Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-one, you shorties are the ones who robbed (middle)

Ye Zhongming and Zizikaba returned to their room.

This behavior was actually a bit abrupt, but everyone's attention was focused on the colorful light curtain, and they acted very carefully, so no one noticed.

"Time is running out, we can only make a simple plan."

Zizikaba's heartbeat accelerated a lot, and he was taken aback by the idea, but it cannot be denied that it was the most likely way to obtain a high-level mechanical armor.

His dark spot in Shenjiang City is a high-status foreigner who has his own residence on the second floor. After receiving the news from Zizikaba, he originally wanted to defect directly. A away.

But by chance, he saw an opportunity.

Because of the auction, a large number of Talos red dwarves gathered on the third floor. Except for the big shots participating in the auction, there are no other people from other races, even the servants of other races who are usually responsible for cooking and other miscellaneous tasks. None of them were missing.

The same is true for the second floor. The Talos Red Dwarves belonging to the Mechanical Legion occupy there, guarding all the passages leading to the upper and lower floors. Even if there are foreigners, they are a very trusted minority, and those responsible are still irrelevant. .

As the driver of the fifth-level mechanical armor, Zizikaba's dark spot is very trusted by the dwarves. He had a mission on the second floor and suddenly received an order to bring his 500 men down. A layer of a location to perform security tasks.

After arriving there, the dark spot discovered that for such a seemingly simple task, he was not the highest commander. A Talos red dwarf master in a sixth-level mechanical armor commanded the overall situation.

Still a senior master.

In addition, he also saw three people wearing mechanical armor of the same level as him, one from the Talos Red Dwarf clan, and the other two were foreigners, but their armor serial numbers were in front of him.

In other words, he is the one at the bottom of the ranking among the five commanders here.

What is it that needs to be guarded? Five mechanical legion warriors wearing fifth-level battle armor plus five thousand lowest-level and second-level mechanical legionaries are required to dispatch together?

Because of the task assigned by Zizikaba, this dark spot paid special attention, and found that there are all armor from level six to level two.

So he sent a message to Zizikaba and let the commander of the intelligence department decide for himself.

Zizikaba decided to take a risk.

Over there, among the five masters, one belongs to our side, and here he and Ye Zhongming are three against four, and there is absolutely room for manipulation under the surprise attack.

Under other circumstances, Zizikaba would not have taken such a risk, but this time it was different.

This dark spot is his very good friend, and he has settled down here long ago. Because of his relationship with Zizikaba, he agreed to do things for him. Otherwise, even if Zizikaba has a background in the library palace, it is impossible for such a A dark spot is a man who is well admired by a certain red dwarf of Talos.

You know, the degree to which this dark spot is valued, is enough to come to two third-tier auctions to watch places.

But... Ye Zhongming's Grand Army plan also deeply affected Zizikaba.

Why did he throw himself into the hopeless power of the Library Palace? There must be a reason for the old dean and the librarians to teach him how to practice, but the bigger one is to take a gamble, if the library palace can really break the confinement, then he will become a real big shot.

Now, the appearance of Ye Zhongming erased the word of confusion deep in his heart, leaving only hope.

Under the auspices of a great craftsman like Ye Zhongming, the Grand Army Project made the word "hope" shine.

Zizikaba became bolder.

How could it be possible for a person who can make the choice to join the library palace not to be very courageous.

Coincidentally, Ye Zhongming is also such a person.

The two of them just had a brief discussion and came up with a seemingly rough but very bold and simple plan.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the entire Talos red dwarf to concentrate most of its power on the second and third floors,

As well as the gap in the commercial area on the first floor, let's make a surprise attack on Yuandun.

"Two points, first, can you not attract a lot of attention when you do it. Second, how to leave."

Ye Zhongming asked Zizikaba.

"The first point requires us to cooperate with each other. No one can say for sure what will happen. We can only try our best." Zizikaba said to Ye Zhongming while making preparations.

"As for how to leave, that dark spot has a way. That's the way he left long ago."

Ye Zhongming looked at Zizikaba and chose to believe him.

The two of them packed up and left here. As for the identities that will be checked and registered here after the incident, they are not afraid at all, it is all fake.

It only took a few minutes for the two of them to leave the business area and move quickly towards the location sent by the dark spot.

The auction at this time has just entered the first round of bidding, and the bids are from some big families, and those super big families that are really powerful have not yet made a bid.

However, the price had soared to 6.2 billion, which surprised Ye Zhongming who had been listening to the voice.

According to this trend, once the super rich join in, how far will the price get?

By the time the two arrived at the agreed place, the price had already exceeded seven billion.

The Raging God-level equipment, which can improve the strength of the peak masters, seems to be too attractive to any race. Even if it is ridiculously expensive, they are willing to buy it with a lot of money, because there is such a thing, which is likely to be used in the future. Able to save the race from peril.

In the dark corner, a shadow quickly came over. It was a high-level mechanical armor that Ye Zhongming had never seen before. It was marked with Ⅴ——17, which should be the dark spot of wearing a fifth-level armor.

This level of battle armor is called the 'Fan Shuo' level.

Dark Spot and Zizikaba had a special means of communication, and they found the hiding place of the two of them directly, and they became excited when they saw the mechanical armor they were wearing.

With this thing as a cover, the matter is more certain this time.

"Get rid of them one by one?" Dark Point opened the hatch and quickly communicated with the two to confirm.

Their goal is a few advanced mechanical armors, and they only need to kill the drivers of these advanced armors.

"Yes." Zizikaba finished speaking and looked at Ye Zhongming to see if he had anything to add.

"What's in the warehouse you guard?" Ye Zhongming asked suddenly.

He froze for a moment, frowned and said he didn't know, Zizikaba also felt that the focus of Ye Zhongming's attention at this time was not appropriate.

Ye Zhongming did not explain, but directly made a decision.

"We're going to go into the warehouse if we get the chance."

After saying this sentence, Ye Zhongming didn't say anything else, his gaze passed the dark spot, and landed on a patrolling Mechanical Legion soldier in the distance.

It was a week-level three-level battle armor, and there was an obvious number in a conspicuous place.


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