Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and nine bloody counterattack (on)

"Two in One"

On the side of Jinguo City, the battle was much more intense than before.

It's just this kind of intense but pause from time to time.

Because the energy fluctuations from Zhenguo City have a great impact on this side.

It gave them the feeling that the city over there seemed to be collapsing.

Every violent vibration will slow down the people here.

No way, no one can ignore the vibration and shock, even in battle.

After all, the two sides have not had real contact for the time being, one side is attacking the city, and the other side is defending the city.

This effect is not only reflected in the accuracy of long-range weapons or skills, but also psychologically.

Both sides understand that the result of the battle over there largely determines the outcome of today's battle, and the losing party will directly collapse.

But even if you win, the loss will be heavy.

This casts a shadow over both sides.

The top experts of both sides and the generals and captains of their respective teams are all desperately fighting there at this moment.

On the top of the watchtower in the center of Zhenguo City, Pu Xiuying rode a three-nosed elephant and Xia Lei stood there. The former kept scanning the entire city, and occasionally raised the white staff in his hand to summon a ray of light from the sky.

As the pinnacle of the entire Genting medical profession, Park Xiuying's task today is to ensure the safety of these top experts in Genting.

"Sister Lei, Luo Luo is gone." Teacher Pu accepted Yan Wangshu's insistence on being called Luo Luo very much.

"It's okay." Xia Lei replied briefly, then closed her eyes, and then said: "Tang Tian is too far away, I can't sense it."

Just after saving Gao Yi, who was the first one to end the battle, Pu Xiuying heard Xia Lei's question, so she searched quickly, but found no trace of Tang Tian.

"Where's Water Deacon?" Xia Lei asked again, and Pu Xiuying immediately pointed in a direction this time.

At this time, there was a voice approaching rapidly from far to near. It was an orc general. He gave up the opportunity to play a two-on-one with a companion and rushed here.

The existence of a medical profession poses a much higher threat to them than other top evolutionaries.

Pu Xiuying glanced at it and patted the three-nosed elephant. This war beast that followed Park Xiuying in a daze many years ago raised one of its noses, and immediately eight tall skeleton soldiers emerged from the ground around the watchtower. , four with swords and shields, two with longbows, and two with glowing hands.

The melee archer magician, combined with the combination of far and near, blocked the way of this orc general.

And it wasn't over yet, the other nose was raised again, and a ball of black fire immediately appeared in the bodies of the eight skeleton soldiers, which made their aura different.

Perhaps thinking that this is still not enough to intercept the two top life forms, the remaining trunk of the three-nosed elephant also lifted up, and the eight skeleton soldiers actually had a thin layer of blood between each bone. meat film.

After the three-nosed elephant evolved to level nine, the damage to its head has been fully recovered. However, it did not lose its dependence on Park Soo-young because of this, but continued to guard her side.

Having become a top life form and greatly improved in ability, the three-nosed elephant has become the most powerful barrier around Park Soo-young.

But Yunding naturally wouldn't leave a medical profession empty and put all its treasures on a war beast, so Xia Lei followed.

The four skeletons did not line up in a row, but in pairs, blocking the way of the orc general's charge.

The orc general snorted coldly, raised the spear in his hand, and drove the beast to speed up.

Speaking of charging, the orcs were never afraid of anyone.

A cloud of energy appeared on the tip of the spear, and as it moved forward, these energies stretched out its shape, covering the entire spear tip, and they were still extending backward, as if the entire spear was on fire.

Following the roar of the orc general, his war beast jumped up, took him into the air, and rushed towards several obstacles in the way.

It's just that the orc general had fully prepared for this attack,

Before the spear could go out again, two white bone arrows as fast as lightning flew from two directions.

When it was in front of him, there was a piercing whistling sound.

The orc general's movements didn't stop, and the tail of the sitting beast came out from behind, and at the same time, its head suddenly protruded a little to the side, and bit it.

One of the two bone arrows was pulled away, and the other was bitten by the war beast.

And the orc general's spear slammed into the bone shield of a soldier with a skeleton sword and shield.

The skeleton warrior was immediately sent flying, and the bone shield was instantly shattered.

The orc general was still attacking, as if the skeleton soldier just now was just a fly on the way forward.

However, just when his spear was about to touch the second skeleton warrior, a dark halo of light surrounded him and the beast's body, causing him to stop suddenly in the air.

The skeleton warrior swung his knife and cut at the spear. After a bang, the bone knife bounced off the skeleton's arm, but the skeleton warrior didn't care at all, and the shield immediately smashed at the spear. Suddenly, the shield shattered, but the orc general's spear finally changed its direction a little in the two consecutive attacks, and hung down to the ground.

The dark circle of light persisted for a moment and then disappeared, and the orc general regained his freedom, but the spear changed direction because of being smashed, and stabbed to the ground with a bang.

Arms and shields were gone, and the skeleton warrior was blown away by the aftermath.

The orc made adjustments, and the war beast carried him to raise his spear again, but two shadows fell from the sky, and he had to use his spear to push it away.

Those were two groups of black energy groups wrapped in ice slag.

After pulling these two things away, the orc general felt that the spear was a little heavy, and after a glance, he found that some black substances were attached to it.

The orc general moved his arm, with a slight wrist shake, and the spear shook accordingly, but it was clear that the black substance was very stubborn.

So the orc general didn't care about it at all, he wanted to continue to attack, but the two bone arrows struck again, this time quietly, and changed two angles.

With a bang, an arrow hit the orc general's shoulder, but there was heavy armor there, and the bone arrow only left a mark on it before being bounced off. It had no other effect except to shake the orc general a little.

But the other arrow was a bit vicious. The war beast helped the general once, and this time the arrow was within the control range of its head, so the war beast continued to bite with its mouth reluctantly, but when it When he bit it, the arrow exploded, leaving his mouth full of blood and his mouth full of bone fragments.

The orc general was surprised. He didn't expect that the summoned skeleton archer could shoot more than one kind of arrows.

The three most powerful abilities of the three-nosed elephant are all exerted on these skeleton warriors, and it will definitely be different from ordinary times. What's more, the current three-nosed elephant is already a top-level life, and its ability has made a qualitative leap.

Just when the orc general checked to see if his war beast was okay, the other two skeleton sword shield warriors who were still in good condition rushed over before he could attack him, and slashed on the war beast with bone knives, one left and one right.

Quick, quick!

Whether it's the action of the skeleton soldier who was beaten flying before raising his shield or swinging his knife, or the shooting speed of the archer, or even the two abilities issued by the skeleton mage, they are all very fast and well connected, making the orc generals a bit unable to keep up Rhythm.

He looked up at the woman in the fluttering white robe on the watchtower who didn't care about him at all, and knew that he had to hurry.

Xia Lei is the same as Park Xiuying, most of her attention is not on the attacking orc generals, she is not only observing the situation here, but also remotely commanding the nearby Jinguo City, passing a few orders from time to time .

The pressure on entering the country city is very high now, extremely high.

All the attacking troops from this side of the city went to that side, so that there were enemies on three sides. There was no secondary attack direction at all, and all of them were the main attack direction. Genting's team has all gone up, but the line of defense is still crumbling.

The city is very large, even if it is temporarily built, it is not difficult when everyone is a superhuman. But such a big city would be crowded if people from ten teams filled it all at once.

The battle at the city wall was fierce, and the battle at the city gate was fierce. Even the orcs' few remaining air forces were dispatched again to harass the defenders and increase the difficulty of defense.

If the state of entering the country is in good condition, then there is no problem in the current situation, because the number of various defensive equipment is sufficient, the supply of ammunition is sufficient, the defense array is intact, and everything is in good condition.

But not now. Now that the city has been attacked for more than ten days, the ammunition can barely be supplied, but the defensive equipment is less than one-third of the time when it is complete, and the various abilities of the formation are basically consumed. Under the condition that other conditions remain unchanged, the city defense capability has dropped by a large margin.

In addition, the influx of teams from Zhenguo City, even if they come through the connection, will inevitably cause some confusion, and there must be some unfamiliarity in the coordination...

Under such circumstances, the orcs overwhelmingly charged every inch of the city wall with life. After Jinguo City held on for more than ten days, the cracks in the solid city wall widened, and at a certain moment, one side of the city wall collapsed.

The attackers and defenders were buried under the rubble together.

When this happened, the casualties of the orcs must have been much more than that of Yunding, but there were more follow-up troops outside. Under the order, those companions who were still alive under the ruins were rumbling on the bloody Ruins rushed into the city.

At this time, Xia Lei made the decision to fully withdraw into the inner city.

At the same time, the order that everyone has been waiting for has been issued.

Fight back!

The place where Jinguo City collapsed was the defense area of ​​several youth troops. Most of them were buried in the ruins, and the rest were stationed in place to withstand the orc troops rushing into the city.

The retreat in the other two directions was much more orderly, with the large troops withdrawing first, leaving a small number of orcs to stop the rushing to the top of the wall...

Either way, someone has to sacrifice.

At that moment, I don't know how many Genting warriors are sleeping on this strange planet.

Especially the defenders on the side of the collapsed city wall at that time, the three youth armies, when the orcs passed them, the three youth armies were wiped out, just like those who were left behind by other teams.

But they used their precious lives to win precious fifteen minutes for Genting!

Fifteen minutes later, when the orc army finally rushed into the city and began to spread towards the inner city, a black line appeared in the east, and after this black line quickly approached, it turned into a black cloud.

When it got closer, the orc troops who hadn't entered the city realized that it was overwhelming life in the air...

After watching those air troops for ten seconds, only one orc let out a shrill cry.

So all of a sudden, the troops outside the orc city panicked.

They know better than anyone what a strong air force can bring to their opponents.

They also didn't expect that there would be such a huge air force in Yunding for a long time. They thought that the earthlings only had some big metal balls that could fly.

But the ones that appear now... not to mention the strength, just the quantity makes people feel desperate.

The red-haired and undead ichthyosaurus commanded the air force, and rushed towards the dense army of orcs angrily.

They have been holding back in the deep mountains and old forests for half a month, just for today!

The huge noise outside the city was heard by the orcs who entered the city. They knew that something must have happened, otherwise the sound could not have been so loud that it overwhelmed the sound of the battle inside the city.

It's just that before they got the answer, they found ugly guys with big bellies running out of nowhere.

The orcs are a group of beings with very keen senses, but they didn't smell the slightest breath of life from these ugly guys.

This situation made them realize that these guys should be something else...something else.

This is Liu Zhenghong's genetic soldier unit specially prepared for this battle. There is no other type, only one kind, self-exposed fighter.

They had come here long ago and stayed underground in the city. When they were needed, they rushed out from hundreds of exits, throwing themselves into the battle formation of the orcs like moths to a flame.

A bang of explosions stunned the excited orc warriors in the city.

These genetic warriors were not ordinary human warriors, they were transformed by Sister Hong to be very big. If the orcs didn't ride war beasts, they would be half a head taller than these self-destructing warriors.

The power of the huge body explosion is also huge. Basically, once it is blown, the orc warriors and war beasts within two meters of the self-destructing warrior will not be spared, and it will be affected two meters away, and they will definitely be injured.

And these self-destruct fighters are very fast, and it is impossible to avoid their arrival in the current situation where there are dense lives everywhere.

For this battle, Sister Hong has completely transformed a hundred thousand self-destruct fighters!

Anyway, this thing doesn't need any difficult technology, and it's not like those advanced genetic warriors have their own lives. These are consumables. If the raw materials are not limited, Sister Hong would like to make 500,000 of them.

When the self-explosive fighters launched an attack, a large number of orcs were killed, and there were heavy casualties in an instant. But the purpose of Yunding's use of these self-destruct fighters is not only to kill, but also to disrupt the formation of the orcs.

Because... from the gate of the secret realm, Yunding's Beast Legion is about to come out!

Riding on the back of the giant colorful bear, Li Daqian was the first to rush out from the gate of the secret realm.

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