Roulette World

2550 6 minutes to guard

When the elves are not constipated or anorexic, they are still very cute.

The special product of star sand is the first way Ye Zhongming prepares.

He intends to add this kind of thing to equipment manufacturing.

In Ye Zhongming's view, the star sand is a kind of essence of the star spirit itself, and like the fertile soil, it is truly of the same quality and the same origin as them.

If they can be added to the refinement, once successful, there is a great chance of resonating with the elemental elves.

The other method is actually very similar to the first one, and the theory is to try to make the equipment and the star elves the same to some extent.

What Ye Zhongming asked the Star Spirit to do was to let him use his own power to refine those equipments.

This aspect is actually very difficult, and thanks to the high wisdom of the mature star elves, otherwise it would be really difficult to figure out what Ye Zhongming meant.

The first is to process materials, from dragon scales to everything else, use the energy of the star elves to process, refine, and stamp special glyphs on them.

All Ye Zhongming did was assist and guide. Because the Star Elf has never done this kind of thing, Ye Zhongming taught the Star Elf how to do it in very detailed and little by little from the beginning of the production.

But even so, most others listened in a daze. The reason why the star elves can accurately perform the refining movements as required is more due to the tacit understanding with Ye Zhongming.

The dual guidance of consciousness and language makes it possible for the spirit of the heart to complete these tasks.

However, no matter how good the cooperation is, it will be the first cooperation after all. There were still many mistakes and inconsistencies in the process, which caused the manufacturing to fail.

In the eyes of everyone, the number of failures rose from single digits to double digits, and then from double digits to three digits.

Seeing the discarded dragon scales and various advanced materials made everyone feel distressed.

In just a short while, these things that have become waste can be bought outside, and it is estimated that they can buy the mothership they are driving now.

Chao Yang looked at it more anxiously. How many times he failed meant how many dragon scales were scrapped. Even if they have the largest number of dragon scales in the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan, they can't stand such a consumption rate.

In the past few days, including the dragon scales consumed by Ye Zhongming himself, the total number has reached nearly a thousand pieces. In the end, what was exchanged was only more than a hundred pieces of normal equipment that were still usable.


Dragon scales are indeed the most numerous bequests, but they still face the problem of energy loss caused by the passage of time.

Some dragon scales that have been too long since now, the energy on them has dissipated a bit, and basically can only be kept on the edge of the peak. If it weren't for the strong brand left by the previous owner, they would be ordinary dragon scales.

What if Ye Zhongming still fails to succeed in a few more days? If he still maintains the rate of failure just now? Chaoyang thinks that the number of dragon scales in the eight sacred places of the Dragon Clan will drop to a worrying level. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dragon scales will be consumed as a result.

But fortunately, with the blessing of the Dragon God, amid Chaoyang's worries, Ye Zhongming and the Star Spirit's joint refinement finally succeeded.

A beautiful ethereal energy armor appeared in front of everyone.

The style of the armor is very simple? It is not as cumbersome as it is popular in the universe, although this also means that the function is relatively single? But what Ye Zhongming pursues is only to resist the storm of time and space, other attributes? It is just brought by various materials. just an addition.

How many times did refining fail before? Others were terrified to see it, but Ye Zhongming himself was becoming less and less confident, and he had even begun to doubt whether this method was feasible.

Fortunately, it finally succeeded.

In Ye Zhongming's hopeful eyes? The star spirit put this armor on his body.

One second? No drop. Three seconds, no drop. It didn't drop for five seconds! Ten seconds, still not dropped!

The star elf saw that the armor on his body would not fall off as before, and immediately flew back and forth in the cabin happily.

Everyone's eyes moved with it, seeking the final answer.

Two minutes? No drop. It hasn't dropped in five minutes.

Everyone's smiles gradually surfaced, because this basically confirmed the effectiveness of the armor.

"Patriarch? It seems to be ok, this kind of armor..."


A crisp sound interrupted Cheng Liujin's unfinished words [reaching the goal].

Everyone look over? The star elf is staring blankly at his feet. There? There is a piece of ethereal armor still spinning.

Cheng Liujin's complexion suddenly changed.

The slap in the face came so quickly? Didn't he expect it? He slapped his ass only halfway before he was held back.

"How long?" Ye Zhongming's face was also a little bad, and he turned to ask the person in charge of timing.

"Patriarch, six minutes and three seconds."

Ye Zhongming glanced at Chaoyang, and the water dragon also understood what he meant.

If Ye Zhongming is given enough time, maybe he can still create a success, but it is definitely not possible now, and the problem that needs to be solved is obviously not something that can be done in a short time.

So, that is to say, if the elf is sent down to rescue Ying Mo, he only has six minutes.

At least Ye Zhongming would only allow the elf to stay in the space-time storm for so long.

The atmosphere in the cabin froze for a while.

Fortunately, the earth elf successfully evolved into a mature body to break this situation.

Because of Chaoyang's anxiety, Ye Zhongming didn't even study the new abilities of the soil elves after they matured. He just glanced at them and immediately asked the little guy to cooperate with him to make its own equipment.

The dragon clan is still very supportive of Ye Zhongming, at least until now, and Ye Zhongming also wants to do his best to help the dark dragon get out of trouble. While adding a powerful thug to himself, it also laid a good foundation for future cooperation between the two parties.

I don't know if the earth elf is more suitable for defense. The armor it makes lasts longer, with six minutes and thirty-three seconds. Thirty seconds longer than the Star Spirit.

Ye Zhongming and Chaoyang didn't intend to continue to make it to see if the effect would increase. After the two elves had their own armors, they immediately returned to the Broken Star Belt.

On that abyss, Chaoyang, Ye Zhongming and his party saw many dragons.

The patriarchs of every elemental system came, and many members with some status in the dragon clan also came, especially the dark dragons. Perhaps the rescue targets were their fellow clansmen, and their number was the largest.

What surprised Ye Zhongming the most was that he met the legendary patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Ye!

Not only that, but the patriarch seems to want to impose a state on his elemental spirit!

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