Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-nine bequests (below)

The surrounding energy has reached a certain level, and all of it is concentrated in the ball of light. The person turned his body sideways, and then turned the ball of light to the distance.

His movements were not big, but the ball of light was thrown very far and high by him, and when it arrived, only a small dot could be seen, and then... it exploded suddenly.

The light is dazzling, even if Ye Zhongming is only in someone else's spiritual world, his eyes are dazzled with snow.

When the brightness of the light lightened a little, Ye Zhongming's heart was extremely shaken.

In the sky, it seemed that the ball of light had blown out a piece of nothingness, and a crack appeared in the originally dark sky.

Ye Zhongming didn't know how that came about, and he didn't know why there was almost no place where the atmosphere was directly connected to the universe.

In doubt, Ye Zhongming thought that the matter was over like this, but the dissipating light suddenly shone again, and then turned into a beam of light and bombarded the ground.

Just like a nuclear explosion, there is no huge mushroom cloud, but there is a strong shock wave, and the dust raised by the energy rushes towards the surroundings, passing a distance of perhaps thousands of miles, and reaching the eyes of the two people.

But just right, everything ended in front of them.

Obviously, this person's control over power has reached a heinous level, and in this respect, Ye Zhongming is far inferior.

The man looked back at Ye Zhongming, as if he was asking, did you understand?

Ye Zhongming has no entity, so he can't answer, he can only watch.

The man turned around and stood there quietly. When all the dust settled, Ye Zhongming saw that an endless pit had formed over there.

At least in his current state, he couldn't understand how powerful a force was needed to cause such an effect like a planetary impact.

After a while, the man raised his hand again, aiming at the sky, and the energy patterns around and inside his body reappeared, but this time it was obviously different from the last time, there was no light ball on his hand Instead, some bright black wafer-like things appear and disappear from time to time, which makes people feel very magical.

Sometimes, these bright black chips formed a big sword, sometimes a war knife, sometimes turned into half a longbow, and even turned into a sledgehammer.

In short, these chips seem to be able to form anything, the difference is only the subtle changes in the energy circulation circuits around and in the body.

In the end, these wafers form a... pen.

Ye Zhongming doesn't understand, the pen is really a kind of weapon in the martial arts novels of the country before, and it also appeared occasionally on the roulette wheel. However, this thing has inherent defects, except for its special function, it is rarely used Some people use it as a main weapon.

This person held a pen and began to write and draw on the ground. After a while, he raised his head and looked at Ye Zhongming. He didn't speak. Instead, he flicked his fingers lightly, and a wave of energy entered the painting on the ground. Then, some bright spots of light as pure as water rose up there.

Those photoelectric lights slowly floated, and finally formed...

When Ye Zhongming saw it, he almost cried out.

He recognized it and was extremely sure that it was an elemental spirit! It should also be a mature elemental spirit!

It's just that he didn't know what kind of element that elf was.

The man stretched out his hand, and the elemental spirit landed on his palm, rubbed against him intimately, and then flicked in the air, looking around with dissatisfaction.

The little guy raised his head and spit out his mouth towards the sky. It was originally a small white thing that rose into the sky, but when it reached a height of about 100 meters, it exploded and turned into a ball about the size of a basketball. The energy ball then began to emit light and heat, illuminating a large area.

A dark environment becomes as bright as a normal planet.

After that, the little guy still didn't seem to be satisfied. He looked around, and the chubby hand kept pointing everywhere. Soon, exquisite metal statues appeared around him, with different heights and shapes. Patchwork,

Make it seem like a top sculpture park.

After finishing all this, the little guy seemed to be satisfied. He landed on a statue and sat down, dangling his short legs, looking carefree.

Ye Zhongming was a little dumbfounded, now he has too many questions.

First of all, shouldn't elemental sprites be exclusive to Earth? Why did it appear in this person's hand? Could it be that my perception all along was wrong? Before his rebirth, he did know that several countries had national specialties, and he believed that they should be the products of elemental elves.

But now it seems not necessarily.

Ye Zhongming didn't know what was going on, it was because his strength in the previous life on Earth was too ordinary, and it was really impossible to distinguish the source of some news from the true and the false, perhaps it had completely changed in his ears.

Secondly, the summoning form of the elemental elves is not like this, just like Ye Zhongming's own two elves, which are in the body, as long as they are not sleeping, they can be exhaled at any time. But this person actually drew a formation before calling out. Did I admit that I was wrong? Isn't this little guy an elemental elf? In other words, the PRO or PIUS version of the elemental wizard?

Finally, the reason why Ye Zhongming couldn't recognize which element this elemental spirit belonged to was because it showed at least two kinds of elemental energy in a short period of time just now. The glowing energy should be a light element? And what the metal statue shows is the gold element?

Ye Zhongming didn't know, he could only guess.

These doubts made him very, very confused. He felt that this thing was related to him, but he was not sure.

That person let the elemental spirit play outside for a while, and then slowly sent it back to the formation.

Looking back at Ye Zhongming again, his fingers were constantly swipe in mid-air, and what spewed out with his fingers were thin lines of energy. These thin lines were very conspicuous under the dimmed sky again. After a while, A star map appeared in front of Ye Zhongming's eyes.

star map?

After Ye Zhongming saw that the person finished drawing, he clicked on a place.

After finishing all this, the person re-entered a still state, as if he was waiting for Ye Zhongming to memorize the star map.

Ye Zhongming is indeed trying to remember forcibly. This star map is very likely to be the place where the person who dragged himself into the spiritual world is. If his guess is correct, the elemental spirit with unknown attributes should also be there!

The star map gradually grows larger until it finally disappears.

That person raised his head, looked at the starry sky, and didn't move for a long time. After an unknown period of time, Ye Zhongming began to suspect that the disc was stuck. Pointing to his head, pointing to the sky, and finally, turning to Ye Zhongming, gave a big smile.

At the same time, a huge metal coffin rose under his feet. He lay down in it, closed his eyes, and closed the coffin. Finally, the coffin turned into a ray of light, which shot straight into the sky and instantly turned into a spot of light until it disappeared.

Before Ye Zhongming's eyes, it was as if a whole piece of proportion suddenly shattered, pushing him back to reality.

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