Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and seventeen we go hunting dragons

"Two in One"

Xia Bai slowly retracted the knife, stood in the center of the huge square, closed his eyes and meditated on the experience of the battle just now.

"Your special evolution attribute is indeed very powerful."

A voice made Xia Bai open his eyes.

"But you can't use it for every attack. You have already created a dependency, which is not good."

The person who spoke was a very old bibliophile, his back was so old that his back was arched, and his three feet stepped on the ground, as if they were already a little unstable.

The hair is thin, the skin is wrinkled, and when walking, you need a cane to lean on the ground.

The speaking voice was very continuous, but it didn't sound moderate, even a little hoarse and lifeless.

The only thing that can make people feel alive is those eyes.

"Because the more serious your injury, the stronger your attack power, so you basically ignore defense. You are fearless, which is good, but fighting is not how you fight. It is not normal for you to fight like this. .”

The old man walked up to Xia Bai, raised his hand suddenly, and tapped each of the four places on Xia Bai's body.

These places hurt at first, and then waves of heat rushed into his body, making Xia Bai tremble slightly.

"Carefully experience the direction and speed of these airflows in your body, experience the feeling of them flowing through various parts of your body, and then spread them out to all corners of your body."

The old man's voice became much more majestic, Xia Bai closed his eyes again, and followed what the old man said to actively guide these streams of heat.

The old man looked at Xia Bai with a satisfied look on his face.

The old dean... found a good apprentice.

After Xia Bai came to the library palace, she was low-key, humble and hardworking. She was humble and polite to everyone in the library palace. She learned from everyone who was willing to teach her something.

Bibliophiles have lived too many years, they can see that this girl really wants to be strong, and Xia Bai has never concealed the fact that she wants to be strong, and she even made the reasons clear.

For my boss.

Everyone knows who Xia Bai's boss is, and even because other members of the red makeup guards have come here, the bibliophiles also know the close relationship between the two.

She is the closed disciple of the old dean, and everyone in the library palace is teaching her, but her final goal is not to fight for the library palace.

Having said that, small disappointments are inevitable.

However, another emotion rose up.

It's a bit too much to say respect, after all, Xia Bai's age, qualifications, experience, strength and other aspects are impossible for the bibliophiles to treat him like this.

However, respect and love are true, and the longer Xia Bai stays here, the more intense they become.

As well as the soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards, the people in the Library Palace were extremely surprised by their fighting will, their enviable foundation, and their natural cooperation.

Many bibliophiles, as if they had found a treasure, divided up the hundred red-makeup guards like a robbery. For fear of being preempted by others, they announced that they would teach them what they had learned all their lives, so that they could inherit their mantle.

In the end, the old dean stood up and asked them to teach these female warriors in a different way while expressing respect for their decision.

Their strength is not personal, their talents are very good, but in terms of extreme geniuses, only Xia Bai is the only one, and no one else is.

Their strengths are quality, heart, and the kind of calmness and even coldness that never fear death and have firm beliefs in their hearts.

With enough effort, these will become things that others have nothing, and then become the goals that others need to look up to.

But if these bibliophiles are allowed to teach the members of the Red Makeup Guard according to their own way, their personal strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Give them a few years, and most of these people will be able to break through the masters. Even to pursue the hurdle of the peak master.

But the old dean can't let them do this. Doing so will destroy the tacit understanding and cooperation that these female fighters have built over ten years and countless battles.

That would make them soulless.

I also want these female warriors to be strong and individual, to learn different things without breaking their hard-won tacit understanding, and to replace them with other people. This is absolutely impossible, not even Ye Zhongming.

But this is the Library Palace, a place... a bit magical, a bit weird.

I don't know how many bibliophiles discussed and studied with each other quietly, tried to solve this matter without sleep, and finally came up with a preliminary plan within dozens of days. After reading the details, I got an affirmative answer.

So the program was implemented.

At the same time, a piece of news reached Ye Zhongming through Zizikaba.

The Library Palace wants all the red makeup guards.

The next day Ye Zhongming received the news, he simply sent these female soldiers away secretly.

The Library Palace is the only safe refuge he can think of. If the mark on his body can no longer be hidden, then Ye Zhongming will go directly to the Library Palace to seek refuge.

Now, sending the Red Makeup Guards is regarded as an early evacuation. Anyway, staying in Yunding Manor is not of great significance. If a strong enemy comes, it will not make much difference whether or not you have the most loyal subordinates like yourself.

However, just in case, the Star-Eyed Clan sent the Bronze Battalion over.

Yunding Manor is big enough, and it still looks empty after throwing more than 10,000 people into it.

During this period, the date of the planetary hunting ground has been set. Twenty days later, both the Sioux and Musk Star contacted Ye Zhongming to ask his opinion.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming gave up participating in this planetary minefield operation.

Of course, he only represents himself and Genting Manor, and the Star-Eye Clan and the Minor Race Alliance, as well as the Sioux Clan and the Musk Stars still have to participate. And this time, the scale of their respective dispatches is very large.

Even Ye Zhongming was surprised when he found out.

Yaohansu and Beiyin will directly lead the team!

About half of the elite of their clan will also go.

This matter is still an absolute secret at present, and other races cannot know about it.

"You also know that it is very difficult for us two super-rich families to fight against a Hall star camp. When you don't fight against him, you will never know how terrible he is. Now we feel this way. That huge monster can make us extremely uncomfortable even if it moves its body casually."

Yao Hansu smiled bitterly on the light screen and said to Ye Zhongming: "Although they have not yet entered into a full-scale confrontation, they are now suppressing us and getting stronger. Our business routes, resources, food, medicines, equipment and many other aspects have entered into their hands. The clamped state, the operating cost of the entire race is much higher."

The Sioux used to stand aloof from the world, and although they sometimes made things difficult for them, they would definitely not go too far, nor would they use everything.

But now it is different, since the two sides are hostile, people will naturally not treat you well, and will not treat you like they did before.

The stumbling block is only minor, they have already started to attack the Sioux and the Musk Stars in various aspects in this relatively stable environment for the time being.

But this level of blow has already made the two super rich families very uncomfortable.

This is still in the case that those dwarves haven't been jumping up and down to point fingers at the Sioux Musk Stars recently. If those dwarfs find the person who disturbed their Artisan City and free up their hands, the life of the two super rich people will be even more difficult. .

Now, Yaohansu and Beiyin want to break the situation. Apart from uniting with the Lena Stars, they want to develop themselves as soon as possible and make the race stronger, so that they can fight against others.

But how powerful? It is powerful to let the members of one's own race grow in strength. It is powerful to make the internal politics of the race clear and the people's livelihood smooth. Let allies everywhere, respond to everyone, this is powerful.

But what if? Increased combat effectiveness of race members? It can be trained, it can be learned, but it takes time. In terms of internal governance, although it seems that they are all unified big clans and there is no civil strife, there are relatives and factions among them after all. They cannot be eliminated but can only be subdued. These will take time. ally? Except for the Muke Star of the Sioux Clan and the Yunding Clan, among all the other races in the universe, where are there any allies? Lena star? Yes, it might be for the time being, but this ally is not firm, and may even defect to the opposite side at any time.

Under such circumstances, the Sioux and Musk Stars could only take it slowly and try every means to strengthen themselves.

Many things are easier said than done, and the two pinnacle masters were helpless. They finally saw an opportunity that was barely an opportunity, Planet Hunting Ground.

They intend to take action personally to win more benefits for the race. At least this can alleviate the high operating costs within the race and break the oppression of the Hall Stars in the previous stage.

Ye Zhongming understood.

"If you don't come, don't come. You have too many enemies. It's hard to fight with you outside, but it's hard to say it in the planet hunting ground. It's just that you need to send more people from the small race alliance to increase our strength. The strength of the coalition forces, we will take care of them as much as possible."

The stele seal said this to Ye Zhongming.

Now, he does not underestimate the strength of the small race alliance. With the blessing of Ye Zhongming's equipment, he may lack high-end combat power, but the level of ordinary fighters is still good. Bian can also eliminate one hundred thousand soldiers.

Ye Zhongming agreed.

After finishing the communication, Ye Zhongming entered the production state again. He began to prepare all kinds of equipment for the small race alliance fighters who were about to go out, and at the same time ordered them to start refining medicines with low rotation speed but high demand.

In his free time, Ye Zhongming, as the patriarch of the Star-Eyed Clan, hurried the small race alliance in Dark Stripe City to come to a meeting, and clarified the importance of the planet hunting ground this time.

For races like them that seek to develop, every big hunt is very important.

These small races have actually been quite high-spirited recently.

With the inevitable confrontation with the super powerful clan, they let go of the fear in their hearts. Even if you still have fear, you know that fear is useless, you can only become stronger, so there is still a chance.

So after Ye Zhongming provided them with a lot of updated equipment, as well as various abilities, including the team boosting skills obtained from the orcs, they all knew that their own strength was greatly increasing, but now, One is experience, which is the tempering of blood and fire necessary for clansmen to become excellent fighters. The second is money, a large amount of monthly gold to continue the development of the race.

After listening to Ye Zhongming's suggestion, without any hesitation, they expressed their intention to send troops. In the case that the Star-Eyed Clan dispatched 20,000 people at once, the leader of the team was Queen Paibai. After that, it has exceeded 150,000.

On the day of the real departure, there may be more.

The closer it was to the day of departure, the more Ye Zhongming felt the madness of these small races in the Dark Strip City for making a fortune this time.

Originally, after everyone got that kind of team boosting skill, they were secretly researching it, and at most let the minority people practice it as an experiment.

But now, among the 150,000 people who decided to go to the expedition, 50,000 people have all learned it, and their overall strength has improved a lot.

Ye Zhongming also had to feel that under pressure, any life would become radical.

On the day of departure, Ye Zhongming went to deliver it in person, and when he came back, Cheng Liujin came to find him.

Ever since Aslan went to the Library Palace for further studies, Cheng Liujin wanted to take the patriarch's guards to Yunding Manor, but Ye Zhongming did not agree, and even the Bronze Battalion moved their base camp here earlier and did not let them come here.

This time, the Bronze and Gold Battalions of Planet Hunting Ground were dispatched together, and Cheng Liujin was allowed to bring people over.

"You are the patriarch now, and I can't question your decision. It's just that this opportunity is rare. If you go too, it will greatly enhance the strength of the coalition. Our small race alliance can be regarded as a leader, but Why don't you go?"

"Don't tell me that you are trying to create opportunities for Paobai and Yiserwei, they don't need it anymore."

Since he and Ye Zhongming had always been on the same front, Cheng Liujin, the head of the patriarch's guard, spoke very casually.

"Do you know why I didn't let you come here before?"

Ye Zhongming asked with a smile.

Cheng Liujin had obviously considered this issue.

"If you encounter an enemy here, if it is not a peak expert, you can deal with it. If it is a peak expert, it is useless for us to come. It is better to stay on the side of the star-eyed tribe."

Ye Zhongming nodded, "And if you come here, even if I don't need it, you will still be responsible for my safety and delay your cultivation. Now I can't wait for those people under your command to break through and become masters."

"Okay, old brother, can you tell the truth?" Cheng Liujin snorted.

Ye Zhongming laughed, "I called you here for the same reason as I didn't go to the planet hunting ground."

When Cheng Liujin heard this, he sat up straight. He guessed right. If nothing happened, Ye Zhongming would never let go of the opportunity of going to the planet hunting ground.

"Let's hunt dragons."


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