Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-first battle

Liang Chuyin rushed in with the ball embroidered belt, her body didn't even land on the ground, the luminous embroidered belt around her body suddenly scattered, and her whole body stretched out accordingly.

At the same time, on the ground of this house, hundreds of vines suddenly protruded, covering all corners.

The attack came too suddenly!

So that the people in the room did not respond.

After the first person was killed, Liang Chuyin's attack and Yan Wangshu's attack hit almost everyone.

These people are indeed not experts. The highest paid Leila is only 10,000 to 20,000. After all, it doesn't take any experts to demolish the house.

But they are still much stronger than Liang Chuyin and the other three. Now, none of the three Fu Leila in Genting is more than 2,000.

It's just that the attack was sudden, and the three people in Yunding were fully armed, but none of the people in the room were wearing armor, and the best thing was that five people were wearing simple and convenient leather armor.

After the attack was launched, two people who were relatively close to the window were directly drawn by Liang Chuyin's ball embroidery belt, and their bodies were in a state of dizziness for a short time. die.

Although only two people died, the rest of the room was wounded and in chaos. Only the strongest one had a halo around his body. At the same time, he took out a sword from his side and roared. Jumping up, avoiding the sharp vines on the ground, he slashed at Liang Chuyin who had just finished the move.

Although he is just the most ordinary soldier in a super big clan, he is still the strongest here, and he still accurately grasped this rare opportunity.

His body reached a high position almost instantly, the saber was raised high, and he was about to strike at Liang Chuyin.

When this person jumped up, the injured Skata star understood his intentions, and the two approached Liang Chuyin, intending to drag her and let the person of the same clan who jumped above his head complete a one-hit kill.


The roof of the room shattered at this time, a huge sword wrapped in a golden dragon shadow fell from the sky, and directly struck the saber raised by the jumping man. The huge strength and the superiority of the equipment made the Skata star The saber didn't swing out at all, it was directly hit on his back, and there was a clicking sound from both arms, obviously broken.

Then came the fall of the body.

After all, it was not a powerful existence. During the fall, he encountered a vine stabbing upwards. This person was directly pierced in several places, and died before landing.

With the help of this momentum, Gao Yi, who was transformed into Pan Gu, descended from the sky, and the giant sword swept across the room, several people were chopped off.

They hit the wall, logically speaking, the force was enough to break the wall and fall out of the house, but after the wall shattered, they were stopped by something and bounced back.

Some people looked and found that the surroundings of the room had been wrapped in dense vines.

With the help of Gao Yi's falling body, Liang Chuyin got rid of the attacks of the two enemies. With the embroidered belt supported on the ground, she leaped into the air. The sphere at the top of the weapon floated in front of her, and began to emit waves of energy towards the bottom. The light ball, anyone who is hit will be blown away immediately, and the wound will be scorched black.

And Gao Yi fell, replacing Liang Chuyin's main attacking position.

The outbreak of Pangu's bloodline, as well as the Lenny-level equipment all over his body, made Gao Yi's combat power soar at this time, which is the same as Ye Zhongming after his transformation. Although the increased strength is not as abnormal as Ye Zhongming, it is still very impressive .

Maybe it was because he was eager to know where his strongest strength was, or maybe it was because there were too many enemies in the room, so he directly activated all the Pangu Golden Dragon tattoos, and his whole body was wrapped in this vision. Then, this The huge golden dragon raised its giant sword and began to plunder the room.

Don't forget, Liang Chuyin is still constantly harassing at the side, and there are rattan everywhere in the room. Although they are not as aggressive as they were at first,

But casual stumbling is enough for these people in the room to drink a pot.

Another point is that because of the Hades tree, this room is a Jedi, and no one can get out.

Gao Yi felt that this was the happiest battle he had ever had since he became a ninth-level life. He didn't defend at all, but just attacked.

This has something to do with his enhanced defense after his transformation, and it's also related to the crushing state of his equipment against those around him.

He was dressed in Lenny class, from head to toe, front to back, but among these people, the best was the Hong Ning class, with so many people added together, there were only two pitiful pieces!

As a result, even if the enemy was stronger than Gao Yi, there was nothing he could do about it for the time being.

The rumbling sound spread out, and night watchmen from some nearby shops heard it. They went out to watch one after another. After catching a bright light in a place, they saw the location again. When they looked at each other, there was a look of awe on their faces.

It wasn't that they were afraid that they would suffer disaster, but that they didn't expect that Ye Zhongming would really dare to attack the Skata people.

That's... a super rich family.

Said to shoot at others? !

Many people's thinking at this moment is chaotic, they feel more and more unfamiliar with this universe, and at the same time, they also have a sense of elusiveness about their future destiny.

It's time for Gao Yi's Pangu bloodline to activate, his body shrunk instantly, his strength and fighting power returned to normal, and the enemies who were still alive rushed over together, but they saw two vines curling up Liang Chuyin and Gao Yi at the same time. Wing, dragging them out of the room.

There were originally fourteen people in the room, but now there are only five people left, and everyone is injured.

They looked at each other and knew that they had to rush out of this room, so that they would be much more flexible whether they were fighting or retreating, or finding a few big masters.

However, just as they rushed to the place where Gao Yi and Liang Chuyin were swept away, the place was re-sealed, and they slashed with weapons. Although they could cut off a few vines, there will be new ones soon. The emergence of them fills the gap they cut.

During this process, they didn't notice at all that the room they were in had slowly lifted off the ground at this moment and was rising into the air. Around the outside of the room, thick vines were continuously expanding, with a diameter of more than One meter.

As these vines intertwine with each other, wrapping the whole house in it, the next moment, they squeeze inward together, squeeze...

Some energy overflowed, and the tips of some weapons protruded out. These vines were not as indestructible as they seemed, and at a certain moment, a hand of a person even stretched out.

Unfortunately, they were all blocked back by the re-formed rattan.

The house trapped in mid-air dangled there for about a few minutes, and then shattered, together with the body of life inside.

Liang Chuyin, Yan Wangshu and Gao Yi came to the first battle of the ten thousand races in the universe, and in the case of three against fourteen... they won.

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