Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-seven bequests (on)

It's not that everyone has never seen Fanshuo-level mechanical armor. After all, the ones that Ye Zhongming snatched back were placed there before, and they can recognize them casually.

But this improved model, to be honest, the difference is really too big to be recognized at all.

After Ye Zhongming said his name, he began to tell everyone the reason.

"For this mechanical armor, I have added my understanding at this stage to the dwarven technology, as well as some of my own unique... technologies, maybe a bit arrogant, but I really can't find other words to describe it."

"When I was researching mechanical armor before, I concluded that the design concept of dwarves is to replace free equipment and at the same time increase things similar to physical attributes. In other words, through the armor, the data of the body is enlarged to achieve more It is good to match the needs of the battle armor itself.”

"Therefore, the mechanical armor can often play a much better overall performance and function than the equipment of the same level." Ye Zhongming pointed to a well-established first-level guard-level armor next to him: "In addition, the armor provides a full range of equipment. The protection of the direction and the defense ability can almost surpass the level."

"Of course, these things are not without their shortcomings, that is, their functions are relatively single, and they test the driver's own combat level even more. However, the more advanced the mechanical armor, the more this shortcoming will be greatly compensated for. Warframes already have several quite good combat capabilities, and I found that the functions of the same level of warframes are also different, which reflects that the diversity and compatibility of the warframes can actually be very high fusion."

Ye Zhongming kept his hands under the table and moved his shoulders.

"Although I have mastered all the technologies of the first five levels, after all, special people are needed to carve abilities into the mechanical armor. If I want to make a mechanical armor with the same skills as the dwarves, I can't do it." It can be done, but the effect is definitely not as good as others, and the efficiency will not be as high as others."

"So on this machine, I changed the original ability to my own design, because some necessary materials and skills were incorporated, so it seemed a bit weird."

Ye Zhongming moved his body, paused for a moment and continued: "I chose the name casually, trying to be as simple and clear as possible."

"Haste, you can move at an extremely fast speed, the speed is variable, and it is proportional to the energy consumed."

"Leap up, activate the three devices on the feet and the back, and let the mechanical armor jump about ten meters."

"Whirlwind, when activated, will make the mechanical armor user's attack more erratic."

"Consecutive slash, drives the user to launch continuous attacks."

"Charge, launch a medium-distance rapid impact."

"Stay in the air, have the ability to stay in the air for a certain period of time."

"Light Slash, launch a long-distance attack that fits the shape of a weapon."

"Double, when needed, consume the durability of the armor to increase the overall data of the body, up to twice"

"Assist, the mechanical armor provides a certain degree of auxiliary ability, making the battle easier."

"Anti-injury, when the mechanical armor is directly attacked, it will produce a certain degree of anti-injury force."

The ten abilities are actually not big, and they are incomparable with those on the weapons and equipment, but they are very practical. It can be said that they are 'little moves' that can greatly improve the user's combat effectiveness.

There is no cooling time or anything for these small moves, as long as the user's body can support them, they can be used repeatedly.

As long as one's own combat experience is rich and the combat ability is strong, then this mechanical armor will give an extremely high upper limit.

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he stopped, stood up and moved a position to the side, then sat down and continued with the slightly strange eyes of others: "Besides, there are four spare parts on this mechanical armor. For the ability position, I use a material, and with some means, these four energy slots will have a very...very good function, that is, they can absorb finished skills."

"In this way, it can make up for the lack of only small moves."

Ye Zhongming said something more,

Everyone also understands that there are other things. For example, the material of the armor is obviously better than the original one, and the defense power it brings will naturally be higher. For example, in some places, Ye Zhongming added his own understanding, which is obviously more suitable for life driving of the type of earthlings.

And, Ye Zhongming just mentioned a question about the degree of fusion, which is actually very important. He also made improvements, at least much higher than the natural fusion degree made by dwarves.

"To sum up, how much better is this mechanical armor of yours than those made by dwarves at the same level? Try to use numbers to reflect it." The stele circled around the finished product and asked.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, compared all aspects and said: "The comprehensive ability should be about twice as high."

Stele Yin and Yao Hansu looked at each other, and both found the faint excitement in each other's eyes.

Although the Fanshuo level is only the fifth level of the mechanical armor, it is not the highest, even if the ability is doubled, it cannot catch up with the top mechanical armor of the dwarves.

But its improvement was successful, so that the two peak bosses knew that as long as Ye Zhongming was given some time, he could also improve the more advanced mechanical armor, and then improve it. At that time, the dwarves would fall behind.

For a long time, the Talos red dwarves have been the leading race in equipment manufacturing, and they are the first race in military technology.

But judging from the current situation, Ye Zhongming and his Yunding Manor are very likely to replace these dwarves one day and become the real number one force in military technology.

that time……

It's not that the Sioux and Musk Stars are helping Ye Zhongming, but the other way around.

Ye Zhongming stood up after waiting for a while, saying that this cycle is over, and the things have been manufactured, and he needs to take a rest. He greeted everyone and went back to his room.

"There's something wrong with this kid." Yao Hansu said.

"I feel that the energy in his body seems a little unstable." Beiyin nodded, "but it shouldn't be a big problem."


In the room, after Ye Zhongming came in, he quickly walked to his bedside. After sitting down, he no longer controlled himself, and his body immediately began to shake at a high frequency.

His breakthrough just now was very unexpected.

Originally, he was studying mechanical armor and suddenly realized something, and he had a new understanding of strength and rules, but in terms of body, he was not ready to advance.

Or to put it this way more accurately, if it is only a breakthrough once, then it is not a big problem, Ye Zhongming's foundation is there, but at that moment just now, he did not only break through once, but successively broke through 130,000, 140,000, One hundred and fifty thousand and three Fu Leila mark!

When Yaohansu Beiyin and Huozhi were still amazed by his 150,000 Fu Leila, Ye Zhongming never dared to say that he broke through three times at once, and Fu Leila directly increased by almost 30,000.

This is not only because this incident is very bizarre, but also because of the involvement of external forces in his breakthrough!

A few hours later, Ye Zhongming, who had a solid foundation, barely controlled the raging energy in his body, but it would take a long time to truly absorb this energy and turn it into his own use.

After that, he took out the 'culprit' who caused him to improve several levels at the same time this time.

It was a huge... metal coffin.

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