Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and forty-nine encountered a problem

Ye Zhongming restarted the somewhat boring process of energy purification, but only during the interval, because the Star Spirit is already a mature body, so when manufacturing equipment, it can already be used to cooperate with the experiment, which makes the whole process more efficient.

Although, Chaoyang was terrified by the repeated manufacturing failures, and there was a fear that the eight holy land bequests would not be enough.

Chaoyang thinks that the craftsmen of this era are simply too scary, can they be made so fast? Is the success rate so low?

This is the peak dragon of the water system thinking too much.

It's not that Ye Zhongming's success rate is low, but that Ye Zhongming is creating a certain type of new equipment, a kind of equipment that can be used by elemental spirits.

If this matter is successful, Ye Zhongming may still not be able to become a master craftsman according to the current standard, but in fact, to a certain extent, he has already reached the level of a master craftsman.

What level is the craftsman? There is nothing stronger than them above.

If Ye Zhongming can create the equipment worn by the elemental body, there is no one stronger than him on top of him, so what if it is not the level of a master craftsman.

Purifying energy and researching equipment are quite time-consuming. It has been five full days since Ye Zhongming returned to the aircraft, and the earth elves are still not yet mature enough, and the equipment worn by the elemental elves is also After the rapid progress, it entered a slow stage.

The former, Ye Zhongming, was actually not too worried. With the example of the star elf, the earth elf should have matured in a day or two.

The real headache for Ye Zhongming was their equipment.

Ye Zhongming has now solved the problem of equipping himself to resist the space-time storm. Of course, at least he thinks it has been solved. If his own induction and the induction of the elemental elves before are correct, then the equipment he made will indeed have a great impact on the space-time storm. High resistance.

However, the most fundamental problem, the problem of how to use the elemental spirits, has still not been resolved.

The star elves can put on this kind of blurry equipment, but they can only last for a short time, about a few seconds, and the equipment will automatically fall off from them.

This is basically equivalent to the development being successful, but it cannot be used.

"It needs to be virtual, it needs to be of the same quality and origin as the body of the elemental spirit, and the energy frequency is stable and consistent..." Ye Zhongming kept thinking about how to solve this problem.

I thought that my idea would be successful before, but now it seems that this is not the case. Ye Zhongming felt that he still underestimated this matter.

Chaoyang doesn't know how to make equipment? But seeing Ye Zhongming's face, he knew that he had encountered a problem. He asked about it, and then fell silent. Until a certain moment, this peak dragon came up with a new idea.

Can the equipment no longer be equipment? Instead, it becomes a part of the elemental spirit.

Chaoyang didn't think what would happen to his idea, it just wanted to expand Ye Zhongming's thinking as much as possible? Let him solve this problem faster? Ying Mo's side, in fact, can't last long, and may die at any time, it A little anxious.

Ye Zhongming looked at the peak water dragon? and nodded.

Didn't he never think about this? It's easy to say, how to turn the equipment into a part of the elemental spirit? Ye Zhongming's brain has been exhausted by the virtualization equipment. Now, even if he has a new idea, Ye Zhongming can't think of any way to realize this idea.

Blending into one... is easier said than done.

While the earth spirit was digesting energy? The siren in the aircraft suddenly sounded.

At this time, Ye Zhongming was in the process of manufacturing equipment, and Cheng Liujin was the supreme commander of the aircraft? He immediately ran over to ask what was going on.

"The instrument shows that the pressure in the cabin has reached a critical point? Some relief must be made."

This is actually not a big problem, that is, when Ye Zhongming fails to purify energy and manufacture equipment? Will there be scattered and messy energy overflowing into the space? Because of the seal of the hull, it is 'trapped' inside.

Originally, there was a special exhaust system on the aircraft? It was only because of Ye Zhongming's rapid energy processing that the system could not keep up with the speed of pressure generation, so he called the police.

This problem is not common, but it is not too difficult to solve, especially for the existence of the master level and above, it can be said to be a piece of cake.

Cheng Liu King Kong wanted to collect these energies outside, but he saw the star elves act first.

The little guy has been cooperating with Ye Zhongming's experimental equipment since he woke up. Now Ye Zhongming is refining, and it has nothing to do. After discovering that it needs to deal with these energies, he opened his hands happily, and put the "star energy" The alien' was compressed in front of him, and then he moved his hands, and star cards began to appear one by one. Soon, these energies became six star cards with slight differences from each other.

This is a by-product of the last time the little ones were able to eat purified energy.

After finishing all this, the star elves played carelessly in the cabin again without stopping for a moment. No matter what you do, no one cares about it.

Cheng Liujin and the others didn't want to take care of it, and they didn't dare to do it. The only thing capable of controlling is the tide, but the water dragon is very tolerant of the elemental spirit, and even jumping on it is just watching.

The little guy's mischievous ways are really varied, jumping, floating, free falling, bowling and so on are already pediatrics, and it can also shuttle back and forth between the energy stars that it created to emit starlight, pretending to be ghosts and scary, It makes people speechless.

No, I secretly created a star and placed it behind a pilot, and then suddenly moved over when the pilot turned his head, and flattened his body into a grimace shape, Scared the driver half to death.

Everyone was helpless and funny, and their eyes couldn't help but focus on the little guy.

It's really cute, mischievous, without the slightest hostility, the occasional small movements are still very warm, and a few incoherent words will pop out of the mouth, making you laugh out loud.

The naughty and successful little guy suddenly stopped, turned his head to look to one side, and everyone followed suit. Sure enough, Ye Zhongming had woken up from the production state and was focusing on watching the star elves.

Beside him, there was a lump of ashen material without the slightest gleam. It was obvious that the manufacturing failed this time.

The little guy bumped into Ye Zhongming's head, because its body was already soft, so Ye Zhongming didn't feel any pain.

Everyone wanted to see the little guy being spanked. After all, it had happened several times before, but this time, they didn't see that scene. Ye Zhongming took out some materials and put a piece of dragon scale in it , and then said to the Star Elf in a strange tone...

"Son, come on, use your strength..."

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