Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and twenty small test chopper (below)

The person in charge of the operation of the formation looked at Ye Zhongming helplessly, and then pointed to the energy index with resentment.

This is the core location of Yunding Manor, and it is also the operation hub of the formation. Here, there are many devices that can only be seen in the Sioux, and one of them is to monitor the remaining energy of the formation.

Now, as much as three thousand grids of energy are falling at a frightening speed. Although it doesn't beat every second, at least... there is a ten-second tick. It's been about a minute since Ye Zhongming came in, and the place has dropped by six ticks.

The month-year-old gold needed for the full energy state of the formation is 3.2 million, which is converted into 3,000 grids, and each grid roughly represents nearly 1,067 moon-year-old gold.

According to the person in charge of the formation, from the beginning of the abnormality to the present, the energy grid has dropped by 45 grids, that is to say, in the short period of time before, Ye Zhongming passed away at the age of nearly 50,000 months. gold.

Just when he didn't have time to feel sorry for himself, the third shock came, and the energy bar suddenly dropped by five bars again...more than five thousand...

Ye Zhongming looked at the remaining energy displayed on the device, and said to the person in charge: "Look at it, the energy must ensure the maximum consumption of the formation, and if the monthly gold is not enough, add it."

"Yes, then... this, don't you care?" He was talking about the continuous decline in energy.

They have already found out that something is absorbing the energy of the formation, and it is inside Yunding Manor.

But obviously, Ye Zhongming didn't want to care about it, he snorted and left as long as he kept it like this.

This is naturally the 'masterpiece' of Yan Wangshu. For some reason, while absorbing the annual rings, this guy is also constantly absorbing the energy of the defensive formation, which makes Ye Zhongming think that the enemy is attacking.

Fortunately, this kind of absorption did not last for too long. After about three hours, Yan Wangshu woke up, and the whole person was obviously stronger than before. According to her, she had absorbed about 1% of the growth rings. energy of.

After testing, Fu Leila of Yanwangshu is now in the early 1900s, but yesterday, her value was only more than 1100.

At that moment, Fu Leila increased by nearly 800!

Eight hundred is one percent, so one annual ring can provide Yam Wangshu with 80,000 Fu Leila? Although Ye Zhongming knew that the specific situation would definitely not be so simple, it was still a good thing to have a general idea.

It's just...Yan Wangshu 'drank' Ye Zhongming's more than one million months of gold this time. Calculated according to one percent, there will be ninety-nine times in the future. That's...Ye Zhongming's mind turned After a long time, after more than a hundred calculations, it still made him desperate for more than 100 million months of gold!

The annual rings are 10 million, and 110 million is fully digested... It's not good to do something by yourself!

For the first time, Ye Zhongming felt like he was in a cocoon.


Night in Survivor Bastion is real night.

The dark strip city has gone through the battle of the planet hunting ground, and it has developed very well at this stage.

This can also be regarded as a feature of the myriad races in the universe. As long as you have money, you can do other things very quickly. After all, this is a place with advanced technology, so you can build some buildings, as long as you don’t require the same material as the survivor’s fortress Yes, small-scale basically a few days, large-scale 20-30 days, super-large-scale 100-200 days, that’s it.

Therefore, compared with before, the current dark strip city has some signs of developing towards a big city.

However, in the supposedly bustling commercial districts, the past two days have been unusually quiet.

The reason is that everyone in the Dark Stripe City knows the reason.

The Skata Stars smashed all the shops belonging to Ye Zhongming on these streets.

The smashing is gone, leaving only a piece of open space.

Such a direct provocation silenced Antie City.

A super rich family is a real behemoth to all the races in the dark strip city. Even if every family has developed well recently, they are also helpless.

Many people know what's going on,

I also know that the star-eyed tribe might win this round, and Ye Zhongming and his Yunding Manor will suffer this clear loss.

It's just that this kind of behavior of attracting foreign superpowers has made the star-eyed tribe and Ye Zhongming's reputation even worse after they broke up. Many small tribes have already shown obvious dissatisfaction with them.

It's like a group, no matter how much trouble there is inside, but once you go outside to help, it's the kind of helper that you can't control and may swallow the group at any time. This kind of behavior will inevitably cause the rejection of other members of the group.

Many small races privately said that if neither they nor Ye Zhongming had real top combat power now, otherwise they would join forces to expel the Skata Stars this time.

This night, such indignant words were still circulating in the city.

It's just that this doesn't prevent the Skata Stars from staying in the dark strip city to show off their might after destroying many shops.

This time they came with four master-level figures, leading a 'demolition team' of 20 people.

There's no way, for things like demolishing a house, it's a bit self-deprecating for a master to do it himself.

The four masters are also inside the Skata Stars to prevent Ye Zhongming from jumping over the wall. With them, it is enough to make Yunding Manor dare not do anything.

The four Skata star masters naturally stayed together, while the others were in another place, not far from each other, enough to take care of each other.

Just now, six ordinary soldiers came over and brought dinner to the big masters. They had just finished eating and were packing up to go back.

One of the most powerful masters suddenly moved his eyes to the door, and immediately after that, the other three stood up immediately.

"Sorry to bother you, it's just that you need to stay here...for a while."


On the other side, the remaining fourteen Skata people also finished their meal and were chatting and laughing with each other. Some said the food here was not good, and some said that maybe it would be later, and they could go to the city to have some fun, or Some said that they wanted to go to Yunding Manor to take a walk to anger them.

In short, it is very lively and chaotic.

One of them walked to the window comfortably, wanting to enjoy the night view of Antiao City, and then he saw three people standing not far outside.

The three of them were quiet, yet a little close.

This Skata star was a little vigilant. Although he didn't think anyone would dare to attack them in Dark Strip City, these three people were too strange. It was midnight, why were they standing there with nothing to do? still so close?

Just when he opened his mouth and was about to call his companions to have a look, the three figures suddenly moved.

This person immediately realized that this was... an enemy attack!

It's a pity that before he could make a sound, an extremely sharp vine suddenly stabbed out from under his feet, pierced from his lower cheek in an instant, and pierced from the top of his head! The huge force directly brought his body to the roof.

At the same time, two belts with faint light rolled into the room from the window that the man let out.

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