Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred thirty-five list (on)

The captain of the ten-man team had already regretted it at this time, he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so good.

Not only that, he found that the opponent has an excellent grasp of the various details of the battle and the battlefield, so that not only can the combat effectiveness be brought out, but it can even be improved a little bit.

It's just that in the current situation, he knows that it's useless to think about it. He must stand up and stand up to this woman who should be the strongest among them, so that his companions can stabilize from the surprise attack and then launch a counterattack .

Yes, even now, the captain still feels that they can win this battle.

Although they were dead, what was left was enough to kill each other in his opinion... as long as they could launch a counterattack.

It's a pity that his thoughts stopped abruptly in front of the suddenly enlarged embroidery tape in his eyes.

The squad leader has worked very hard. His weapon has energy flames. This is his own unique ability. Because this kind of flame is directly converted from energy, or burned, it is more powerful, which will make his attack farther away. It is higher than his Fu Leila level.

This is another source of confidence for him to grab monsters.

People who do bad things either feel that others cannot find out, or that they are strong enough to escape retaliation and punishment.

It was only when his characteristics were twisted into those seemingly soft but fiercely murderous embroidered belts that the captain realized that there is a very important prerequisite for doing bad things, which is to judge the situation correctly.

Bad eyesight can sometimes kill you.

After the team leader launched the strongest attack, he was still directly hit by Liang Chuyin who fell from the sky. When he stood up staggeringly, he found that his body was gradually getting cold. Judging from his experience, it was because his body was bleeding profusely. phenomenon that will appear.

He lowered his head, and found that the battle armor he bought with a lot of money was completely out of shape, and there were six wounds that were not too big on his body, but he felt that although these wounds looked a bit inconspicuous, at least in the Visually, it was far from deadly enough, but in fact, the opponent's power had already entered his body through these wounds, and at this moment, it was still destroying his internal organs.

The team leader began to shiver, some due to the cold and some angry.

He found that the woman who had just knocked him down didn't look at him at all, but attacked another member who was standing.

Is this... looking down on me?

The squad leader felt that his emotions had exploded, he roared angrily, and mustered his last remaining strength to swing his weapon. Unfortunately, the wounds on his body had been opened before the force was transmitted to the weapon, and a large number of people mixed with it The blood of minced meat spurted from there.

When everything stopped after a few seconds, the captain was still standing, but his weapon had been put down, and although his eyes were open, he had no breath of life.

The death of the team leader made the others no longer have the courage to resist, and fled towards the surroundings. Unfortunately, with the Yama tree, they were not even qualified to escape.

The four of them took the lead and left after a bit of scraping. There were only eight corpses left in place, and the two who were alive but seriously injured and unable to move were killed by a passing team one minute later, and they were captured. body points.

It's not that Liang Chuyin and the others don't want to take it, but that each of them has lost two lives. Even if there is one more, their position will be passed on to other novices every hour, and they are not willing to be exposed so early.

Because the hunting of monsters happened before the end of the hunt, it can be regarded as a continuation of the hunt. After the battle here, the final settlement of the hidden direction also came. Ye Zhongming guessed one item, that is, the first place in the total score The Star-Eyed Clan was right, but Xia Bai was surpassed by Liang Chuyin in the total score, so he was wrong.

There was no way, the team leader had a lot of points, and he died at the hands of Liang Chuyin.

But these did not affect Ye Zhongming's mood. He had already learned from the people in Yunding,

I saw unlimited potential.

In fact, not only Ye Zhongming thinks this way, but also the business department that is secretly in the dark now thinks so.

"Boss, do you really need to adjust?" The business department is usually responsible for the summary, release, settlement and collection of various tasks. Complicated, there are only two departments, the business department and the logistics department.

The person in charge of the business department looked at A01 in surprise, wanting to get further confirmation.

"Of course!" A01 stopped talking after saying one sentence. The person in charge nodded, checked the data of one list after changing it, and then sent a copy to each of the three people in charge of review according to the procedure. After confirming that there is no problem, it is transmitted to the terminal of A01.

The secretive founder looked and nodded, and then, the list appeared on the secret network of all secretive member terminals.

Ye Zhongming naturally received it too, glanced at it, and was slightly surprised.

Because this is a list of final individual championships, and this list has been there before. Although no key figures are given, the names at the top are all potential stars who are already well-known among the big and super big families. It's genius.

But it is different now, the list has been rearranged, each name will be followed by a relatively detailed introduction, and the odds will be given at the end.

This odds will change, but it will only change once in each cycle. Now is the first release of the list, so in this cycle, the odds have been fixed.

What is certain is that among the top 100 people on this list, it is very likely that one of them will be the final winner.

Even going one step further, even if these people who are at the top of the list do not get the novice first place this time, as long as they survive, they may become famous names among all races in the universe for many years to come.

This is not only a list of winners in the novice battlefield, but also a list of potential new stars.

Ranked first is a member of the Hor star, Anumus. It is said that he is the apprentice of a peak master. He has been trained since childhood and is a potential new star in the clan.

If he can successfully break through the first three Fu Leila nodes, which will be 12,300,000 and 30,000, and it takes very little time, then he will be recognized as a genius and will be given the resources of the clan. of.

The second place is a member of the "Tiezheng" clan, they also belong to the Hall Star camp, but this Tiezheng clan is only a middle-level race with average strength, but recently a genius came out, Brando, this is a When Fu Leila was only five hundred, he single-handedly killed a powerful boy with Fu Leila's mutated life of about two thousand!

Of course, before Brando was only famous among the Tiezheng clan, at most he was known in the Hall star camp, but this time, on the eve of the novice battlefield, during the "welcome", he was stuck in the camp alone A side door in front of them prevented hundreds of lives from rushing into the camp.

This is not something that ordinary people can do, so he suddenly became famous.

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