Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and three strange brain circuits

2 in 1

Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes, but didn't say anything.

He knows better than anyone what it means that the situation is stronger than people.

The Gu Ruixing clan is nominally a race among the three camps, and their status is not as independent as that of the Talos red dwarves. But if you insist on his preference, it's not very good.

They are very low-key. Although they participated in all the activities and battlefields, their results were not so impressive. They participate in all the actions of the myriad races in the universe, sometimes they are brilliant, and sometimes they are ordinary.

Even, they are keen on helping other races, especially loans.

Many people don't know that the Gu Ruixing clan is actually the biggest creditor of all the clans in the universe.

So they are involved in many things, but rarely involved in disputes, as long as they don't want to, no one will force them to stand.

In many cases, they are the first choice for many races when they need a middleman.

So their identities are somewhat vague, even though they once made it clear who they prefer, but after that, this expression was gradually diluted by their behavior until it disappeared.

Of course, whether it is their large-scale borrowing behavior or their good mediation of various conflicts, it is based on the strong strength of this race itself.

And their strength depends on their long lives.

Someone once said that every super-rich family has its own background, but in terms of the thickness of the background, there is no race that can compare with the Gu Ruixing Clan.

After all, living a long time will always make people get something that others don't have, and encounter some opportunities that others don't have.

One thing I have to say is that the Gu Ruixing clan is the race with the most known peak masters among all the clans in the universe.

That is to say, in the entire history of all races in the universe, they rank first in the number of peak masters that have appeared.

Even now, although Hall Stars and Lena Stars have the largest number of existing peak masters, and then the Talos Red Dwarves, the fourth place is the turn of the Gu Rui Star Clan.

But this number is not believed by everyone, because the life of the Gu Ruixing clan is too long, and many of their masters have disappeared in the long river of history. If this is the case for other races, a peak master has not been determined to die in battle Those who died of illness, but there is no news, and it has not appeared after hundreds of years, everyone will know that you are dead.

But the Gu Ruixing Clan is different. They may have to disappear for more than five hundred years before you can be a little sure that they are dead. If you really want to be sure, you don't know how many years later.

So everyone felt that this group of tree people had hidden peak masters, and there might be quite a few of them.

This made Gu Ruixing's status even more detached.

Because of these racial characteristics, many of the Gu Ruixing clan hold positions in the Council of Ten Thousand Clans. They usually keep a low profile, but their actual power is not small.

The Talos red dwarves are rich and well equipped, and the overall combat effectiveness of the race is also very strong. But in terms of all-round influence, it is still not as good as the Gu Ruixing clan.

In terms of members, the Gu Ruixing Clan seldom absorbs foreigners, and most of them are their offspring. Even if they absorb, the goal is to plant life.

this time,

When they saw the Yan Wangshu, they were surprised at the beginning, then they were surprised, and now they couldn't bear it anymore. That's why they followed Luo Luo just after returning to the aircraft.

There were three members of the Gu Ruixing clan who came here, and they all looked at Yan Wangshu with a look of great anticipation.

For a moment, Ye Zhongming even thought of letting Luo Luo enter the enemy's interior as a spy.

But he just thought about it for himself, knowing that such a thing was impossible.

He has some knowledge about the Gu Ruixing clan, especially when he was in the library palace, some bibliophiles told Ye Zhongming the history and secrets of some of the races in the universe they knew, and most of them were about this plant race. The records are ambiguous, because they are not from their own tribe, and they really cannot get into their interior, so they have no way of knowing more.

What the Gu Ruixing Clan embodies is just what they want to show in front of all the clans in the universe.

This race is too mysterious.

Mysterious things often bring fear from the unknown.

He would not let Yama Wangshu enter such an environment.

But from the moment these people came in and said these words directly, everyone knew that this race is usually low-key, but once it does things, it can be really arrogant.

Digging your corners in front of your face is not something ordinary people can do.

Now the aircraft is full of Yunding Mountain Villa's own people. Speaking of temper, Liang Chuyin, Gao Yi, Xia Bai and others are actually not good, but they also know that this place is different from the earth. Although angry, they didn't say anything, waiting for Ye Zhongming to go response.

Yan Wangshu looked at Ye Zhongming, then at the three tree men, and suddenly slipped away.

Many black lines immediately appeared on Ye Zhongming's forehead

That was the sound of Yan Wangshu sucking saliva.

As for why she was drooling, it was natural that this guy knew that the three Gu Ruixing clansmen in front of them should have something called annual rings in their bodies.

Yan Wangshu's fighting power today is directly related to her eating the annual rings of a powerful Gu Ruixing clan.

For this guy, apart from becoming a human and yearning to mate with Ye Zhongming, probably only food can arouse her interest.

It's just that it seems impolite for you to drool directly like this.

r /\u003e For a moment, the king of Yunding actually choked on what he wanted to say.

"Lolo, is your name right? Please seriously consider our proposal and join the Guruixing Clan. Then you will be a member of our clan and will receive the highest teaching. You should know that because of the particularity of our lives, other races There is no systematic plant cultivation method there, only in the Gu Ruixing Clan, you can find these, once you practice, then your progress will be very fast, many times faster than now."

Seeing that Luo Luo didn't speak, that person thought he was already thinking about it, so he continued to explain the racial characteristics of the Gu Ruixing clan.

What he said was not bragging. In terms of plant-based life cultivation, the Gu Ruixing clan is indeed unique.

Yan Wangshu blinked, the cultivation method eats their annual rings, and then absorbs energy from the defensive formation of Yunding Manor to digest the annual rings. Is it a method?

Also, why do my abilities appear automatically after I have wisdom? Can I still cultivate on my own initiative?

Yan Wangshu thought about it with her straightforward thinking, and came to a conclusion.

this is for liars

Obviously, he can practice on his own and has various abilities of his own. But what they mean is to let myself practice other methods. Isn't this going to abolish all my previous things?

Are liars so low in IQ now? It seems lower than receiving a court summons or something.

Yan Wangshu couldn't help but think of the things Hong sister Xia Lei and the others told him when he was on Earth. They pretended to be locals when they couldn't speak Mandarin well.

Alas, even in the myriad races of the universe, it seems that the level of liars is not very high. I'm still smart.

Yan Wangshu swallowed his saliva while completing self-psychological construction that no one could have imagined.

Seeing that Yan Wangshu still didn't speak, the member of the Gu Ruixing clan threw another blockbuster.

"A peak master in our clan intends to accept you as an apprentice. If you can join our clan, then you will have a peak master as your master. Do you know what this means?"

That Gu Ruixing clansman felt that this proposal was a trump card, and no one could resist the temptation to learn from a top expert.

That is almost considered to be a shortcut to the highest realm.

Only the peak masters can tell you what is going on with the peak masters, which is 10,000 times easier and safer than comprehending it yourself.

Even Ye Zhongming felt that this group of tree men were really willing to make a promise in order to let Yan Wangshu join their group.


Yan Wangshu finally responded, which made the eyes of several members of Gu Ruixing's clan shine.

"It means that it is easy to be killed," Luo Luo replied weakly.

Tree people collective question mark, what does it mean?

"That's right, you forgot." Lolo pointed to the closed light curtain.

Everyone suddenly realized that Anumius, who Luoluo had just killed in the novice battlefield, was the apprentice of a peak Hall star master.

The tree people are a bit broken, what kind of brain circuit is this? If you kill a disciple of a peak master, it means that all apprentices of a peak master will be killed.

Seeing the wonderful expressions on the faces of the tree people, Yan Wangshu felt that he couldn't lose face like this, and liars also want face, so she spoke again.

"Why don't you give me some money?" Luo Luo rubbed his fingers and said.


The three Gu Ruixing clan didn't quite understand.

"That's it" Luo Luo looked embarrassed, "It's just that you are optimistic about me, then you don't have to go with you, you can give me some money, let me practice by myself, don't worry, I am a tree on the earth , I am very trustworthy, and when you need me in the future, I will definitely say what I say, be generous and generous, uh, the lips of the donkey are wrong, and the mouth of the horse is biased toward the tiger mountain."

All Genting people lowered their heads in shame at this moment.

The three members of the Gu Ruixing Clan were also said to be fooled. They didn't understand what it was all about. Why did it take so much effort to communicate with this guy? like a fool

After thinking about it for a while, their eyes finally fell on Ye Zhongming, who had stood up and was sitting down.

They still knew this No. 1 novice from the previous session. At least they had done some homework after they took a fancy to Yama Wangshu.

"Does money need money? How much money can let her go with us?"

It has to be said that in some respects, the brain circuits of plant life are similar.

Ye Zhongming shook his head, "She is our partner, she will not go with you, let alone sell it to you, if you have nothing else to do, please leave."

For the Gu Rui royal family, Ye Zhongming has already given a lot of face. After they sent a message, Ye Zhongming did not refuse their arrival. Yunding has too many enemies now, and he doesn't want to have a bad relationship with these tree people.

It's just that this kind of matter involves principles, he must make it clear.

Maybe they also saw the attitude of these people clearly, and knew that it was impossible to make sense today, so a few members of the Gui Ruixing clan were silent for a while, and then walked away.

Before leaving, he didn't say a word.

"It's really rude." Yan Wangshu muttered, she felt that the way she was pouting and whispering bb at the moment had Tang Guo's charm.

"That lolo..." Ye Zhongming looked at Yan Wangshu, who had begun to enter the self-cultivation state of being a man again, and said, "From now on, can we stop talking about idioms?"

Although the treant's digging was not successful, it still affected

They didn't know what kind of impact this incident would have in the future, but no matter what it was, they had to continue.

Because the Genting four performed so well in the novice battlefield, they didn't even show a lot of hole cards. Ye Zhongming felt that in addition to their well-prepared strength, their strength seemed to increase a little too fast.

So four people were asked to conduct a round of Fu Leila test, and the result surprised everyone.

Gao Yi is the one who has improved the least among the four, and Fu Leila is now at 2,325 points. After that was Liang Chuyin, at two thousand five hundred and sixty-one o'clock. Xia Bai has 2,710 points, and Yan Wangshu, who just ran away Gu Ruixing's family, now Fu Leila has exceeded 3,000 points, reaching 3,022 points

It's only been a few dozen days, and the improvement rate of these people is a bit astonishing, but Gao Yi and Liang Chuyin are still within the normal range. After all, the continuous life-and-death battle will make Fu Leila increase in speed, and Xia Bai's increase is not so much. Normal, but only a little faster.

But what is the situation of Yan Wangshu? In such a short period of time, the increase of one thousand Fu Leila is too fast.

It is estimated that during the battle, it will also help the digestion speed of the annual ring.

No wonder the four of them could have such a performance. Before the final battle, they were already hundreds of Fu Leila ahead of the opponent.

Don't underestimate Fu Leila, for novices like them whose total amount is not high, hundreds of Fu Leila may be one-fifth and one-fourth of their original strength, plus the advantage in equipment, This gap is actually quite large.

After Ye Zhongming tested Fu Leila of the four people, he asked the Changxu Shui people who came with the boat to treat their injuries. After that, he did not announce that he would return immediately. Although he said before that it would be safer to go back, he suddenly received The information made him decide to wait.

Because the member who secretly has the ability to smuggle people wants to make a deal with him, a deal about the star map of the universe that the two of them agreed on before.

The transaction process went smoothly, and through this secret network, Ye Zhongming got a batch of new cosmic star maps after a one-time payment of nearly ten million months.

When he went back and added the star map to the big universe star map he had obtained according to the coordinates, he accidentally found a familiar planet

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