Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and four black witch area

"Two Plus One"

A huge shadow appeared on this side of the city wall, not from the side of the orcs, but from the side of Yunding.

This is a very large pendulum. After it appeared on the city wall, a hole appeared on the pendulum, and a miserable green spear tail could be seen still in the hole.

The other side of the spear pierced behind Gan Lan's right shoulder.

Although it seemed that it only penetrated a little bit, the huge energy impact directly caused her entire right shoulder to explode, and her arm fell to the side.

The huge pendulum did not lose its function because of the hole in the top, but began to swing on the top of the city. The first time it hit, there was a roar, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye spread down the city. Those orc warriors who rushed under the city wall The movements immediately became sluggish.

But it was not them who were most affected, but their mounts.

When the sound waves spread from these mounts, many of them seemed to be frightened, fear appeared in their eyes, and many of them frantically stopped and swayed their bodies from side to side, and even slightly resisted the orders of the soldiers.

Many orc warriors have never seen such a situation with their war beasts in their entire lives. They even forgot that they were attacking the city at this moment, and lowered their heads and tried every means to appease their mounts.

The pendulum on the top of the city swung for a second time at this time.

The visible sound waves became more intense this time. After passing the city wall, the orc warriors changed from slowness to pain.

They felt that their heads and bodies were expanding, and they felt like they were about to burst.

The war beasts were even more unbearable. They had changed from being restless just now to fleeing in all directions.

The Yunding fighters would not let go of such an opportunity. The defensive firepower became fierce at this moment. The siege troops who had rushed to the bottom of the city and even climbed to a high position by some means were repelled for a while. It was covered with a layer of stumps and broken arms.

Seeing this kind of situation for the first time will feel bloody and cruel, but after seeing it too much, everyone becomes numb.

It was like ten days ago that many soldiers would vomit for the first time when they smelled such a strong fishy smell, but now, they have even gotten used to it to the point where they would suffer from insomnia without this smell.

"...%#@@!" The Yunding soldiers suddenly heard some incomprehensible voices, even if they were only slightly affected, they could still feel that their mood seemed to be much calmer.

When they looked down, they found that the orcs, who were still in a state of chaos just now, had quieted down. Then, another ray of green light shot over, accurately hitting the pendulum, and directly knocked out the huge phantom.

A small antique clock fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

Mina knew what it was.

Confused pendulum clock, although the level is not high, only blue level, but its function is very obvious. Its function is to send out a sound wave attack that can confuse the life spirit. There are four times of this sound wave, and each time it is twice as powerful as the previous one. , Unfortunately, it was only sent out twice today before it was destroyed.

And this thing can also be used as defensive equipment, with extremely high defense power.

At the beginning, it took two people a bottle of eight-star medicine to exchange it from Southeast Asia, but now it really works.

If it weren't for this confusing pendulum clock, Gan Lan would not have lost her arm at this moment, but would have died.

Mina didn't even look at her good friend who was sent down by the medical staff. She understood that at this moment, she had to stick to where she should be, otherwise, her good friend would block the fatal attack for her in vain.

As for how to restore good friends, that is a matter of later.

The situation is not bad, because of the confusion of the pendulum clock, the orc's attack was temporarily repelled, and nearly ten thousand corpses were left behind. The orcs must have killed or injured thousands of people on their own side, but today, it seems that the casualties have just exceeded a thousand.

Mina thought so, but she was not proud of it, but she was weighing how to make the victory bigger.

In this way, after this battle, her combat merit points will be more, and it is possible to exchange Gan Lan for a biological prosthesis that will not affect her future life and battle even if it cannot be perfectly replaced.

She knows that Yunding's laboratory is capable of producing this thing now, but the technology and materials used are extremely high-end, and the failure rate is still high. not easy.

After observing for more than ten seconds, Mina made a decision.

She took out a small box from the space equipment, opened it, and inside was a pair of black clover-shaped earrings. Mina put it on, then closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, it was pitch black inside.

Both she and Gan Lan are working hard for the nine-star evolution potion, but because Mina decided to replace Gan Lan with a biological prosthesis in an instant, this plan has to be stopped for a while.

It's just that it's so easy to give up when facing the highest realm on earth.

So in the face of the coming attack again, Mina decided to take a risk. As long as it succeeds, Gan Lan's biological prosthesis will be available, and their nine-star evolution plan will not be affected.

What she brought was called the Black Witch Jewelry, a set of five pieces, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and brooches.

If you can gather five kinds, then the attributes of the suit are still very powerful. You can transform into a black wizard and use a variety of powerful abilities.

It's a pity that Mina and Gan Lan only got two of them, the ring and the earrings.

Just like the name, this kind of equipment is full of some legendary styles left over from the Western Middle Ages. When assembled in a set, the side effects are very small, but when used alone, the side effects are very large.

The black witch earrings can allow the user to greatly increase their strength in a short period of time, and even almost leapfrog the level. The side effect is that it will leave permanent injuries on the body.

Normally, Mina and Gan Lan never used this kind of suit after getting it. It was the bottom of their box, and they would only use it when their lives were threatened.

But today, Mina decided to use it. She decided to take a gamble, betting that when she evolved into Nine Stars, she could erase the permanent injuries left behind!

Mina with black eyes held a pair of daggers in her hands, which were Hongning-level suits, equipment made by Ye Zhongming himself.

Mina stood at the position where she was attacked just now, and lightly bumped the daggers with both hands, hundreds of sword shadows appeared around her body, and probably hundreds of these sword shadows stayed by her side, The rest flew down the city.

The orc troops had launched their second attack at this time, and these sword shadows flew into the battle formation to meet them.

Clouds of blood mist immediately rose up, and many orcs were cut off in an instant.

The sword shadows will not disappear after killing the orcs, but continue to wreak havoc in the dense battle formation, which makes the orcs have to attack them, but these sword shadows are flexible and fast, and they are rarely able to 'catch' them , When all the sword shadows were finally broken, at least several times their number of orcs would be killed.

This stalled the momentum of the siege forces again.

That miserable green spear appeared for the third time!

The target is Mina standing there.

The sword shadow beside Meina, whose strength has been improved to the top level, rushed towards the spear one after another. After being smashed to pieces by more than 20 people, the spear finally lost all its power and fell from the air. go down.

Mina's eyes flickered, and she murmured, "I found you."

After speaking, her figure suddenly disappeared from the city wall, and when she reappeared, she was already at the bottom of the city, beside the target who threw the spear.

It was an orc general standing next to a huge monster. He was wearing leather armor with good toughness, and his body was strong, even larger than many war beasts.

There are horns on the top of the head, but it is more like a bag, except that the green air is lingering on the bag. He took out one of the dozens of spears inserted next to it, and rubbed it on the corner of his bag, no, after a while, A normal spear turned green.

Mina appeared at this time.

The orc was obviously taken aback, and then grinned.

Obviously, this woman is the commander on the city wall, otherwise he wouldn't have targeted her for the first time.

Now that he has reached the city, this is simply a gift from the gods.

Because Mina was actually a few meters away from him, the orc general immediately supported his spear on the ground and jumped towards his beast.

It is the instinct of these giant orcs to fight with the beasts at any time.

However, after this one jumped up, he fell to the ground again.

The orc general looked left and right, and found that the surroundings were no longer what they were before, but had become chaotic. His war beast disappeared, and all he could see was the human female general in an area, and the woman he had been holding in his hand all along. Spear in hand.

"Dark Witch Area!"

As Mina spoke, the sword shadows around her roared and shot at the orc general.

She knew very well that with the help of the black witch earrings, she might still be able to defeat the top-level orc generals, but if they let them bring in war beasts of the same level, then she would be in dire straits.

So Mina activated the ability of the black witch ring, the black witch area.

This ability can pull the selected target into an area in a short period of time. In this area, the user will be strengthened, while the opponent will be cursed by the black witch and become weak. This situation will deepens with time.

In other words, the longer you stay here, the stronger Mina will be, and the weaker the orc general will be.

It's just a pity that without suits, the duration of the Dark Witch area is very short, only 60 seconds.

Mina chose the orc on the top of the city, pulled him into the dark witch area, and completed her teleportation from the top of the city to the bottom of the city. After that, she had a minute to kill the general.

Dozens of sword shadows killed the past, and Mina stayed in place for two seconds. When she moved again, the two short swords flew out of her hands and flew into the air. As she moved, they began to float in the air. The speed of the swords was getting faster and faster, and the movement of the two short swords was also faster and faster. Finally, when the afterimages were no longer visible, they entered the shadows of the swords and joined the ranks of attacking the orc generals.

The orc general roared angrily. He obviously realized that he had encountered some magical abilities. The spear in his hand kept swinging to attack the surrounding sword shadows. As long as it touched it, it could be directly smashed.

However, his huge body prevented him from possessing superb agility at the same time, and the narrow space in the black witch's area did not give him the possibility to dodge flexibly.

Although he was crushing the sword shadows all the time, making the number of sword shadows decrease sharply, his body was also constantly being hit by sword shadows.

All he can do is to keep the vital parts from being hit.

This top orc general was actually aggrieved.

He is indeed not good at melee combat, despite his larger body than other orcs.

What he is good at is what everyone saw just now, let the weapon be infected by the green energy emitted by himself, and then throw it out.

What the green air brings is not only the strengthening of the power, but also the severe toxicity.

In the previous battles between the major orc forces, even though he didn't have many chances to fight in close combat, his reputation was no less than those of the orc generals who charged into battle.

Because his attack is hard to guard against, and the lethality is huge.

So this time he was transferred to be part of the attack on the invader city.

He originally planned to throw the spear below, so he didn't ride on a war beast, and he didn't wear heavy armor for melee combat. He didn't even hold a weapon in his hand, but he was holding a spear for throwing. This thing is only designed for throwing, not for close combat.

The combination of these factors weakened his weak melee combat strength again, and don't forget that this is the domain of black witches, which will have a curse effect on him and reduce his combat effectiveness.

So in the beginning stage, he was completely suppressed.

The sword shadow continued to be shattered, and the wounds on the orc general's body also continued to increase. When all the sword shadows disappeared, a small pool of blood had formed under the orc general.

Before the last sword shadow disappeared, two daggers suddenly appeared, one on the left and one on the right, piercing the general's left and right shoulders.

A scream came out of his mouth immediately.

Meina, who was moving so fast that she could hardly see her shadow just now, also suddenly appeared, and her fist with a gleaming purple glove slammed into the deadly part of the orc general's chest, causing the tough leather armor to collapse instantly.

The orc general spewed out a lot of blood. He used both hands suddenly, and the spear in his hand shattered every inch of it. With his roar, it turned into countless hidden weapons and hit Mina.

The light of the purple battle armor flickered strongly and disappeared, and many blood holes appeared on it.

Mina clenched her teeth tightly, her body didn't move, she swung her fist upwards from the orc's chest, and the shadow of the fist hit the orc general's head hard.

The orc general threw his head back and his body fell backwards, but he kicked out one of his feet, sending Mina flying.

The Yunding female general who was flying in the air swung her hands suddenly, and the two short swords that were still stuck in the orc's shoulders turned around by themselves, and the arms of the orc general were removed, and the two short swords slashed inward after being free. , the head of the orc general was split in two.

The time in the black witch area also ended at this time, and Mina's body that had not yet fallen suddenly returned to the city wall, and fell to the position where Gan Lan had pounced on her just now.

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