Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and eighty-two city changes

While Ye Zhongming leaned his body, he used force on his waist to pin himself to the ground.

Upon entering, the entire space is changing.

Some places on the originally flat ground are bulging, rotating, and moving. Houses are collapsing, collapsing regularly, revealing some strange structures. In the dizzying movement, these things are combined in an incredible state to form A new architecture that others don't know what it is.

Ye Zhongming's eyes quickly passed over these places, and he finally confirmed his previous suspicions.

Under various buildings, he had found some very thin gaps before. Due to time, many of these gaps were covered up. Even the ones that were exposed were very natural, just like the different structures of this metal city. normal connection between them.

He is a craftsman, a very good craftsman, so he will not ignore these gaps even if he sees them like others.

He had always wondered what it was and what it did.

Only at this moment did Ye Zhongming truly know that these gaps were just designed ‘creases’. They might be tracks, they might be two components that interlock with each other, or they might be a certain functional setting.

In short, the entire city is undergoing drastic changes, from a city of steel and metal to a huge, unprecedented steel monster and machine giant!

Ye Zhongming and many core members of the Sioux clan knew about this plan. They had imagined countless possible accidents and speculated on the powerful trump cards that the dwarves might have. Some of them were sheer nonsense even in the eyes of the craziest dreamers. Everyone has been prepared for Dan's suspicions and made enough psychological preparations.

But no one could have guessed that a city, a city that had stood for countless years, could actually transform into a war beast.

Before the live broadcast, all the beings in the universe stared at this incredible scene with their mouths open. What was happening was completely beyond their understanding.

An aircraft carrier that can sail in the universe, that is, the mother ship of a fleet, is already considered a behemoth, and that is a small city.

Note that it is a small city. No matter how big it is, it is still the size of a small city. And in the vast universe, there are all kinds of huge stars next to it, which makes it even smaller.

But Shenjiang City is one of the largest cities among the seven survivor fortresses, and only a few cities such as Su City can compare with it in area and volume.

Such a majestic city suddenly changed its form violently, and transformed into another form after being arranged and combined.

This sudden and violent change shocked the hearts of everyone who saw this scene.

At the same time, everyone also understood that the final trump card of the Talos Red Dwarf should be this.

This is not because of the strong visual impact that led to this idea, but because the price of such a change in a huge city is too high. If it is not a life-and-death moment, even a wealthy family like the dwarves cannot afford such a change. consequences.

The city can turn into a giant metal monster, but can the metal monster turn back into a city?

Many people may think it is possible, but as long as they have some preliminary understanding of urban structure, house construction, etc., they will know that it is impossible to restore it to its original state.

Not even if the dwarves were gods of manufacturing.

And judging from the city that stood up and began to transform, many broken structures fell from it. They were the remains of many houses and other buildings that were deformed, squeezed and broken.

If it turns back into a city, most of the buildings inside should have been destroyed long ago, and it is absolutely impossible to restore it to its original state.

If the dwarves want to continue to thrive in this city, they must rebuild the City of God's Craftsman. And the city of God's Craftsman has the scale and prosperity it has today. How many years did the dwarves spend? How many tribesmen have died?

Also, turning a city into a war machine is inconceivable, so will there be less energy to promote this change of form?

This guy is like a monster holding up the sky. Every time he moves, the monthly gold consumed can probably make many patriarchs of the universe faint.

Therefore, now that the city has changed its shape, it must be a desperate moment for the dwarves.

Many people lamented from the bottom of their hearts that if the dwarf made such a move, even if he won, his vitality would be severely damaged.

The city turns into a monster, and the people in the city are now in various parts of the monster's body. Some spacious places will not be squeezed. Life in these places is fine, but what about people in other places? Being hit and crushed by this almost irresistible force will basically result in a puddle of flesh and blood. Even if it was lucky enough to escape, without strong strength, it would not be able to stand in the city that has been 'erected', and how high the city is... Anyway, the dragon is very small in front of it. From such a If you fall in the city, your chances of survival are slim.

In the city, there are not only enemies, but also dwarves and those races that are completely affiliated with the dwarves...

They were basically abandoned.

"Look, what is that!?"

When people were shocked by the metal monster transformed from the city, someone saw something on the four arms of this monster.

They were four giant swords, huge metal swords assembled from parts of various buildings. Each one was about as long as a giant dragon.

What is surprising is not just its appearance. What really surprises many people is that the giant sword is not edgeless, but the sword edge is vibrating, vibrating at a high frequency to achieve the maximum sharpness effect. .

This kind of technology is not very high-end among all the races in the universe, but it is not easy to complete such a structure on such a huge weapon and maintain stability to form actual combat capabilities.

The metal monster's body rises high, surrounded by giant dragons, battleships, and flying peak masters.

Some dull sounds came from the body, which was a sound of 'death'.

Then, four huge metal swords roared in the air, as if they were going to cut open the entire space.

The urban behemoth is very big, and the giant sword is also very long, but it swings extremely fast.

"Light!" Ye completed the skill at the moment when the giant sword was swung. A large piece of light fell from the sky and fell on the entire battlefield. Those in it, whether they were living bodies or non-living bodies, all seemed to be trapped in a swamp. All movements become slow.

This naturally includes four swinging giant swords.

Page is using this method to ensure the safety of his family.

There are too many of the same race imprisoned in the body of this metal giant whose life or death is uncertain. It is temporarily powerless, but it must protect those outside the city as much as possible.

At the same time, other dragons also began to attack the metal giant.

They believe that since they were able to break through the defense of Shenjiang City just now, they can also break down this metal behemoth now.

But... the giant sword that had slowed down suddenly shook, and four energy slashes flashed out from it, bursting with light, and slashed into the enemy formation.

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