Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and sixteen cells

"Still Two in One"

This person entered Yunding Villa with a clear purpose, to take away the Yama tree.

And with his moves, all the abilities of his moves are of the plant type. Such masters can only be found in the Gu Ruixing clan.

Ye Zhongming had never been sure how much the representatives of the plant department in the universe were obsessed with the Yama tree. During the period when the novice battlefield was over, they were very calm and did not continue to express their desire to make the Yama tree What they meant in the past.

Ye Zhongming thought they had given up.

After all, no matter how well Yan Wangshu performed, it only cost a few thousand Fu Leila. For the Gu Ruixing Clan, they may not even be considered qualified fighters. What they value is nothing more than potential.

But... among the members of the Gu Ruixing clan, there is no rookie with such potential? Ye Zhongming didn't believe it, he believed that not only did they have it, but there might be many more.

Then someone came over and said once, it’s fine if you don’t let anyone go.

Under normal circumstances, the Gu Ruixing clan is still very low-key.

But who would have thought that the suspected Gu Ruixing clan's life would still come.

They should have a strong interest in the Yama tree that Ye Zhongming could not understand.

The person who broke in was defeated by a lot of birds with one move, and was shrouded in smoke that weakened his body and slowed his agility by Liang Chuyin. He defeated the white dragon horse wearing a comprehensive water chain in ten seconds, and his resistance was no less than that of a master. If Ye Zhongming hadn't rushed back in time to win the joint attack of the commando red makeup guards, relying on the power of transformation and the desperate blow of the mountain dragon, he would have left with the Yama tree.

This person is definitely not a top expert, but in Ye Zhongming's opinion, his level of strength is at least more than 180,000 Fu Leila.

With the help of the formation, the entire Yunding was able to keep him.

If such a life is a member of the Gu Ruixing clan, it should be a well-known first-class expert in the clan.

In this case, when he dies, he will definitely leave annual rings behind!

The growth rings of a Gu Ruixing clan who just died are much more precious than the growth rings he found for Yama Wangshu that had been stored for an unknown amount of time.

Unfortunately... no.

There are no annual rings!

Then the result is... Isn't this person from the Gu Ruixing clan?

This conclusion made Ye Zhongming a little disappointed, but also a little relieved.

Disappointed, without the annual rings, the Yama tree would naturally not be able to absorb it. She had frantically absorbed the power from the annual rings to enhance the power of nature in the world, and she had consumed more than half of it, and there was not much left for her to slowly digest. It can be added that it has a great effect on the Yama tree.

The ease comes from the pressure of the Gu Ruixing clan. If this person was from the Gu Ruixing clan, such a master died in Yunding Manor, that giant race would definitely not let it go, Ye Zhongming might not survive the dwarves to find him, and he would be killed by these tree men.

But now I find that it may not be the case, and the pressure has naturally eased a lot.

In this somewhat complicated mood, Ye Zhongming went to look at the injured Dihuang Wan and the others.

Because Rhubarb has the ability to heal itself, although the injury is serious, there is no life-threatening concern, but it is estimated that it will take more than 20 cosmic days to fully recover. That person's plant power is very strange, if it wasn't for the Yan Wang tree that can slowly absorb some of the residual power left in Rhubarb's body, and if some kind of medicine from the Changxu Aquarium also has an effect on this, it would probably be a very troublesome thing .

Liileiiao's injury was somewhat similar to that of Dihuang Wan, but after all, it was of a higher level and stronger. Even if the person's attack was also strengthened, nothing happened, and even the recovery time was half that of Dihuang Wan.

As for the white dragon horse, I have to say that this guy's racial talent is too good. Although he was beaten badly and seriously injured during the battle, his recovery ability is really strong, even if he doesn't have the Yama tree and Changxu water clan Help, it is estimated that it will be healed in seven or eight days. With the symptomatic treatment, its wounds are already healing rapidly, and it is estimated that it will be completely fine in four or five days.

Besides them, the most troublesome thing is actually Gao Yi, if he hadn't activated the bloodline at that time,

It is estimated that it has been killed in seconds, and it took three days to regain consciousness. It is estimated that it will take a month to lie in bed.

Others also suffered some injuries, most of which were left by the sawdust and energy splashed after the attacks and collisions at that time, and they were not serious at all.

The banquet originally intended to welcome the companions was also canceled, but no one was dissatisfied with Sister Hong and the others. The Jiubao couple went with Dihuangwan, the twin sisters were picked up by the red makeup guards and others, and Ah Tao brought the clansmen to the assault camp to familiarize themselves with the situation , Sister Hong plunged into the laboratory prepared for her to study fresh corpses.

The interest in those eyes was so intense that it couldn't be dispelled, even with a hint of madness.

Many people have become accustomed to seeing it, but in the eyes of the people in the assault battalion, after they were silent, they felt a little chilly.

No matter for any life, such eyes represent a kind of almost crazy paranoia, and people with such eyes need to be in awe.

Sister Hong naturally didn't know that the look in her eyes caused the assault battalion to have such complicated emotions towards her, and she was locked in the laboratory and could not come out.

Ye Zhongming was dealing with the end of killing this person. On the one hand, he strengthened the defense of Yunding Manor. The previous defense state was only opened to about 60%. Naturally, this was done to save money. Now it has directly opened to 80%. On the other hand, they notified the speeding up of the defense project in Antiao City, and at the same time notified the Sioux and Musk people to send the image of that person to determine whether they were members of the Guruixing clan.

Sometimes Ye Zhongming is a little helpless.

When he was on the earth, he was reborn, and he had ten years to walk again. He spent the same time, from an ordinary six-star evolutionary, to being the strongest on the earth until he became one of the myriad races in the universe.

But here, the gaps in many things cannot be made up in a short time. Even if he has the opportunity to double over and his strength rises sharply, his overall strength is still too weak after all. He and Genting were crushed to death.

This feeling of walking on thin ice is very uncomfortable.


When Ye Zhongming was having a headache because of his bad situation, in a galaxy far away, on a planet full of vitality, a humanoid life opened his eyes.

This planet is not too big, even compared with the already very small earth in the universe, it is only about half the size.

However, at this moment, this planet that seems to be full of life, if you observe carefully, you will find that there is only one tree here.

A... huge tree that occupies the entire planet! The huge canopy covers more than 90% of the area, and the entire planet can only be nourished by this one big tree.

The person who opened his eyes was sitting on the highest crown of this big tree.


"It's a surprise..."

"Wait, finish this training..."

Some soft murmur echoed across the planets, and the man closed his eyes again.

When the angle of view is raised, you will find that this person has no lower body, no, or his lower body is exactly the thick trunk of the giant tree that almost occupies tens of thousands of kilometers!


"We checked, and there is no such person in the Gu Rui royal family. However, this race is very mysterious, and it is usually terrible. The people who see the most are those who are members of some plants in the Council of Ten Thousand Races and various organizations. , We don’t know much about the situation in their clan.”

On the light curtain were the puzzled and dignified faces of Jie Su and Yserwei.

Ye Zhongming asked them to check the origin of this person. Both of them basically have extremely high authority in the clan. After checking, they did not find any information about this person in their respective databases.

But this does not mean that this person is not a member of the Gu Ruixing Clan. Even if it is a super rich clan, the Su Clan and Musk Star don't know much about the Gu Ruixing Clan. They are not sure if this person is.

Knowing this situation, Ye Zhongming knew that in determining the identity of this person, he was in a deadlock. Whether it was true or not, no one could give Ye Zhongming an answer.

But under such circumstances, Sister Hong came out of her laboratory and gave Ye Zhongming an answer.

"Sure enough, it is a universe with advanced technology. The experimental equipment inside is too advanced. I spent a whole day trying to understand them, and I still haven't fully understood them!"

Sister Hong sat down next to Ye Zhongming carelessly, and tapped on the terminal while eating a cake made of unknown ingredients.

"If Lao Liu is here, he must be happier. There are too many things here that are his professional fields, and his accumulation of knowledge is basically the same. You can start researching when you come up. I still have confidence in my man. Yes, it may not be possible to invent something better than the myriad races in the universe, but it should be no problem to improve the existing ones.”

When Sister Hong talked about Le Dayuan, her eyes were smiling.

Ye Zhongming also listened with a smile. When the couple were together, Sister Hong was always bullying Le Dayuan. With a look of a doormat, he smiled and endured, listening to one unpleasant word after another burst out of his wife's mouth.

But now that the two of them are temporarily separated, Sister Hong will be happy with Le Dayuan.

After eating the cake, Sister Hong drank another drink and hiccupped, "I have a guess."

Ye Zhongming turned serious.

Although Sister Hong's guess is her guess from a certain direction, Ye Zhongming knows that there is a certain basis for it, but there is not enough evidence to prove it. When this kind of guessing is used to invent something, most of it will be wrong, but if it is based on some research, the chance of guessing right will be much higher.

"I haven't fully grasped the life gene sequences of the various races in the universe. These lives are also very different from the life on earth, so that my major has been greatly affected. After studying, and researching these days, I found that the corpse is something special."

Liu Zhenghong frowned slightly, as if recalling strings of incomprehensible data in the laboratory.

"In the corpse, the activity of the cells is very high, which is the characteristic of a master. When checking a single cell, there is no problem, but after checking more, I found that they are too similar, the bottom moisture and the high moisture... Forget it, you don’t understand this either.”

After the daily session of contempt for Ye Zhongming, Sister Hong continued: "For example, you copy a piece of paper, and then use the copied paper to continue copying, then even the best printer, compared to the original, In the end, there are still some nuances.”

"We can put this behavior in one direction, and in the other direction, repeat the process again, from that original, copy a new one, use the new one, copy the second new one, and so on, each There are directions."

"At the end of the day, you can use these papers to form any shape you want."

Ye Zhongming understood, but he didn't understand what Sister Hong meant by such a metaphor.

"I'm not sure, but I suspect that the corpse was formed by repeated replication of several cells."

"It's not splitting, it's duplication."

Sister Hong took a deep breath, squinted her glasses and said, "Because this corpse has too many cells, probably nearly a trillion, so although I have found some patterns and can follow them, it will take time. If I can Find the original cell, which is the original copy, then this matter can be confirmed."

"According to some information now available, I think there are probably more than ten such original cells."

Sister Hong tapped the table with both hands as if playing a piano. Obviously, she was a little excited. After all, this matter is her first job after going to heaven. If she can make progress in a short period of time, it will be exciting after all. .

"Sister Hong, what do you mean?" Ye Zhongming asked.

These theories, the direction and process of the research, are of course worthy of discussion and description for a researcher like Liu Zhenghong, but for Ye Zhongming, he needs conclusions.

"Normal life is not like this. From a cell to a complete life is a kind of gestation..."

"Instead of copying!"

"So I suspect that the guy who broke in is still alive. No, let's put it this way, what we killed may only be a part of the body."

"Even, just a few of his cells."

Ye Zhongming was a little dazed when he heard this, how many lives, cells, did the people in Genting Manor kill with great effort? ? ?

This is too unbelievable.

"Is this hard to imagine?" Liu Zhenghong looked overwhelmed by IQ, "You have seen the diversity of life, you have seen all kinds of magical and even powerful abilities, what happened to the replication of a cell?"

Ye Zhongming looked at Liu Zhenghong and thought what's wrong? How many cells replicate? It was copied into an existence close to the peak master! Is that simple copy? !

Sister Hong stood up after finishing speaking, "That's how it is. Let me just say, the assistants you found for me are not bad, and they are easy to use. I will leave the rest of the work to them. Next, I will see See what happened to the quick moss you gave me."

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