the universe?"

"Good at escaping."

After saying this, Zizikaba frowned, and then smiled wryly.

Why can't he hear that Ye Zhongming is extremely dissatisfied with the practices of the universe and the slaves for so many years?

Although in his heart, he didn't agree with this approach, but he couldn't think of a better way. In this case, it should be the best choice to allow the universe and all races to survive in the universe.

If he was a person in authority, he would probably make such a decision as well.

"The premise of my cooperation with the old dean is that they will help me change the status quo after they are free, or to put it more bluntly, let my words be effective among all races in the universe."

After Ye Zhongming said something softly, he looked at the colorful light curtain and said nothing.

On the third floor, Yao Hansu looked a little like he was going to be strong without desire, and asked lightly which tablet seal he liked.

After a full minute of serious thinking, the stele seal said: "According to the logic, we need the Lightning Wings even more, as it can be well matched with our racial characteristics."

"But, it's obvious that it has existed for a long time." The tablet imprint glanced at Heiting Yanting over there and said, "I don't believe the nonsense he said about a thousand years, these dwarves are as treacherous as ghosts , I am no exception even if they are now producing something more powerful than the Raging God. I believe that their latest works represent their latest ideas and the direction of their future research."

"Since we plan to let Ye Zhongming try to imitate it, we will naturally give him the latest one, so that once he succeeds in imitating it, the ability of the thing will be as close as possible to the current highest level of the dwarves, otherwise it will be the best if he succeeds. There is a huge distance in the gap, so when will we be able to catch up."

"So I think we should choose the Scythe."

Now that Ye Zhongming had agreed to let Ye Zhongming study the Raging God-level equipment, the perspective of the tablet imprint changed. He weighed it and decided to choose the Scythe, which was made more recently.

Yao Hansu nodded in agreement.

"This is money, you can figure it out later."

The patriarch of the Sioux tribe simply sent the money to the tablet seal, and the patriarch of the Musk star looked at the amount and was slightly taken aback.

"I didn't expect you, the Sioux family, to be quite rich." Bei Yin put down the terminal, and his gaze became a little complicated.

The Musk Stars are also a super-rich family, and they have even made great progress under the leadership of the stele in recent years. Although their ranking is not obvious among the super-rich families, many people think that their comprehensive combat power has surpassed the Sioux,

Even in terms of overall strength, it faintly surpassed a little.

But when he saw the money, the stele knew that even if the Musk Stars really surpassed the Sioux in terms of combat power, they must be inferior in terms of overall strength, and the gap in terms of background would be even greater.

Many people feel that the Sioux people are going downhill because of their weak combat effectiveness and their loneliness these years. Maybe they are, but they have been strong for many years. After all, even now there are still many races against Their allegiance.

Under their gentle and calm appearance, they still have some 'heritage'.

At the same time, the current Sioux is not the same as before. After Ye Zhongming went there, the changes of the Sioux are obvious. They have become more open now, and the unique things like arrays have become fixed. Trade items, so now the entire Sioux family has changed from a previous continuous loss to a slight surplus.

For such a big family, even a slight surplus is a huge number.

The Sioux tribe is undergoing rapid changes quietly.

"The result is out, it seems that everyone is more interested in the unknown." Heiting Yanting said so, and many people knew the result.

"More than 60% of the people voted for the Ji Sickle. So today our lot is this weapon." Hei Ting Yanting gestured, and someone came over and took the Thunder Wing off, leaving only the Ji Si Sickle on top.

"The base price of this piece of equipment is 5 billion monthly gold, and each price increase cannot be less than 10 million monthly gold."


On the first floor, Zizikaba looked at Ye Zhongming with a smile after hearing that the final choice was the sickle, which meant that you guessed wrong.

Ye Zhongming shrugged indifferently.

"Both Patriarch Yaohansu and the Patriarch of the Monument chose the Scythe, and the Lena people would have been more inclined to the Scythe, so it's no surprise that it won in the end."

Zizikaba was startled, and looked at Ye Zhongming's terminal, as if he understood something.

As for the Lena Star people, their female patriarch is said to be a person who is good at using order, and anyone who likes the scythe can think of it.

After the two heard the starting price, Zizikaba was speechless in surprise, while Ye Zhongming lamented that his little money was really not even leg hair in front of rich and super rich.

At this time, Zizikaba suddenly lowered his head, fiddled with his terminal twice, and then approached Ye Zhongming and said: "We may not be able to stay and watch the entire auction process, there is a temporary action, I think You can try it."

Ye Zhongming thought of something after hearing this, and his eyes lit up.

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