Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred thirty-six list (below)

Brando did not kill any of them, but seriously injured 20 of them. Everyone felt that even with this kid's defensive and counterattack style, he would be a great weapon in the future.

After the two people, there is a member of the Lena star, and they are the bridesmaids. He is not a member of the Lena Star clan, but an agent on a planet, but it is said that on that planet, he is the top figure, he speaks for himself, has no opponents, and has earned huge benefits for the Lena Star people.

Such a person will naturally get the attention of Lena Star people.

This one is also up to the mark, and he was very good in the training before the novice battlefield, which changed the opinion of the Lena star executives who were a little perfunctory towards him.

This is something that can't be helped. No matter how much a foreigner does for the universe when he is on the mother planet, he is still one level behind. Only by continuing to perform well after coming here can you be valued.

Ye Zhongming is like this, otherwise the Talos red dwarf would not have given up on him. The same is true for this best suit, but he is luckier than Ye Zhongming, and Lena Xing gave him everything he should normally enjoy.

Behind the young talents of these three great clans, the fourth place is Jiazhang, a native of the Musk Stars.

On the side of the Musk Stars, the most famous genius is also the most recognized genius, and naturally it is Yserwei. It's not just because of her being the daughter of Beiyin, but because of her talent and progress, everyone inside and outside the clan really admires her.

Even the Hall star camp and those dwarfs who are now hostile forces agree with this view.

At such a young age, she has broken through to become a great master, and has also integrated the blood of her own totem. With such an existence, as long as there are no accidents on the way of growth, within twenty cosmic years, Iserway will surely enter the realm of a peak master.

Even, maybe less than twenty years.

As good friends, Jie Su, Ye Zhongming and others also admitted that among them, this cheerful woman is the most talented. You must know that Jie Su, Ye Zhongming, Pao Bai and others became great masters with the help of external forces , inherited some inheritance, but Yserway herself only cultivated on her own with the normal resources provided by the clan.

In the future, it's hard to say who will achieve higher achievements. At least for now, the talent shown by Yserway is indeed incomparable to others.

This Jiazhang is a young genius who was recently discovered in the clan besides Yiserwei. Originally, he wasn't the one who signed up for the novice battlefield from the Musk star, but in just ten days, Fu Leila rose directly from 100 to more than 1,700. This speed is simply frightening.

After the test, there was nothing wrong with his body, the exercises he practiced, or even his mental state. Apart from his amazing talent, there was really no other explanation.

So Beiyin personally decided to throw him into the novice battlefield to practice. It is conceivable that after going through this cruel battlefield, if he can survive and perform well, he will definitely be trained by the Musk star.

The fifth place, Talos Red Dwarf, is not one of their own people who came to advertise, but an agent of them.

The first four all have teammates. In the two days of novice hunting, he and his team have performed very well, but this one is different. He is alone and taciturn. Even if someone touches him, he will not get anything. respond.

It was such a strange person who sat on the ground after the start of the novice battlefield, watching the other novices leave one by one, until he was the only one left, then slowly stood up and walked to a portal.

That is the portal to the 70th district.

This person named 'Dong Chi' chose a seemingly fatal path.

Alone, go to the Seventy District.

This is a decision that is full of surprises, and it is also a decision that makes people feel stupid.

But the fact is that on the first day of the novice battlefield, this man completed two hunts and killed three prey that were far superior to him. Although each had a lot of points, the number was small after all.

So his overall score is not as good as many rookies.

But this did not prevent everyone from being optimistic about him. No, he hunted again the next day and killed the fourth high-level parasite. Not only did his points increase slightly, but he also made people believe in him. powerful.

This kind of ruthlessness to experience himself between life and death will make him gain the favor of the god of strength on the way of growth.

So this guy is number five.

If he can come out of the 70th district in a few days, then his ranking may continue to improve.

Ye Zhongming continued to look down. Starting from the sixth place, members of races such as the Sioux appeared. From the introduction later, these people are very strong, which made the King of Genting feel emotional, not only himself In strengthening the strength of his subordinates and wanting to get the first place as a novice, the same is true for other races, and they have not fallen behind.

He has already attached great importance to it, but now it seems that the difficulty is far beyond expectations.

In this top 100 list, the highest ranking person from Genting is Liang Chuyin, who is ranked 67th.

Ye Zhongming was a little surprised by this ranking, not because he thought it was low, but because it was high.

Although the people from Genting just finished killing the monster-snatching team, the strength of that team is average and can only be used as a reference.

However, in the two days of the novice battlefield, there were too many people who showed strong strength, and Liang Chuyin was actually not very conspicuous.

Under such circumstances, Liang Chuyin's ranking at No. 67 is already very high.

For Liang Chuyin's evaluation and description, this is what is written on this list.

"Excellent soft weapon user, with obvious star-eyed clan surprise attack ability, extremely high agility, good at using and cutting the battlefield, and powerful group attack ability."

Next came Xia Bai, exactly eighty.

As for Xia Bai's evaluation, it was a little simple to go to the other side, the main focus was on her powerful attack power, and she focused on evaluating her weapon, thinking that it should be at least a Lenny level.

High Wing was in the ninety-ninth.

"Excellent defender with excellent strength, very likely to have both individual and group defensive capabilities, and the toughness of the body itself should also be top-notch."

Unless he can defend while also possessing good offensive power like Brando, who is ranked second, this ranking is already very, very high for pure defenders.

Without revealing his pedigree, Gao Yi's ranking had to make Ye Zhongming wonder whether An Xiang thought of him too highly.

The hundredth place is still Genting's, Yan Wangshu.

"A top-notch auxiliary wood-type life with good defense-breaking ability. It is lucky to have such an existence in a team."

Seeing this, Ye Zhongming touched his nose.

The four people from Genting have all entered the top 100, which is among all the novices. What's more, their points are not even in the top 1,000, and the group points of the Star Eye Clan have not even entered the top 500.

In this case, all four of them are top 100?

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