Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and seventeen, please come to the door

"Two in One"

Xia Bai stayed in the Library Palace and became the apprentice of the old dean.

Since the old dean said that her body can be cured, then it must be cured, but I just hope that it can be cured before the novice battlefield arrives.

At the price of a top player's relegation? Ye Zhongming looked at the survivor's fortress that was gradually growing outside the window of the aircraft, and the shock in his heart slowly subsided.

This is indeed a condition that he cannot meet now, and he never thought that saving Xia Bai would cost so much.

He felt that the relationship between the library palace and himself was one step closer.

Of course, he also felt that through Xia Bai, the Library Palace had completely bound the two parties together.

Ye Zhongming was not disgusted, on the contrary, he was grateful, because he really gave.

Back at Yunding Manor, Xiao Min came over immediately.

"The Skata Stars are here."

Ye Zhongming turned his gaze, looked at Xiao Min and said, "How long have you been here?"

"long time."

Ye Zhongming nodded and asked Xiao Min to take him to meet people.

Six people from Skata came, two masters, and four followers.

I don't know if it's because they are members of the Lena star camp. They are quite polite when they come here. Even though they have been waiting for a long time, they are not dissatisfied. When they saw Ye Zhongming, they greeted Ye Zhongming with a smile. .

"If you want to come to Bronze Commander, you also know why we came this time, that is, the shops on the streets, can you transfer them to us?"

People come straight to the point, without dragging their feet.

There is nothing to be procrastinating about this kind of thing, not to mention, facing a person who may be eliminated by the race, the Skata people have nothing to procrastinate.

Perhaps if they didn't know the relationship between Ye Zhongming and the Sioux, and the Lena star camp and the Sioux are temporary allies recently, they wouldn't be so polite.

Ye Zhongming nodded and said, "No problem."

The two leaders looked at each other and felt that Ye Zhongming was on the right track.

Don't underestimate the intelligence capabilities of a super-big clan, even if they are facing a race in a small city like Dark Stripe City, they will investigate in advance, and naturally know the current relationship between the Star-Eyed Clan and Ye Zhongming.

They knew what the Star-Eyed Clan thought, and they knew why they sold several streets to them at a low price. If they had enough benefits, they didn't mind being used as gunmen.

But if Ye Zhongming can give some compromise, that is, give them some benefits, they also don't mind not offending this novice No. 1 who has a good relationship with the Sioux.

"Then, at what price does the grown-up think the bronze is suitable?" The man asked with a smile, thinking that this matter would be completed smoothly, and he and his companions who came with him this time would also get a lot of benefits.

Ye Zhongming said a number.

This figure is very reasonable.

For the current prices of shops in Dark Stripe City, it is even 20% lower than normal.

In other words, Ye Zhongming gave in on this issue. He would rather sacrifice a little bit of his own interests. If he can avoid conflict with this super rich family, try not to conflict with it.

One is that he is really not qualified to challenge others now, and the other is that he has too many things to do and doesn't want to be distracted by it. The third was that the novice battle was about to begin, and he didn't want to add some opponents to Hatsune Xiabai and the others unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's just that he thinks the price is very low, but others don't think so.

The smiles on the faces of the two masters gradually disappeared, and when they looked at Ye Zhongming, they became much more indifferent.

"Maybe we didn't make it clear, or maybe it caused the adults to have some illusions about the situation. Do you think this price is appropriate?"

The leading expert on Star Skata crossed his arms and asked.

This is a bit blatantly threatening.

Ye Zhongming was silent for a while, and said, "What do you two think is the right price?"

The leader looked relaxed for a while, thinking that there is still a door, so he said a price that they thought was very reasonable.

Ye Zhongming listened,

I sneered in my heart, this price is simply a robbery, not even half of the normal price, only 30%!

"Can't you have a little more?"

"The price is very reasonable."

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and then said, "Then what if I want to rent it out?"

"We bought the whole street and didn't want to rent it."

These two people already felt that they could bully Ye Zhongming to take down these shops, so they didn't want to rent them at all.

There is also a very important point, if they rent, they will have much less money in their pockets.

Ye Zhongming stood up after hearing this sentence.

The two Skata star masters were stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned gloomy when they saw Ye Zhongming's back turning and walking out.

"See off." Ye Zhongming left these two words before leaving.

"You'll regret it, poor thing." The two of them also didn't want to lose their momentum, and they stood up and replied.

After leaving the room, Ye Zhongming went to the training ground. Since he came back, he naturally wanted to teach Hatsune and the others himself.

No one knows these Genting people better than him.

" there something wrong?" Other than Xiao Min and Shi Yong, who went to receive these people with Ye Zhongming just now.

At this moment, he sent away those Starka stars, seeing how angry those people were when they left, and worried about revenge in his heart.

Yes, the Skartas came here to throw a price that was close to blackmail, and were angry that it wasn't agreed.

Obviously, Ye Zhongming's decision offended the Ska Stars, and the plan of the Star-Eyed Clan was considered a success.

The two masters dare not do anything, after all, there are three masters in Yunding Manor, and the overall combat power is equivalent to five or even six, and these Scars people all know it.

So they are not impulsive even if they are angry, they don't want to be martyrs.

But after going back, it's not necessarily the case. Even if you don't send out the top masters, if you come with ten or eight great masters, Yunding Manor can't stand it.

Shi Yong was worried about this.

"I have to take care of things." Ye Zhongming said something, and then said: "Let everyone not go out recently, just stay in Yunding Manor, don't even go to the Dark Strip City, everything will be discussed after the novice battlefield."

"As for the revenge on Star Skata..." Ye Zhongming sneered, "they won't send out the peak masters, I guess they can't afford to lose that person, it will also anger the Sioux and the Musk Stars, and even destroy the Lena Stars The layout over there, so only great masters will come, but if only great masters, then they will know why the Su clan is the king of the formation."


The days began to pass day by day.

Ye Zhongming is very busy, really busy.

While he was making equipment, he had to train Liang Chuyin Gaoyi and Yan Wangshu, and he was also developing and trying to make mechanical armor. At the same time, he also needed to deal with some things in the manor, which left him with no free time at all every day.

But he is used to this kind of life, and even enjoys it.

From the introduction day to the novice battlefield, the length of the period in between is not fixed, it depends on the preparations of the universe, but at least a dozen days.

In other words, after more than ten days, every day may receive an order to let the novices who came up from the reception day set off to experience the planet, depending on the distance, there are still a few days available on the journey.

Ye Zhongming naturally hopes that this time will be as long as possible, so that he can make Hatsune and others stronger, but he is also ready to start the novice battlefield at any time. The things he prepared for several people have already been absorbed by them. , the strength of several people has increased rapidly, at least stronger than Ye Zhongming when he first joined.

That's the good thing about being rich.

During this period of time, the Star-Eyed Clan didn't come looking for trouble, because the trouble found them.

Yiselwei is not Ye Zhongming, she is powerful in person, has a good father, and is backed by a powerful super-rich clan, she asked where Paobai is, would the Star-Eyed Clan dare not tell? Although it dragged on for a few days, Paobai still got in touch with Yiselwei. Paobai had a gloomy face at the time, and didn't reveal anything to Yiselwiy, but what is the relationship between them? It looked like Estherway also knew that something bad must have happened.

Isserway didn't say anything at the time, and immediately contacted the Star Eye Clan after turning off the communication, and put down a sentence, telling Paobai to come to the Musk star to find her within a limited time, otherwise she would take someone to find Paobai.

The Star-Eyed Clan had no choice but to let go of the robe and leave the clan.

When they arrived at the Muske Star, Paobai contacted Ye Zhongming, and talked about the matter of the Star-Eyed Clan, but perhaps because it was difficult to choose between the brothers and the Star-Eyed Clan, Paobai didn't say much, the main thing was It means to tell Ye Zhongming to be careful of the clan, and stop trusting the clan, and pull the people from his home planet to go out independently. He knows that Ye Zhongming has always had such thoughts, so don't hesitate now.

Also, if there is a chance, Cheng Liujin can be rescued first, because of his firm support of Ye Zhongming in the clan, he has been placed under house arrest by the clan and charged with treason. Paobai also asked Ye Zhongming what kind of potion he was investigating. Ye Zhongming told him that the Changxu Aquarium has been researching for a period of time, and the specific results have not yet come out. He just said that the liquid contains many active substances that can improve Fu Leila, but those substances are too active and unstable. There will be no small side effects.

Paobai didn't get a definite result, and he was a little disappointed, but he also knew that the Changxu Shui people were not good at this, so he could only continue to wait patiently. Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and gave the remaining potion from the research to the Musk Star people. I sent it out to see if I could make a different discovery with the scientific and technological strength of the super rich.

In addition, Ye Zhongming also learned about Luo She from Pao Bai.

Paobai told Ye Zhongming not to act rashly. The idea of ​​entering the Star-Eyed Clan and killing Luo She is really unreliable. According to Pao Bai's observation, Luoshen is very powerful, and there are many masters in the Star-Eye Clan. Ye Zhongming will be in danger if he goes there.

And the two patriarchs of Xingyan are actually struggling.

Ye Zhongming knew that Pao Baicong didn't want him to fall out with the Star-eyed Clan in his heart, and even if it did, he was still imagining that one day Ye Zhongming and the Star-eyed Clan could get back together.

The King of Genting is very grateful for Paobai being able to tell Ye Zhongming these things. After all, one side is his mother clan, where there are relatives and clansmen of Paobai, and the other side is just brothers. In many cases, the latter is actually not in front of the former. It's nothing, it's not easy for Pao Bai to make such an early warning and advice.

Luo She, the potion... Ye Zhongming gradually had an understanding of the situation of the Star-Eyed Clan in his mind, and felt that when he was free, the problems there really needed to be solved.

It's not that Ye Zhongming wants to go back to the Star-Eyed Clan and continue to be the Bronze Commander, but that the Star-Eyed Clan has the foundation he likes, that is, the excellent fighters in it, and the Bronze Camp is also his painstaking effort, which is his experimental field. It would be a pity to lose it like that.

There is another point that Ye Zhongming has always been clear in his heart, that is, the ultimate enemy has never been these universal races, but the slave races that are now enveloping the earth.

All races in the universe once resisted, but they were persuaded later, but Ye Zhongming hadn't tried it yet, so he didn't persuade him. He wanted to try. If he didn't succeed, he would die. He was a person who died once. not afraid.

So in this process, uniting all forces that can be united will help him, and the Star-eyed tribe obviously belongs to this rank.

Of course, if the Star-Eye Clan is really obsessed with their obsession, they must listen to that Luo She and fight Ye Zhongming to the end, and he doesn't mind kicking them at any time.

On the fifteenth day after Ye Zhongming closed the Genting Manor, the killing by the dwarves had caused an uproar in the entire universe.

Many people know why they did that, but they don't understand how they identified those people. Later, some rumors gradually spread that there was a magical imprint, and those marked by these imprints were all suspects. If you can't prove your innocence, you will be killed by the dwarves.

Although the dwarves did not choose any big or super big clans as their targets at the beginning, as time went on and more people were killed, it was inevitable that some powerful races would be their turn. Rose red dwarves and asked them to explain, the momentum gradually became huge.

Now in the Council of Ten Thousand Races, led by the Sioux and the Musk Stars, they are constantly exerting pressure on the dwarves.

Others are afraid of these dwarves, but the Sioux and the Musk people are not afraid when they unite. As long as there is no large-scale direct war, the two races do not feel that the dwarves are too much of a threat to them. Naturally, the biggest confidence is Ye Zhongming Can already replace dwarves to some extent.

Since you don't need your equipment, why am I scolding you? At the beginning you made trouble for me, now I scold you.

This is one of the reasons why the Sioux and the Musk Stars targeted the dwarves so much. The main reason was that they really wanted to suppress the crazy behavior of the dwarves so that Ye Zhongming would be safe.

Ye Zhongming is very concerned about these high-level matters, and anyway, it is related to his life, and he cannot be found by the dwarves yet. But he was also powerless, and could only hope that the Sioux and the Musk Stars could stop the dwarves' actions through the Council of Ten Thousand Races.

As for the Ska people who were driven away by Ye Zhongming, they made a sudden move after disappearing for about twenty days.

They razed Ye Zhongming's shops on several commercial streets that were unwilling to sell at a low price to the ground overnight...

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