Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and eighteen small test chopper (on)

"Is anyone injured?" Ye Zhongming asked after hearing the news.

Shi Yong shook his head, "There were a few people who cleaned up there before, but they all came back later."

After hearing this, Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and after a few instructions, Shi Yong was told to go down.

That night, Ye Zhongming stood in front of Liang Chuyin and others who had already trained for a while and had a completely different spirit.

"The novice battlefield may start at any time, and it's time for you to adapt to the equipment." After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he took out some things from the space equipment.

"High Wing."

Hearing Ye Zhong call him, Gao Yi took a step forward excitedly.

"You are a powerful fighter, and your real characteristic is the high explosive ability brought by the Pangu bloodline, so most of your equipment is designed to match these aspects."

"Because of the tense relationship with the red dwarves of Talos, I can't let you use the new equipment I made, so the equipment prepared for you this time is all from the hands of those dwarves, but after my improvement, Improved performance."

"Four sets per person."

"Two sets of Hongning class and two sets of Lenny class."

Ye Zhongming pointed to the equipment and said: "Hongning level, when you start entering, try to keep a low profile. Lenny level, use it when you enter the finals, then there is no need to be low-key. The remaining two sets, It's a spare."

"Recently, tell me if you have any special requirements for the two spare sets. If so, I will modify them according to your ideas, so that you can use them more easily."

This can be regarded as a change for Ye Zhongming. He didn't do this before. He would design equipment according to the characteristics of his subordinates, but he has the final say on how to design.

But this time was different, Liang Chuyin and others wanted to fight without him, and he planned to give his subordinates enough freedom to let them play freely.

"I won't introduce the Hongning class. There will be a detailed explanation. You can learn and adapt yourself when the time comes. Let's talk about your main battle equipment, the Lenny class."

Ye Zhongming said as he picked up a piece of armor.

"The dwarves are all single-piece protective gear, but after being modified by me and the mechanical ghost, they are now all suits."

"The data is here."

As Ye Zhongming spoke, he passed on a piece of information to everyone, and everyone quickly clicked on it on the terminal and looked at it.

"The most important thing is three points. First, Gao Yi, this set of equipment is not afraid of transformation. When the body shape changes to a certain extent, the expansion force will prompt the equipment to change into a second form when it reaches a critical point, and the ability will not diminish."

"Also, I inspired your bloodline that day. I made the golden dragon spirit of Pangu's bloodline the blueprint element of these equipments during the transformation, so when you transform, these equipments will disappear visually, so you don't have to worry about being attacked by towers." The Rose red dwarf saw the status change and knew it was improved and found me, so feel free to use it.”

The transformation of equipment can enhance the ability, but it is better not to be seen as abnormal in form.

"Secondly, the whole set of equipment has attribute bonuses that enhance strength, and the value is very considerable. You need to get used to wearing it more recently, otherwise there may be a situation where the micro-control is not good." Grave Robber

"Finally, in addition to the suit, this extra shield in your equipment."

Ye Zhongming took out a giant shield.

With Gao Yi's physique, even a giant shield is not good enough for him.

"I know you usually use the door-plate giant sword, but unfortunately, the dwarves seem to have never made this kind of equipment, so I can only change it to a door-plate shield and a giant sword. The giant sword and equipment are a set, wait a moment Adapt yourself, what I want to say is that there is an ability in this shield called 'Steady Guard', if you activate this ability, it will convert the attribute with the most bonus on your equipment into a protective ability according to a ratio."

"The thing that adds the most to your equipment is power, so if you use firm protection, all these powers will become defensive power. You can apply it on the shield itself, or on other defensive abilities issued by the shield.


Gao Yi listened, took the shield and his eyes lit up.

Ye Zhongming didn't choose the four people who came up this time at random. Gao Yi was a warrior, and he was responsible for being at the front and defending. Yan Wangshu is the main attacker and also responsible for control. Liang Chuyin was in charge of containment and raids. Xia Bai is a free man and has the right to make decisions on the spot.

The responsibility is clear, and the equipment must serve it, so Ye Zhongming found such a shield for Gao Yi.

After talking about Gao Yi's, Ye Zhongming began to introduce Liang Chuyin's.

A few people will form a small team, knowing their own equipment is very helpful for cooperation, so even if they are not talking about their own equipment, they listen carefully.

"Hatsune's main battle job disappeared after she came here, but after she learned a new ability, she is more suitable for the part she needs to be responsible for."

What Ye Zhongming taught Liang Chuyin was the surprise assassination technique of the Star-Eyed Clan.

"As for the equipment, it highlights agility and resistance. The weapon is this, the ball silk belt, which is very suitable for long-range attack and containment, while taking into account restraint and control capabilities."

"Also, when facing a group of enemies, it is also the moment when Hatsune plays the greatest role."

The data is also transmitted to everyone, so that everyone can learn more about it.

When it was Yan Wangshu's turn, before Ye Zhongming could say anything, she, who had changed her name to Luo Luo, had already spoken by herself.

"Last time, all of them have improved, but I have not. Is it necessary to mate?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Ye Zhongming coughed. He knew what Yan Wangshu was talking about, but he was really wronged. Although to a certain extent, Yan Wangshu and him had a certain spiritual connection, but to say that it was related to Dihuang Wan and Hong Fayangos, those who have obviously signed master-servant or soul contracts are really different.

He evolved into a great master and came once in the rain and dew. It's normal that Yama Wangshu didn't get the benefits.

But people don't see it that way, they think it's just favoring one or the other, and blamed it on her and Ye Zhongming resentfully... Well, when this point of view came out of her mouth for the first time, it shocked the whole world. Yunding Manor, until now, everyone's world view has also been shocked.

"Well, don't talk about this matter, Ken is not like that at all." Ye Zhongming smiled bitterly and said, "You can't wear ordinary equipment. I prepared some other things for you."

Ye Zhongming took out two boxes, lifted the first box and said: "This is the 'Zhi Ninghua', which can be absorbed on your hair or other parts after you refine it yourself. When you launch an attack , you can use these fat condensate flowers as side weapons, and the power will be increased to a certain extent."

After he finished speaking and handed the box to Yan Wangshu, he picked up the second box with a more serious expression than before.

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