Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and five foundation laying 1 battle (on)

"Still Two in One"

In a surprise attack by Mina, she was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital for treatment. She and Gan Lan's deputy took over the command and continued to command the operation. At the same time, a reserve team of the youth army boarded the city and joined them in joint defense.

The orcs below the city are in a very bad mood at the moment.

The strategy here was originally a strong breakthrough. Although the orc warriors of the five armies did not have an advantage in number, nine top experts gathered here. They planned to use powerful personal force to launch a surprise attack on the city. Break through here in one fell swoop.

But it was true that he died before he was ready. A top expert who was supposed to be the safest was killed directly.

It made the other orc generals beside him extremely aggrieved.

They could feel that the human woman who shot just now was weaker than them, but it was the weaker one who successfully launched an attack and succeeded.

There was one less top presence here, which caused many orc generals to worry.

"Go ahead, it's just an accident and it doesn't affect our plans for today."

An orc in black heavy armor was riding on a snake-shaped war beast, and said to other orcs.

"I know that you have concerns. You think that you can conquer this place just by relying on the children, and we don't need to take risks by ourselves."

"Because we outnumber them."

"But don't forget, what kind of life are these." The black-armored orc strongman showed a huge mountain axe in his hand, pointed at the city wall and said: "They are invaders, they want to rule our world For ourselves, just by looking at the appearance, once we fail, will they allow us to continue to exist?"

"No, no, we will be disgusting monsters in their eyes, just as they are in our eyes."

"Everyone knows where this place is. In a short period of time, they established two such strong and huge cities. Before we came, they also occupied a large area."

"If we let them succeed, we'll lose all our land in a matter of years."

This orc powerhouse should be a very prestigious person. He was the first to drive the war beast towards the city wall, and at the same time, the voice that could be heard by many powerhouses continued.

"For different species, there is only life and death between each other, there is no compromise, they have technology that we don't have, but they have the same power as us, so don't think about what consumes them, do you know how many people there are in these two cities? The invaders didn't show up? What if they outnumbered us?"

"So let's make a move, either, lay the foundation for victory in today's battle, or die here, hold back the invaders' footsteps, and let our people have more time to prepare for battle...or flee."

After finishing speaking, the strong man uttered a roar that could be heard clearly in both cities, and the snake-shaped war beast under his seat soared into the sky, directly crossed a long distance, and came to the oblique top of the city wall .

During this process, he held the mountain ax high with both hands, and then slammed down on the city wall below.

This was a full blow from a top powerhouse, and just in terms of momentum, it changed the color of the surrounding world.

Yunding didn't know how many crossbow arrows and skills flew over, trying to stop this strong orc, even the magic crystal cannon was aimed at him and began to roar.

However, the war beast under this strong man opened his mouth and spewed out clouds of yellow sand, blocking these attacks one by one.

The huge ax fell from the sky and struck the city wall.

The rumbling sound was accompanied by violent vibrations, and the city wall began to collapse.

After being aggrieved for a long time, the orcs under the city finally let out an incomparably carefree roar.

They have been blocked by this wall for too long, and too many companions have died under this wall. They hated this wall that was as hard as the stars in the sky no matter how they were attacked.

But now, it's collapsed.

Although it was only a small place that collapsed, a gap was exposed after all, which was enough for the orc warriors to rush in quickly.

They are confident that in a head-on confrontation, this group of invaders is far from their opponents who have the ability to increase collectively.

The densely packed orc warriors all came towards the gap, and the ones that were closest to it even crossed the ruins that were several meters high and rushed into the city.

The orc general who caused all this roared up to the sky, quite complacently, aimed the huge ax in his hand at Zhenguo City, and commanded the orc troops to rush into the city.

The other powerhouses didn't hesitate anymore, and led their men into the city through the gap, or directly from the air, and under their leadership, they began to attack the Yunding fighters who rushed over to stop them.

The situation suddenly became unfavorable to Yunding, and the systematic defense was on the verge of collapse at this moment.

It's just that at the moment when the city wall collapsed, in the not-so-wide gap between the two cities, those exposed brown bumps were sprayed out one by one, jumping from the ground to the sky.

These nearly 20,000 metal lumps flew out of the gap and then split into two, half of which flew towards the Jinguo City side, and the other half flew towards Zhenguo City.

On the side of the breached city wall, more than 5,000 of them flew over.

These metal bumps quickly passed the orc troops rushing into the city, and flew over the follow-up team. Because there was no orc air force here, the orcs could only look up.

Afterwards, these arranged metal bumps began to shine, and many orcs could only see clearly when they stopped. These metal bumps had a double-layer structure. At this time, the hemisphere in the lower half was falling off, and after two or three seconds, The hemispheres that fell for a certain distance all exploded, and a large amount of liquid fell from them.

All of a sudden it rained heavily in this area!

It quickly drenched the orcs below.

This strange phenomenon even slowed down the orcs' attack. They don't understand how so much water can be stored in those small hemispheres.

Also, now that we are at war, what do you mean by getting all this water?

The doubts of these orcs were quickly answered. After the heavy rain that lasted only ten seconds stopped, the remaining metal hemispheres suddenly began to spew out huge currents, forming a grid in this area, constantly bombarding the area below. orc warrior.

The orcs hit by the electric current will immediately turn these monsters with extremely high defensive power into coke. It doesn't matter if they are not hit by the electric current, the electric current will fall on the ground and spread along the wet surface.

Amidst the buzzing sound, a large group of orc warriors shook their bodies as if they were dancing. After the current stopped, these orcs fell to the ground and died.

Don't underestimate this attack, because the orcs are all heading towards the gap at this time, so they are very, very dense within a unit area. Thousands of metal bumps cover a large area. The conduction effect, thus causing astonishing damage.

There were at least 40,000 to 50,000 orcs in the large group of orcs that fell...

No way, who made them so dense.

The number of casualties is secondary, and more importantly, this attack split the orc attack force into two parts, one part is near the gap, some of them have already entered the city, and some are still outside. The other part is behind the electric shock area, where the orcs are staring dumbfounded at the miserable scene in front of them and stopped in shock.

Xia Lei led the people and appeared on the battlefield at this time.


Fighting in the Titan Secret Realm was in full swing, but the Desert Secret Realm was very peaceful.

Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan, under the strict protection of the Shengyuan team, focused on a display screen that was nearly 100 inches long.

Above, there are some green dots flickering, these dots occupy most of the display screen, only a small area in the lower left corner is not lit.

"This is where it was discovered last time?" Liu Zhenghong asked her husband.

She just came here today, but Le Dayuan has been here for several days.

Le Dayuan nodded, "It was discovered during the investigation before, so this area is patrolled every day. Fortunately, we just buried some equipment, which can be carried out secretly, otherwise it would be really difficult."

"How sure are you?" Liu Zhenghong asked again.

Le Dayuan thought for a while, then shook his head slightly and said: "It's hard to say for the time being, I have to try it, if it is really possible, then the transparent barrier will no longer be a problem."

"It's you, have you really understood that kind of cell?"

Le Dayuan was a little worried. After all, he didn't want to wear the current protective clothing every time he came here.

Liu Zhenghong curled her lips and said, "The time is too short, and there is not enough clinical time. I don't think there is any major problem, but you also know that many things are not based on the feeling, so people like you who have never been polluted should wear protective clothing." .”

While the two were talking, another green light was lit up, obviously a device was successfully buried and integrated into the network.

"I don't know what's going on in the Titan Secret Realm. Can the torpedo tube you built be used? I don't see it. There have been breakthroughs in space technology." Sister Hong joked with Le Dayuan like a big sister.

Master Le angrily slapped his wife's hand on his shoulder and said, "What kind of water mine? It's called a shock mine. It's a combination of space technology and magic crystal technology!"

After finishing speaking, he frowned slightly and said: "There must be an effect, but it's hard to say how big it is. It depends on the situation on the battlefield at that time. This time it can be regarded as an experiment. If the effect is good, I plan to study it systematically. Separate a branch of weapons, and try to produce some powerful new products, so that they can be sent to the sky to help Xiaoye."

"Then hurry up, Xiao Yezi's situation over there seems to be not very good, facing a group of old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, it is very good to be able to maintain the situation to the present level."

Speaking of this matter, Liu Zhenghong is very serious. Recently, she obviously doesn't study the things she is interested in as freely as before. Instead, she focuses on projects that can help Ye Zhongming in a short time superior.

She is like this, and Le Dayuan is even more so. This kind of Jingkong Thunder is something he has researched by himself after obtaining many technologies from the sky. This time it can be regarded as a small trial with orcs.

"The layout is complete." After a while, all areas on the screen were lit with green light spots.

"Let's get started." The two most important figures in Genting gave the order.

After that, they waited for news here.

These two pillars of Yunding, who are usually busy people, did not leave, and stayed here quietly, because they knew the importance of this matter. Once the effect they expected was achieved, then Yunding would really stand on the earth immediately. Invincible, even in the universe, Ye Zhongming's situation will change accordingly.


In the Titan Secret Realm, Xia Lei led a group of top experts from Genting to intercept the orc generals rushing into the city.

Strictly speaking, orcs are fifteen top existences.

Among the eight generals, only one beast did not reach the top level.

On Yunding's side, even if Mo Ye who rushed over was counted, there were only five and nine levels.

Although the appearance of Xia Lei and others, and the attack of Jing Konglei just now, let the orc generals know that the opponent is not unprepared, but they still don't think their side will fail.

"Surrender! Maybe we can let you go back." The orc general who split the city wall with one blow said looking at Xia Lei.

He still speaks the language of the orcs, but he knows that the top experts on the opposite side will understand it, just like he can understand most of this alien language now.

Both of them got some prisoners, and there are still many people among the top powerhouses who can understand many things.

"You surrender, maybe we can still coexist in the world, otherwise we can only be wiped out." Xia Lei was not nervous at all, and put on her strange and sci-fi equipment.

"Is it up to you?" Although the orc general was talking, he kept watching his surroundings, and they were also afraid that these aliens would play tricks.

"That's right." Xia Lei admitted bluntly, "Do you think that if you have more people, you win? No, we also have a lot of people."

Saying this, the Black Hearted Queen snapped her fingers, and in a watchtower not far behind her, Deacon Tong, Deacon Shui, Yupo, Black Cat, Gao Yi, Tang Tian, ​​Park Xiuying, and Three-nosed Elephant left come out.

This increased the number of top lives on the Genting side to thirteen at once!

The watchtower is not just for placing magic crystal cannons.

Compared with the orcs, although there are still not as many top-level existences as the opponent, the gap is already very small.

Things have reached this level, and there is no other possibility except fighting. After the two sides have locked each other's opponents, they moved their hands almost at the same time.

Almost 30 top-level lives collided together, which caused other lives in Zhenguo City to leave one after another. The soldiers from Yunding went to the nearby Jinguo City, and the orcs also shifted their targets, and also focused their attack on Jinguo City. across town.

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