Roulette World

2408 1 hit 5

Tang Tian flicked the short stick in his hand, and this magical and weird weapon made a clicking sound.

He knew he had been duped.

In terms of the number of top powerhouses, even many people from Yunding are still at a slight disadvantage. It was Yan Wangshu who transformed his body to cover two of them, so that others had a one-on-one chance.

No, strictly speaking, it's not one-on-one, but one-on-two. After all, all the orc generals have war beasts.

And the battles of the top powerhouses require a certain amount of space, which is also why ordinary fighters leave quickly. Therefore, when the battle started, dozens of top existences from both sides quickly dispersed in the city, and energy fluctuations continued one after another.

It was in this situation that Tang Tian chased his opponent to this place.

The terrain is not special, what is special is the location, this is a corner of Zhenguo City.

Before, Tang Tian felt that the opponent probably didn't want to confront him head-on, or wanted to find a place where no one would disturb him.

But now, he suddenly realized that once two top beings confronted each other, the surrounding powerhouses would leave quickly. They didn't have any special requirements for the terrain, and there was no need to look for a specific battlefield at all.

But leave now? Tang Tian glanced at the opponent's war beast and knew there was no chance.

Tang Tian didn't know where to run... Everyone was fighting.

"You have a person who is in charge of medical treatment. You have to stay away from him before you can be killed." The orc general said simply and straightforwardly.

In these days of fighting, the orcs have already gained a considerable understanding of these invaders.

"It's good to have confidence, but it's not good to be too confident."

The sound of the short stick in Tang Tian's hand suddenly became louder, and invisible energy rippled around.

The orc general was taken aback for a moment, he felt the impact of the voice on him.

Now that he launched the attack, Tang Tian didn't intend to stop. Dark stripes appeared on his face, and white mist animal heads began to emerge from the short stick.

As soon as these beast heads appeared, they flew towards the orcs, and each of them roared with sharp and ear-piercing voices.

Tang Tian, ​​who followed them, was holding a short club in one hand, while the other hand seemed to be swollen, and his fist became extremely huge.

He didn't use a short stick to attack, but swung his fist. Originally, his fist was already big enough, but at this time, he swung it even bigger, like a rammed stone pier.

The target of Tang Tian's attack was not the orc general himself, but the war beast.

For humans, unless they have the ability or bloodline to increase their body size like Copper Pot or Gao Yi, they are far from orcs in terms of stature, let alone when they are riding war beasts.

Tang Tian didn't have that kind of ability, the best way was to attack the war beasts he could touch.

What I want to say is that Tang Tian has always been quiet in Yunding. Everyone regards him more as Tang Guo's brother, Xiaohu's uncle, or the boss of a defensive team.

Many people even think that he became a nine-star evolutionary, one is thanks to the blessing of him being a relatively early member of Yunding, and the other is that Xiaohu and Tang Guo's couple play a pivotal role in Yunding.

In fact, there is indeed a reason for this. Even though Yunding is very rich now, the number of nine-level magic crystals obtained from fighting around continues to increase, but after all, Ye Zhongming is not around, and no one has the ability to improve power. At the level of roulette, the success rate is only one tenth...

Therefore, it is still very difficult to obtain the nine-star evolution potion. Even if you obtain it, you will still face the situation of "more wolves and less meat". According to the standard of strength or contribution, there are still many qualified people, such as Yun Shao, Xiaoli, and sister Rong. , Lu Yi, A Yang, Xiaopeng, etc. are all on the same level as Tang Tian, ​​and there are even Kalan Mina and the peripheral core member Shasha Baifeng. Tang Tian can take the lead in obtaining the nine-star evolution potion. Guo Xiaohu's relationship must have played a role.

Just because of this, it would be wrong to regard Tang Tian as an ordinary person.

Tang Tian really didn't have any outstanding advantages, and the team he led was also below average, but anyone who knew Tang Tian knew that this person and his team were very difficult to deal with.

Because he's balanced, his fights are also balanced.

Tang Tian may not have anything outstanding, but his abilities are shockingly average. It is true that he has no strong points, but he also has no obvious weaknesses.

This is a guy who plays both offense and defense.

It was also this kind of stable personality that moved wherever he needed to, which made the top management of Yunding decide to give Tang Tian a bottle of Nine Star Medicine.

Everyone else has weaknesses of one kind or another.

Xia Lei and other high-level executives will indeed share these things based on face, but if you are not good enough, they will not be so easy to talk to.

Tang Tian is such a top powerhouse.

The ability on the fist is called 'rammer', an attack skill of purely physical nature, and the ghost head ability that Tang Tian issued before is the purple-level short stick in his hand, this weapon is called 'Sound of Falling Soul', Characterized by psychic attack...

With a bang, Tang Tian's big fist hit the war beast's leg joints.

Tang Tian's attack target is very clear. If he doesn't jump, his fist can at most hit the upper part of the beast's leg. There is a little bit downward, which should be the most comfortable angle for him to attack, and he can explode the maximum attack power. .

But at a certain moment, his fist went down, hitting the joints of his legs with only 70% of the highest attack power.

The war beast staggered obviously because of this blow.

The joint was twisted, but not broken.

Tang Tian backed away quickly, screaming in his heart what a pity.

The sound of falling souls has many kinds of mental impacts, and the usual crackling sound naturally also has this effect, but it needs to be accumulated and has little effect in a short period of time. It is the effect of those white mist beast heads that can make the orc generals stunned for a moment.

It's a pity that there is only such a moment, and Tang Tian can only be given a chance to strike. Maybe there will not be so much time for a strike. At least if he chooses to jump up and attack the orc general directly, there should not be enough time.

After all, Tang Tian was not fast enough.

The long knife in the hand of the orc general kept waving left and right, and the heads of the whining white mist beasts were quickly shattered.

At this time, Tang Tian had already distanced himself, which made the orc general a little unwilling.

His own battle beast is now injured in his leg, which will greatly affect his speed. It would be great if he could give his opponent a hit just now.

Looking at his opponent, Tang Tian felt a pity. It would be great if he could break that beast's leg.

In this state of mind, the two began to fight again.


Some people can choose the battlefield, some don't bother with it at all.

For example Yama tree.

Before she came, she had already been reminded by Xia Lei, and she also showed her a movie called "Spiderman", and asked her what she felt after watching it.

Yan Wangshu thought for a long time and said that the little man inside should only be at the level of a one-star evolutionary.

Xia Lei was helpless, and said bluntly: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You will fight two tomorrow."

Yan Wangshu didn't care, she thought she could hit five with one.

In order to let Yan Wangshu focus on fighting, Xia Lei even temporarily gave her a piece of equipment.

A piece of military exploit equipment - face the field directly.

The function is to form a separate battle space within fifteen minutes. If the winner is determined within this time, the domain will disappear, and it can be used again after a cooldown of 100 hours. And once there is no winner within 15 minutes, then this domain will cause indiscriminate damage to all the life in it. The damage is the most powerful attack during the battle. After that, the domain is broken and falls into a thousand-hour cooldown. Expect.

Yan Wangshu's rebelliousness has disappeared a lot now, and she has become accustomed to thinking about problems with human thinking. After all, Liu Zhenghong, Xia Lei and Ye Zhongming, the three humans who had the greatest influence on her, once said that human body is just One part, to truly become a human being, has to have a human mind.

So she directly used the equipment of 'Facing the Domain' at the beginning of the battle.

She now knows when to do what.

Of course, the reason Yan Wangshu is so obedient now is going to the sky. Ye Zhongming said that there is a kind of life called a peak master, who can turn the rivers and seas at will, and kill them if they disagree...

At this stage, the Hades tree was well fed by Yunding.

Anything that can improve her strength was used on her without hesitation. For the first time, Yan Wangshu felt that it was a happy thing to have a strong backer. The feeling of getting something for nothing was so fascinating.

Originally, she was a senior and strong person, and her evolution level has always been ahead of most of the life on earth. After evolving to level nine, the Yan Wangshu is also one of the most powerful existences, and it is the highest life in Yunding Fuleira.

He is taller than Mo Ye, whom Xia Lei regards as his successor.

So after opening the face-to-face field and including the two orc generals, Yan Wangshu directly attacked without any temptation.

Countless small green leaves sprouted from the entire ground, turning the place into a green field in an instant, and then, sharp green thorns began to grow on the small leaves.

At the same time, Yan Wangshu raised her arms, and her hair and ten fingers began to change rapidly, becoming vines. These vines grew wildly and wildly, and this small space was filled in an instant.

The two orc generals were already shocked and angry at the moment, they didn't expect to be selected by a human opponent at the same time.

what does that mean? It means that people think that one can deal with two!

Thinking about it the other way around, it's because you two are weak, that's why people choose to deal with you two together.

This is why they are angry.

They were surprised because of this weird closed space, which made them lose all contact with the outside world, and the other was because of the changes in the opposite woman and the strength she showed.

It was a powerful energy fluctuation that made them a little afraid.

The two orc generals looked at each other, and then drove the war beast mounts to outflank them from both sides.

It's just that they realized something was wrong as soon as they moved.

First of all, the thorny lawns under their feet are simply too annoying. Not only did their war beasts slow down drastically when they stepped on them, but their feet were also stung, making them move cautiously, which almost declared that their mobility had been reduced to a minimum.

Secondly, these vines everywhere are also annoying, even if they cut them off with weapons, it is too much, making it almost impossible for them to move.

It's just that Yan Wangshu didn't release these things casually. Her eyes, which were slightly closed, suddenly opened wide at a certain moment, and there were green lights flashing inside, and then the green thorns on the ground began to grow suddenly, stabbing at the In the sky, the rattan seemed to have incomparable toughness, with some finger-long sharp hooks growing on it, and at the same time, they shrank towards the two orc generals from all directions.

Back and forth, up and down were attacks. The two orc generals understood why they dared to 1v2 at this moment, no, it was 1v4, and their war beasts were still there.

They knew that if they didn't win today, they wouldn't even have a chance to run, so they showed their strongest state and ability.

It's just that the one-on-one situation in their minds that human beings are inferior to orcs does not exist among top-level beings, and it does not exist here in Yama.

Because of the characteristics of facing the domain directly, Yan Wangshu attacks immediately when he comes up, and it is still the strongest attack posture in the untransformed state.

The squeeze in the space is still going on, Yama tree is continuously inputting its own energy, the green thorns on the ground become long and stretch out continuously, the vines in the air are pasted one after another, and are being pressed by one again. root break...

After persisting for a while, the two orc generals felt a little powerless.

They can't take care of the ground for the time being, and can only be ravaged by those green thorns, and their war beasts still have some ways to attack within sight, but these green thorns are everywhere, such as under the belly of the war beast...

The war beasts are indeed wearing armor, but these green thorns are from top life, how long can these low-level armor last? Five or six, or ten?

And ten attacks, that is, about ten seconds.

Liang Chuyin was right, in some aspects, the weakness of orcs was too obvious.

For example, equipment, if the war beast is wearing purple equipment, then maybe it can last a little longer, at least for more than a minute, and in a minute, two orc generals can actually do a lot of things.

It's a pity that they only persisted for more than ten seconds before being punctured in the abdomen. They had to rely on crazy movements to delay the attack. Unfortunately, the green thorns on the ground would not stop, nor would the surrounding vines.

The two top beasts were stabbed to death within less than a minute of the battle!

Two orc generals jumped down from the top, roaring and using all their means to kill the Hades tree. Unfortunately, without the war beasts, they could only face those green thorns by themselves, and the vines seemed to never be cut off.

Their initial speed was okay, but as the green thorns brought them constant pain and the rapid consumption of their physical strength, the two orc generals gradually slowed down, and when their physical strength was not enough to support them in comprehensive protection, they finally let a certain After the root tree vine entangled, the battle was over.

Countless vines entangled them, and the entanglement became tighter and tighter, until they couldn't see anything from the outside, only the blood and flesh that flowed out...

After the battle was over, Yan Wangshu, who had regained his human form, looked at the disfigured corpse of his opponent and muttered.

"I can literally hit five with one."

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