Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-one heads-up (on)

After several cycles of the novice battlefield, every participant is working hard to improve his ranking, and in addition to always paying attention to the people in the front, he will also look at the people who are ranked behind and which race they are.

They must first ensure that they are not eliminated by the last place, and only on this basis can they talk about progress.

When looking at the top of the list, they are under pressure, but looking at the bottom of the list, the pressure will be even greater.

In addition to those eliminated at the bottom, there is also a leaderboard that shortens every moment of each cycle.

Those who disappear represent death.

Fifteen days passed, and more than 3,000 people died, with an average of 200 deaths per day. This number may not seem too much, but this is a test of 100 days. According to this frequency, 20,000 people will die in 100 days, almost It's one-third of the total number!

Although relatively more people died in the opening stage, but at the same time, the last two cycles of the most intense competition have not yet arrived, and this number of deaths is enough to make any contestant shudder.

So in a new cycle, the choice of which area to go has become more cautious.

Liang Chuyin and other dozens of people did not panic because they had already determined where they were going, but just stood not far away and watched everyone's choices.

This time, when choosing an area, there are obviously two trends. The first is that some races choose areas with a large number of prey and relatively low strength. They usually prepare several such areas as candidates. See Choose whichever area has fewer people.

The other is to stick to your own limit and use high-point and high-frequency kills to get enough points.

In fact, no matter which one of these two is, it is not as safe as the "dimension reduction strike". Finding an area with weak prey and sparse prey can ensure your own safety to the greatest extent.

But who doesn't want to fight for the upper reaches, especially those promising races and individuals, feel that they must exert their strength now, otherwise they will be left behind too much, and it will be difficult to chase after them.

Of course, there is another point, everyone is also paying attention to the choices of those influential figures and big clans, and if possible, they will avoid their areas as much as possible.

Everyone is working hard for the final ranking.

After all, this may be the starting point of their life, which represents whether the road ahead will be smooth.

This is the choice of the public, but it is not necessarily the choice of those top novices.

Under the attention of Liang Chuyin and others, Dong Chi went to... the seventy-first district.

This guy, continue to challenge the difficulty.

Qia Xingge suffered a little loss from the newcomers of the Sioux tribe, but he did not lose after all. He took people to the 60th District, and more than 300 people followed him. It seems that he gave up the number of races and bonus points The best price/performance ratio among them, and began to bring more people to challenge higher difficulty.

They are also the group with the largest number of novices, and they attract people's attention wherever they go, and they chose the 60th district at the first time, telling everyone clearly, don't compete with us!

In fact, no one competed with them, at least before Liang Chuyin and the others left, no one was seen going to the 60th District.

After Zhang Jia was defeated by Dong Chi, he was a little depressed, and he hesitated with his team.

They chose the 45th area. This area is not bad for their team, but it is a bit low compared to the spirit they should have.

Brando, the late star of the Tiezheng clan of the Hall star camp, led three people and chose the 55th district. This four-person group was newly formed in this cycle. Many people speculated that it was influenced by Genting. The influence of the four-person group, I also want to try to see if it can produce any magical effect.

However, Anumus, who has always been ranked first among the novices, chose to hunt alone, and the place where he hunted was the 72nd district.

He entered after Dongchi had entered District 71, and his intention was obvious, just to compete, to put it bluntly, to compete.

Liang Chuyin saw that the people had almost left, and there were only about 2,000 people left. She led the people to the front of the portal in the 50th district, stopped suddenly, turned around, and looked behind.

They were originally the group of people who were being watched. When they saw her suddenly stand still, at least half of the people who hadn't left looked over.

"After we go in, anyone who dares to come in again is an enemy."

After finishing speaking, Wang Hongmei didn't even look at other people's faces, and led them into the portal, leaving the shocked novices behind.

"I\u0026amp;%#, who does she think they are?"

"Is it so arrogant?"

"I don't know, but I thought it was Princess Isherway."

"I don't know about that. Are you afraid of the woman who is the number one novice in the previous world?"

"I'm afraid of %¥#@\u0026amp;..."

The rest of the people don't let people talk, but most of them are not emotional, and they are cursing people with other people, but they know in their hearts that they are afraid that people will follow and kill them. In the last cycle, Talos Those from the red dwarf camp only returned three.

It’s just that what many people don’t quite understand is that they heard that the people from the Hall star camp suffered a big loss in the Genting four-person group, and basically the entire army was wiped out. Reaction, which in itself is a bit abnormal.

The four members of Genting are so high-profile and domineering to prevent the people behind from entering the 50th district, probably because they are also afraid of being retaliated.

If this matter does not concern you, everyone will pass it after listening to the scolding. Many people saw that there was not much time left, so they quickly chose to teleport away. In the end, there was a team of eight people, looked at each other, and then Cursing and entering the 50th district.

Of course, they didn't want to punish them for a while, but they had already selected District 50. Some kind of prey here was very suitable for the team's abilities.

Of course, it is not known what their real thoughts are, whether they really want to touch the top of the cloud.

It's just that when this cycle is over, no one will see them again.


The fourth period, this is the calmest period since the Novice Battlefield started. There is almost nothing that can excite the audience. All the novices seem to have discussed it. Conflicts are basically accidents.

When this cycle is over, when everyone is looking at the standings, they are all shocked by the total points of some novices and forces.

However, before the start of the fifth cycle, many people spent a large amount of points, causing their rankings to drop significantly.

This is naturally not a normal phenomenon, whether it is the novices themselves or the audience in front of the light curtain, they all smelled an unusual breath.

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