Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and forty-eight Jiaguang Purdue

Qian Chu stood on the cliff, looking at the glorious land opposite.

"That foreigner, didn't he already find a way? Why did you still come to me?"

In the radiance, a steady and soft voice came out, and with each syllable, the radiance would even dance along with it.

"I don't believe it." Qian Chu was silent for a moment, and replied. His voice echoed above the cliff. At this moment, the entire exterior of the mountain was somewhat shrouded in darkness, and the influence of the radiance projection diminished in an instant.

"No, you believe it." The voice in the brilliance replied, "If you didn't believe it, you wouldn't have come here. You just aren't sure if he can really do it, but Ying Mo only has one chance."

Qian Chu remained silent.

The range of brilliance has increased a little, "You have improved again."

Qian Chu listened, but still did not speak.

"When are you going to challenge me again?" Guanghui's tone remained unchanged, but the atmosphere took a sharp turn for the worse.

"By defeating you, will you be able to get the position of patriarch?" Qian Chu replied coldly.

"No, because this is not the way of inheritance." Guanghui said flatly: "But at least it can prove that you are stronger than the current patriarch. Maybe you can get the reputation of being the number one master of the Dragon Clan."

These words don't sound so right. There must have been a fight for power between the dragon patriarch and the elder of the dark dragon.

"It doesn't make any sense." Qian Zhu surprisingly didn't argue with the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, "I challenged you before because I was too boring in the Dragon Clan. Apart from this, I can't think of anything else that would interest me. .”

"But it's different now. I found out, no, it's the Dragon Clan who discovered a new world. One, maybe it's our chance to return to the center stage of the universe."

The one who couldn't see the shadow clearly in the brilliance was the mysterious patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Ye.

Hearing what his old opponent said, he smiled, "You think this is the last chance, don't you think it will work or not? It's all a gamble."

"Don't you think so?" Qian Chu asked back.

Page stopped talking.

Of course it knew the previous news? The patriarchs of several elemental systems reported it to it immediately, and it agreed.

Otherwise? Even the elders? It is impossible to easily allow Chaoyang to touch the legacy of the ancestors in the Holy Land.

There are also many details of the cooperation with Ye Zhongming, which are actually related to many? It is impossible without Ye's nod.

"You want me to cast Kaguang Purdue?"

After a while, Ye finally spoke out.

This Qian Chu came here? That's why.

As the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Ye said, Qian Chu didn't really think that Ye Zhongming could do it, but he believed that this was the last chance of the Dragon Clan, whether Ye Zhongming could do it or not? It wanted to gamble.

"Yes." Qian Chu admitted.

"But this has nothing to do with betting on the future? Even this light-type dragon can only use it once in a lifetime. It may be more valuable to use it in the future than to use it now."

Page asked.

It knew what Qian Chu meant, but did it just to increase the chances of rescuing Ying Mo? It had little to do with the grand strategy of the dragon clan going out.

If you can wait to use it at the critical time of going out in the future, it is obviously more cost-effective.

"Before we go out? We need to solve some remaining problems, otherwise there will be no restraints? Do you really think that our clansmen will gather under the banner of race like now? Even now? Because of some of our regulations ? There are already relatives who don't pay much attention to our orders? They are farther away from them than us. Without restraint, with our loose management system, once they leave, they will face the vast universe, and they will stay. Down?"

Qian Chu's voice was much higher. Facing these issues that he had thought about for a long time, it was difficult to keep calm.

"Before going out, solve some of the previous problems, at least, show our attitude, so that once we go out in the future, the increased cohesion will give us greater benefits. This is far from a Kaguang Purdue. .”

"Even if we can't get out, the door can no longer be used. Isn't it necessary to rescue a member of our clan? Isn't it also what a patriarch like you should do?"

Ye didn't know what his expression was at this time, but he paused after hearing this: "What do you call a patriarch like me? I'm just doing things according to the rules of my ancestors! Maybe, those rules are bad in one way or another in your opinion, But they have allowed our dragon clan to survive until now. Change? Yes, it can be changed, but the things done under those rules are changing!"

The patriarch of the dragon clan was a little excited, a huge voice began to slowly emerge in the brilliance, and a giant dragon that seemed to be emitting light all over was slowly floating.

Perhaps Qian Chu had challenged the patriarch many times, and to some extent, they existed on the same level. But Ye has the recognized patriarch status of the Dragon Clan. When it got angry, Qian Chu didn't say anything.

"I can use Jiaguang Purdue, but tell me, did you... make any decision?" the patriarch of the Dragon Clan calmed down and asked.

Qian Chu smiled lightly, "I still haven't kept it from you."

"I want to rescue Ying Mo, because its potential is actually higher than mine. It's just that I was disliked by the tribe because of its unruly character and vicious way of doing things. That's why I took the position of elder. Now it, after passing through With such a great torture, I think its temperament should be calmed down a lot, and its hostility will also dissipate a lot, and its strength, if it escapes the predicament, it is very likely that it will improve rapidly and surpass me quickly."

"So, Ying Mo is more suitable for the position of the elder of the dark department than me."

Qian Chu spoke, and Ye listened.

"Don't forget that once Ying Mo gets out of trouble, he will sign a contract with that person. The elder of the dragon clan will become someone else's war beast?"

"It's not the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, it's just an elder." Qian Chu said indifferently.

"What's more, you and we have all seen that contract. It may be very strong now, and they are closely connected with each other, but as time goes by, it will become looser and looser. This is an inevitable phenomenon of the large gap between the strengths of the two parties in the contract. determined by its characteristics.”

"We are prisoners of generations, but from another perspective, we are also chosen creatures."

"When the power of the contract weakens, then the binding force is just a matter of one thought."

Ye nodded. At their level, many things that are considered inevitable by the public are not absolute.

"What about you, what are you going to do?" Page asked.

"I..." Qian Chu lowered his head, and the darkness eroded the cliff more severely.

"I'm going to rectify my name."

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