Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-one permanent protection

Ye Zhongming's first reaction to this was not joy, but caution, even suspicion.

Apply status to my elemental sprite? This sounds a bit like a trap.

Elemental elves are not entities, each one is composed of the original power of its own element system. The existence of this state is very difficult to create an armor for them, can you apply a state to them?

After it is applied, it will definitely make the elemental spirit have a related state? What if this has any negative effects?

The two elves have now become mature bodies, which is a good thing for them, especially for Ye Zhongming.

When Ye Zhongming pulled Fu Lei down before, where did most of his strength come from? It's not that most of the mountain crowns have been unsealed.

Now that the sea crown is fully unsealed, and the two little elves have entered their heyday, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. As long as he does not meet the peak masters, he can not be afraid, and even win the battle.

Dominating equipment and elemental spirits has become Ye Zhongming's greatest reliance.

He didn't want anything to happen to the elf.

There is another point that Ye Zhongming is worried about.

The ones who want to shoot are the patriarch of the dragon clan and the elders of the dragon clan of the light department, two peak-level masters who have lived for an unknown number of years.

What they did together, as mentioned before, Ye Zhongming felt that it was risky, what if he had some bad intentions?

Ye Zhongming didn't doubt it before, because the Dragon Clan needed Ye Zhongming, and between cooperating with Ye Zhongming and killing Ye Zhongming, the former was all benefit and the latter was all harm.

But now Ye Zhongming highly suspects that the roulette guarded by the dragon clan is the elemental elf roulette, and in order to rescue Ying Mo, the elemental elf is also known to the dragon clan, who knows if these guys will kill the elemental elf and make the roulette reappear Woolen cloth.

What if the condition for their freedom is that all the roulette wheels return together.

This is indeed Ye Zhongming's speculation, even a fantasy of persecution. But are there still few absurd things in this world? Ye Zhongming's rebirth is the biggest one. So Ye Zhongming never felt that any seemingly impossible doubts would never appear.

Perhaps because of Ye Zhongming's concerns, the patriarch Ye, who had never revealed his body but was hidden in a radiance, chuckled lightly, and cast a faint ray of light on Ye Zhongming, and the elder of the light department next to him spoke. spoke.

"Humans, don't misunderstand our kindness."

The attitude of the elders of the light department is very gentle.

"The dragon race is indeed not a kind race, but we are a rational and trustworthy race. Hasn't the oath of the dragon race been known to all the races in the universe for so many years?"

Coming up is to dispel Ye Zhongming's concerns.

The oath of the dragon clan, this is a very famous allusion of the rebellious dragon clan in the past. It said that in the era when contract equipment was lacking, the oath they made was equivalent to the soul contract signed.

This is a promise of appreciation for them.

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything.

"We are going out, you are the only hope now, and you are going to rescue the behavior of our people and what you have..."

Speaking of this, the elder looked at the two elemental elves floating on Ye Zhongming's shoulders, who were looking around curiously.


"...It's the root of our Dragon Clan's trust in you."

"Our dragon clan seems to be strong, but apart from staying here year after year, and some old bones that are not bad, there is actually nothing left."

"What's left is nothing but what we call the Dragon Spirit."

"As for what is the spirit of the Dragon Race... In fact, we can't give an accurate definition ourselves. It probably means that we would rather die than give up and be willing to sacrifice."

These were translated by Ye Zhongming through Chinese, and this elder probably meant this.

"We don't have anything left. If we don't cherish the lives of our fellow humans anymore? Then we...maybe there is really no need for us to exist."

"So please believe our good intentions? The status we impose on your elemental spirits will not have any side effects? On the contrary? It will also increase their protective ability to a terrible level."

"Because what we want to impose on them is something that our light-type dragons can only use once in a lifetime-Jiaguang Purdue!"

Ye Zhongming thought for a moment? He was sure he hadn't heard much about this ability.

"This is the ability of the peak light dragon, and it is the ability we obtained after training in that mysterious place."

That is to say? The time when this ability was acquired was after they betrayed the Flying Lizards? Later, I never heard of anyone who had the Peak Realm Rebelling Dragons as a battle pet. No wonder there are no records of the universe.

At the same time, Honghaier and Chaoyang are also connected through a contract to convey the intention of affirmation and safety to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming looked at the two elemental spirits, then at the audience, and nodded in agreement.

The other dragons were obviously relieved.

For Ye Zhongming, if the Dragon Clan didn't lie to him, then this matter is naturally a good thing, and it also increases the chances of the little ones surviving in the gate of time and space.

The patriarch of the light system got permission? He looked at the two elves left and right, and then said: "Should I choose the earth elf? Its defense ability is higher than that of the star elf, and the effect I exert is worse than that of the patriarch? After a little guy goes in, the defense will be almost the same."

It knew that Ye Zhongming definitely didn't want any little elf to have an accident, so he made such a choice? What if he chose another strong alliance? The ability of the star elves to resist risks is slightly weaker? In the gate of time and space, a poor defense may cause accidents.

"Jiaguang Purdue is a protective ability that can permanently apply a layer of blessing to the released person. As long as there is light, any light will do. It is not the darkest place that can provide the target with a layer of continuous refreshment." The protective film can resist any form of attack, the basic defense ability is extremely strong, and it will also produce different increases according to the level of the release target's own defense, the stronger the defense, the more the increase."

Chao Yang was beside Ye Zhongming, explaining the effect of the unique ability of the rebellious dragon clan.

"Forever?" Ye Zhongming was a little surprised.

"Yes, forever." Chaoyang replied, "This is proven."

"What is it that has not been confirmed?" Ye Zhongming asked again.

"In our experiments, it is indeed able to defend against any similar attacks, such as physical, elemental skills, toxins, spiritual, etc. These attacks can be defended. It has not been proven that it is only the power of time and space. We have never encountered it before. seen this type of attack."

While speaking, a faint halo appeared on the body of the earth elf over there.

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