Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight bequests (middle)

In the hunting ground of the planet, in the half-abyss cave where Wen Hong and Xiao Jiu were located, the metal coffin that made Ye Zhongming's white robe Su Bailongma one after another promoted to the realm of great masters.

Of course, at that time, the metal coffin was only the center, and there were those huge metal arc columns and the energy gate around it.

The metal coffin was brought back by the mechanical ghost, and the 'mechanical warm red' was still used, but later there was a better substitute, and that thing always dangled in front of my eyes and affected my mood, so it has been disposed of.

Ye Zhongming attaches great importance to this thing, and he will take it out to study it when he has nothing to do, and even has the idea of ​​reactivating it, but in the past few months, the metal coffin has not made any movement, as if it is an ordinary dead thing.

Who would have thought that at the critical moment, at the moment of promotion, this thing would suddenly come out to 'make trouble'.

It's not a fake trouble, it's a real trouble. Fortunately, Ye Zhongming has a good physique, otherwise he would be gone this time.

So Ye Zhongming decided that he must study the reason for it today, otherwise he will never bring this thing with him in the future.

The coffin was very huge, and because it was a small aircraft, Ye Zhongming's room was not very spacious. After the coffin was put down, it took up a lot of space.

Even as a top craftsman, probably still an excellent equipment maker second only to a master craftsman, Ye Zhongming couldn't help but marvel at the delicacy and lifelikeness of the patterns and symbols carved on the coffin.

These should be all handmade, rather than made with extraordinary power. It is estimated that it took a lot of energy and a long time to make such a large coffin, and every part is so delicate and exquisite.

Because Ye Zhongming had studied it before, he was not so careful. He touched it for a long time and tried to open it again, but there was no response as before.

The King of Cloud Top scratched his head a little. What is the reason? Normally, the metal coffin should give him some response this time.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and was not discouraged. He carefully looked at the coffin, front, back, left, right, up, down, up and down again, and then put it down again.

This process lasted for two hours, which shows how slowly and carefully he observed.

Such a process is not useless, Ye Zhongming really found a clue.

Those were a few very inconspicuous joints with patterns that Ye Zhongming felt were a bit forced.

Such a large coffin is covered with various patterns and textures, and it is very normal to have interfaces, but because it is so exquisite and the craftsmanship is too exquisite, Ye Zhongming feels that these very, very smiles are inconspicuous, even without careful study. The interface you will find is a bit unusual.

Ye Zhongming pressed these places a few times, but there was no response.

I tapped somewhere with a sharp dagger, but there was still no response.

He also checked the surrounding parts, but there was no response.

In the end, Ye Zhongming became a little irritable, and he pointed at one of them with his finger, allowing the suppressed but still irritable promotion energy in his body to slightly impact this place.


Ye Zhongming was in high spirits.

He found it really responsive.

But that reaction was fleeting, and it returned to the way it was before.

Ye Zhongming was not reconciled, so he tried it again, and he still had that instant feeling, but it disappeared immediately.

He also clicked on several other joints, and it was the same situation,

Ye Zhongming couldn't figure it out for a while, so he stood up and walked around the coffin a few times. After thinking for a long time, he discovered a new problem.

Several interfaces are all in one direction.

Ye Zhongming turned around a few more times and found another problem.

There are four interfaces in total, two on the left and right sides of the coffin, and the interfaces in the same direction are very close to each other.

The King of Cloud Top thought for a while, stood in front of the coffin, stretched his upper arms, and pressed two fingers of each hand on the four ports to input energy together.


Ye Zhongming felt that his spirit was immediately involved in chaos.

He didn't panic, because this kind of situation happened before,

When facing the coffin in the Banyuan Demon Nest.

As expected, some pictures soon appeared, and he entered the spiritual world that the previous person deliberately left behind as if he was on the scene.

However, Ye Zhongming remembered that there were not many remaining spiritual worlds left in the coffin, and what appeared now seemed to be completely different from what he saw in the Banyuan Devil's Nest.

This is a somewhat shabby but exceptionally clean and tidy house.

The person who once gave Ye Zhongming and others a great shock, who could fight slaves in outer space, was sitting in the room, drinking water quietly.

He was really quiet. He picked up the cup at a fixed frequency, took a sip of water, put it down, and then repeated the process after a while. If Ye Zhongming hadn't observed carefully, he would have found that the water in the cup had been decreasing. It's a loop.

Suddenly, the man raised his head slightly and glanced ahead.

The sweat on Ye Zhongming's body immediately came down.

That glance was looking at him!

This person has been dead for how many years? Why in this spiritual world, he can see me who doesn't know how many years later?

The more he thought about it, Ye Zhongming not only sweated, but even his hairs stood on end.

I don't know if he knew about Ye Zhongming's state, that person smiled, raised his chin at the same time, then stood up, and walked towards the direction where he raised his chin just now.

Ye Zhongming's perspective moved accordingly, and he walked out of the room behind this person.

Outside, it was dark.

Ye Zhongming is somewhat familiar with this kind of environment. That's what happened in the Blue Secret Realm back then. That is to say, is the planet where this person is already 'sucked up' by slaves?

Ye Zhongming immediately realized another problem. The planet where the planet hunting ground is located is not bad now. It must not be here, so where is this place? Has that person gone to another place? Did he not die in battle?

The man stood there, looking around, the place was devastated.

Ye Zhongming also looked over, and it really was a scene of doomsday dilapidation.

The man turned his head and glanced at Ye Zhongming, as if reminding him of something, and then raised his hand. At the beginning, there was no abnormal phenomenon, but his surroundings began to appear unreal, and energy lines appeared one after another. Around him, at the same time, some parts of his body began to appear light spots one by one.

Then an energy line extended from the light spot, reaching towards the raised hand.

Soon, spots of light appeared in the palm, followed by balls of light, and finally turned into a huge ball of light.

During this process, the energy lines in the body and the surrounding energy patterns are in a slow and orderly state of operation.

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