Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and two, the ending in the back

When Anumus died, it was a little later than the end of the battle outside, so the people in Yunding added another fire after shocking the many races in front of the light curtain.

The situation in the vine space is closed, and what everyone can see is the last moment, when countless vine thorns that are like half of the magic vine ruthlessly pierced Anumus' body.

So everyone didn't know that the two lives fought back and forth before, and at that moment, they were all shocked by the terrifying attack of the Yama tree.

Is that the attack power a support should have?

Many people simply can't figure out why such a terrifying attack occurs.

Even Yaohansu and Beiyin couldn't figure it out.

"It stands to reason that a support really shouldn't have such an attack ability, unless...she wasn't a support in the first place."

Stele Yin looked at Ye Zhongming and said slowly.

The King of Cloud Top scratched his eyebrows with his little finger, "It's not us who said that Luo Luo is an assistant."

Yao Hansu looked a little solemn, looked at Ye Zhongming like the seal on the stele, and said, "You have to train this person well, if you can't, then leave it to me, her talent is too terrifying, even more terrifying than Xia Bai just now , I really feel that, in the same situation as Fu Leila, you really are not necessarily their opponent."

Ye Zhongming had some headaches, Yao Hansu said so, that means he really had this idea.

No matter how the Su family has declined in these years, they are always a super rich family, and they are always one of the leaders of the three camps. In terms of background, even if Ye Zhongming is given another fifty years, he will not be able to catch up with them.

Cultivating a person, if the Su people do their best, it is indeed not comparable to Ye Zhongming, who has just started and needs a lot of resources everywhere.

A more obvious example is Jie Su.

Jie Su is very talented, he can even be said to be one of the most talented people in the history of the Sioux tribe. When Yao Hansu didn't take the position of patriarch, Jiesu got a lot of resources, which allowed him to have a high starting point, and his cultivation base has always been ahead of his peers.

When the opponent Jie Su got well, Yao Hansu, who had already designated him as his successor, became the patriarch, and he got more resources.

When Ye Zhongming didn't come, Paobai envied Jie Su enviously to death, even to a certain extent, Paobai was also stained.

However, Ye Zhongming still rejected Yao Hansu after a little thought.

The current internal situation of the Sioux is somewhat complicated. Yaohansu's department took the absolute initiative, while the other two departments died down.

But the more this is the case, the more Yaohansu has to consider the interests of the other two departments when dealing with things. If he does it too well, the backlash he will receive will be unprecedented.

At least the current Yaohansu family can't stand it.

After all, the other two departments just died down, not without strength.

What's more, the current external situation is not friendly to the Sioux family. If the internal situation is unstable, there will be basically no time for others, and Ye Zhongming will lose the protection of the Sioux family.

If you want to cultivate the Hades tree, you must spend a huge amount of resources. In the case of already having a resource of Black Hole Jiesu, if you take out so many things, it will be strange if the other two departments have no objections.

It's probably the kind of 'spend so much for a foreigner, or a foreigner who will leave at any time, what a joke! 'a feeling of.

Staying with Ye Zhongming, although there will definitely be ups and downs in terms of resources, at least there will be no other problems. What's more, Yan Wangshu has eaten the "annual ring" of the Gu Rui royal family, and reached five years in Fu Leila. Before 10,000 or even 80,000, you only need to have a lot of monthly gold. In this regard, Ye Zhongming is still confident.

"Hmph, kid, don't regret it, each of these four people deserves to be cultivated with great effort, especially Xia Bai and Luo Luo, when the time comes, you will know how much it takes to train a person, the more talented it is More and more, in the future, they will become gold-absorbing black holes one by one, sucking up the resources in your hands. Not only will the development of your Yunding Manor be affected, but they will also delay your practice because you can't supply them.

It's time for you to cry. "

Yao Hansu was very dissatisfied with Ye Zhongming's rejection of him.

The inscription was even a little tempting, and he rubbed his chin to consider, if the Sioux tribe trains Luoluo, can they train Xia Bai from the Musketeers?

But the stele immediately denied it secretly.

His daughter is already a black hole of resources. In the future, he may have to give his son-in-law some help, and cultivate geniuses in the clan such as Zhang Jia. It is really impossible to get another foreign genius to train with all his strength. Super The big clan couldn't bear it either.

Ye Zhongming said: "I can ask you for a loan."

The two peak masters turned their heads at the same time, watching the things on the light curtain intently.

Ye Zhongming just laughed.

The four of them really need to be cultivated, but Xia Bai basically doesn't need him to worry about. With the support of the entire library palace, that mysterious and distant existence is an inexhaustible treasure. Nothing, but there will never be a shortage of resources.

Of course, the cultivation of Gao Yi and Yan Wangshu must be done with care, but the former is a defensive type with a single need and easy to find. The latter does not need to be considered in terms of equipment, and it can last for a long time with annual rings, which is actually nothing. The only one in the group of four that Ye Zhongming needs to put a lot of thought into in the future is Liang Chuyin.

Of course, there are Dihuangwan Yangos, Bailongmaleiliao and the like, and those Ye Zhongming will also take care of it. With his current earning power and speed, he can fully support it.

"Aren't they leaving?"

Yao Hansu suddenly pointed at the light curtain, Ye Zhongming looked and found that the Genting Four were still in place, as if they were waiting for someone.

In the corner of the light curtain, people from the Hall Star Alliance are coming quickly, and they haven't found out that the entire army of the elite team has been wiped out yet.

However, even from Yao Hansu's point of view, there is really no need for the Genting quartet who have already won the victory to be so desperate. Not to mention the possibility of basically no victory, it will make people feel that they are a bit too arrogant.

Only Ye Zhongming knew that the four of them still hadn't done their best.

Before, he had prepared four sets of equipment for the four of them. Of course, Xia Bai and Yan Wangshu didn't need them, but Liang Chuyin and Gao Yi were like this. Now, each of them broke a set of Hongning-level, and Gao Yi took out a set of double-shield boutique Lenny-level suits, which are still full-defense style. In fact, another set of high-quality Lenny-class is Gao Yi's real killer. With one shield and one sword, the defense power is slightly reduced, but the attack power is greatly improved. That is the peak state of the captain of the evasion operation.

Even without the bloodline transformation, Gao Yi in that state is still powerful.

Liang Chuyin was even more so. She broke a set of Hongning-level equipment, and now she is wearing Lenny-level equipment. After taking the wound medicine, she should be in the strongest combat state now.

Needless to say, Xia Bai, Brando didn't even do harm to her, and Ye Zhongming didn't even know how much the Library Palace taught her. It would be true for this killing god to say that he didn't enjoy killing.

As for Yan Wangshu not doing his best, it is too obvious, because she has never turned into the state of Luoshen Shan, and it is natural that she has not opened her world...

Therefore, it is understandable that the four people have ideas about the newcomers to the entire Hall star camp.

However, although Ye Zhongming understands them, he also disapproves of the four of them doing this, because their individual strength is indeed far beyond that of novices at this level, but they really don't reach the point where they have a level difference. The four of them can match up to more than a dozen One elite novice does not need full strength, but what about a hundred? What's more, there are more than a hundred people behind.

The reason why they are eager to try is probably because the world of Yama tree is natural.

Ye Zhongming thought so anyway.

But things did not develop as everyone expected, because the Hall star team slowed down when they were about to approach the Genting Four, and then stopped.

Obviously, they saw the failures of Anumius and Brando from the standings.

Among these people, there are actually not many members of the Hall star tribe, most of them entered the elite team and died. Others didn't lose their minds and felt like they were going to take revenge or something.

Will they be able to kill the people in Genting if they go there? This is not necessarily the case, and it may even be counter-killed. Since they were not selected into the elite team, it meant that they were not strong enough. In this case, how to face the enemies who killed teammates who were already stronger than them?

No one wants to go.

Even if everyone thinks that they can win together in the end, they are not willing to go, because many people will die, and any one of them may be one of the 'many people'.

So they stopped, looked at each other, and chose to retreat tacitly.

There is no need to go all out.

This situation even affected the battle on the other side.

Dongchi, Zhang Jia and the Lena Stars had already gained an advantage in the battle, but at the end of the Yunding side, they did not turn the advantage into a victory, although Zhang Jia and other Musk star rookies had already killed Of the three opponents, only one lay down on my side, and as time went by, their advantage was getting bigger and bigger, but there was still some time before victory.

This continued until the Sioux novices returned.

Qia bestie wants to stand out, but he doesn't want to die. On the contrary, he cherishes his life more than anyone else.

When he discovered that there were Sioux people behind him, he decided to retreat temporarily and wait until he joined the main force.

Dong Chi and the groomsmen were in a stalemate, but in fact he was at a slight disadvantage, and there was nothing he could do if the best grooms retreated.

When Zhang Jia saw that the best man had withdrawn from the battle, they also stopped and moved towards Dong Chi.

The people of the Sioux tribe met them across the groomsmen.

"Uh, Yunding, it's over." A member of the Sioux hesitated for a while, but still said the words.

The meaning is actually very simple, but it gives the people here another choice.

Yunding won, the people from the Hall star camp retreated, Yunding and Xia Bai's first place was stable, so... is there still a need to fight here?

It cannot be denied that these novices of the Sioux tribe still have some selfish motives.

They are well aware of the current external situation of the race, and know that both the Musk and Lena are allies, the difference is that the former's alliance is now very stable, while the latter's alliance is a bit vain and temporary.

But even a temporary ally is an ally. If possible, they don't want to make this ally relationship precarious because of the novice battlefield.

The Sioux and Musk people now need the Lena people to bear some pressure for them.

Therefore, with the overall situation settled, these Sioux people did not return to the main force as planned, but came here.

The newbies of the Sioux know that when they say this, Zhang Jia should understand. If he understands and agrees with this approach, then it doesn't matter if he holds it.

They feel that they should also understand the best suit. This guy's personality has been revealed a lot in this cycle. He is a person who is good at taking advantage of opportunities and is also a person who knows how to choose. He will know that if he continues to fight, he will get nothing. may die.

Dong Chi actually understood, he was silent for a while, silently put away the deformed short stick, and nodded to Zhang Jia.

So these people tacitly took a detour here, met each other, and then walked towards their own side.

This year's novice battlefield ended in such a backward movement.

In front of the light curtain, many people were still unsatisfied. Perhaps what they were looking forward to was for the four from Genting to challenge the newcomers of the Hall star camp.

Maybe what you are looking forward to is the rivalry between the Lena star and the Musk star from the Sioux tribe?

Or maybe what I'm looking forward to is... the chaos of all races in the universe.

The novice returned to the camp and made the final purchase. Those points can be exchanged for physical objects and taken away. Naturally, they can also be transferred and traded.

When all this is over, the contestants of all races can return to their own aircraft. As for the rewards for the novice battlefield, they will be distributed when they return to the Survivor Fortress. At that time, this year's planet hunting ground will also enter the preparation period.

Yaohansu and Beiyin left at the end, and the Lie Shen-level equipment was also taken away. It is too dangerous to put this thing in Ye Zhongming's place now.

When the Genting four came back, everyone was happy and prepared to return.

After all, many people were killed in the novice battlefield. Although there are rules, the hatred inside cannot be brought out, but who knows if there are lunatics? It would be safer to return to the safer Survivor Bastion.

But before the aircraft started, a slightly domineering communication came in. After giving a notice, a few uninvited guests came to the aircraft in only ten minutes.

Gu Rui royal family!

Ye Zhongming thought with his feet and knew what they were going to do.

In the previous novice battlefield, they had some problems with this group of plant life, but they seemed to abide by the rules and did not trouble Ye Zhongming. Even after the Hall Stars became hostile to Ye Zhongming and the dwarves came to add insult to injury, they remained silent.

But it suddenly appeared now, not because of the previous things.

"In your body, I feel a very friendly atmosphere. We should be the same kind, and we will be the same kind, so come here, child."

A member of Gu Rui's royal family didn't even look at Ye Zhongming, and said directly to Yan Wangshu after coming in.

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