Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-two heads-up (middle)

The warning last time was very effective. Although there was a group of people who didn't believe in evil and wanted to go in, it was an accident that Liang Chuyin and his party were waiting not far from the portal to directly kill them.

Of course, there is also the reason why the Hall star and Talos red dwarf did not do anything.

Anyway, Liang Chuyin planned to do the same this time.

If someone wants to attack them, they will definitely stay with them until the end. If there are few people, they will adopt the method of the previous cycle, slaughtering them directly after entering the portal, clean and neat.

If there are too many people, or it is difficult to fight, then leave first, anyway, you already know how many people are on the other side.

It's a pity that at the beginning of this cycle, a person came directly to their team and announced to everyone that he would enter the same area as the Genting team. The purpose was that he wanted to challenge the Genting four .

This person is naturally the one who came here once before, but challenged himself in the last cycle.

Seeing that Dong Chi had expressed his attitude, the gloomy eyes of the novices of Talos red dwarves on one side looked a little better.

"It's still sensible." A short and sturdy figure said, turning his head and not paying attention anymore. In his opinion, with Dong Zhi's shot, the four people in Yunding will not make any more troubles.

A person who can even defeat the genius Zhangjia of the Musk Stars will definitely have no problem dealing with the Genting people from the country planet.

As for the current high points of the people in Genting, the Talos red dwarf novices really didn't pay much attention to them. After covering up the auxiliary combat system for many people, they started to take it seriously, and now the points are already among the best. , They have to challenge difficult prey in the next few cycles to maximize the effect of advertising, and they are not willing to waste time on the few people in Genting.

At least for now, they don't feel that those few people can pose a threat to their ranking.

"You guys, go with Dong Chi, if the other party goes up together, you can stand up too."

The stocky dwarf looked at the few survivors from the last time, and casually sent them to Dongchi.

After that, they chose to enter the sixty-sixth district.

Seeing the confrontation between Dongchi and Yunding, Zhang Jia hesitated for a moment, recalled the previous instructions from the clan, sighed, and entered the 52nd district.

After a cycle, he is also recovering.

Seeing that a well-known ruthless person like Dong Chi is going to attack Genting, many people also want to go to see the excitement, but this is not shopping after all, everyone has points pressure, and finally selected the area according to the previous plan leave.

As a result, you can wait until the end of this cycle to see, but the points are really useful to yourself.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Liang Chuyin led the people to choose District 58.

Dongchi followed along with the remaining novices of those races attached to the dwarves.

"Are we... following?"

In a corner, a man asked his companion who was holding a big sword beside him.

The companion frowned and thought for a while, and finally said: "Forget it, let Dong Chi win this match, it's good if he wins, it saves us trouble, if he loses too, then..."

"Then let's kill those people in Yunding." The companion beside him said.

"Shit!" The person holding the sword glared dissatisfiedly at the people around him and said, "If Dongzhi fails, it means that our chances of success are not great, so we have to implement the second set of plans, using all our strength here We need to concentrate, we will go by ourselves, you don’t want to get out alive?”


District fifty-eight.

In the last cycle, the people of the Genting Department have gained a lot, a hundred people, not only the increase of each person's points is higher than the previous average growth rate, more importantly, no one died!

Even fewer people were injured.

It's so cool to go out on a mission with the Genting four-person team. With the big shield of Gao Yi, standing in front of people with defensive skills, and the strong support of Yan Wangshu,

The control couldn't be more stable, the troublesome beings include Liang Chuyin and Xia Bai, they are only responsible for killing the ordinary ones.

They never knew that the novice battlefield could be so easy.

In just one cycle, their sense of belonging to Yunding gradually increased. Even though Dong Chi came with a halo, they were a little eager to give this one a good look.

Yes, each of us is no match for heads-up, but you say heads-up is heads-up? Wouldn't it be better for a group of us to single you out.

Liang Chuyin didn't go too far after bringing people in, and waited there. Dong Chi came and stood nearby. After them, two more people came in. came for the hunt.

The novices who can come here alone are those who are at the top of the rankings. They have no interest in participating in the disputes between Yunding and other races, so such people, whether they are Yunding or Dongzhi, will not involve them, so After these two people came in, they just took a look at this side, and then left quickly, and they didn't stop them.

When the portal was closed, Dong Zhi took a step forward, fixed his eyes on Liang Chuyin, and said, "One-on-one."

In a word, everyone watching the live broadcast in front of the light curtain suddenly became excited.

The fight between Dong Chi and Zhang Jia was very exciting before, and everyone enjoyed watching it. Now, after a period of calm, it is time to stage a high-quality duel again.

Bet the bet, bet the bet.

"Why should we fight you one-on-one, we have so many people." A person from a small racial alliance shouted, lacking confidence, but what he said was the truth.

Unfortunately, Dong Chi didn't even glance at him, but just looked at Liang Chuyin.

"Okay, heads-up."

To everyone's surprise, Liang Chuyin agreed.

"However, not now." Wang Hongmei made a turning point, causing Dong Chi to frown.

"This cycle has just begun, let's play again before the end, so that whoever wins can get more points."

The key battles in this novice battlefield are all synchronized with the screen and sound. Many people were even more surprised when they heard what Liang Chuyin said. Is this woman in Yunding so confident?

Or is this a tactic to delay the attack?

Dong Chi thought for a while and said, "Okay, but in the next cycle, I will fight her one-on-one."

He was referring to Xia Bai.

Many people understood that Dong Chi wanted to kill the four of them one by one.

Xia Bai looked straight at him without any reaction, as if the hole was the air.

"I agreed for her." Liang Chuyin grinned, waved her little hand, and led the people to hunt.

Although there is no fight now, this kind of agreement can make people look forward to it. Many people began to look forward to the result of this battle in a few days.

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