Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and eighty-three The Wrath of the Dragon God

The dragon's blood was once again sprinkled over the city of Divine Craftsman. The only difference was that the city of Divine Craftsman now turned into a huge metal monster.

And this metal monster has the ability to scare everyone.

The rebel dragons in the sky are all strong men within their race. They have lived for a long time, survived in places like the Broken Star Belt, and have a deep understanding of power and rules.

They can still have the upper hand against the peak Talos red dwarf masters who hold the God of Fire level. This is a reflection of their strength.

However, facing the attack of monsters like the sudden change of Shenjiang City, the two elders were all cut open. Although they did not die immediately, having their bodies broken into two parts was an extremely serious injury for most lives. This makes them not only lose their combat effectiveness instantly, but also suffer serious injuries. Even if they survive later, they may fall down the level.

The two elders lost weight in their own blood, and the contrast in the highest-end strength between the two sides suddenly became unbalanced.

Ye and all the other dragon rebels couldn't understand why such a huge monster could use its abilities so quickly!

Also, although the light emitted by the page is not the strongest defensive ability, there should be no attack that can ignore its obstruction, but the reality is that the light has no effect, or it has a minimal effect.

"Spread out and attack separately!"

When Shenjiang City was changing, many rebel dragons still flew out. After all, they had the innate ability to fly. When they found something wrong and left the battlefield, they could still do it in time as long as they were not entangled.

Upon hearing the clan leader's order, they immediately separated and attacked.

Although the metal monster at this moment has shown terrifying strength, currently only the sword in its hand poses a threat. The pressure faced after avoiding that side is actually less than before. After all, those city defense facilities and so on are gone.

One after another, skills bombarded the metal monster, exploding into energy fireworks.

The battleships next to them didn't care about anything else at this time and started firing on all cylinders. Facing the unknown, they could only use all their strength.

Ye took the initiative to stand directly in front of the metal monster. It had to withstand the greatest pressure. This is what a clan leader should do.

Today, too many members of the rebel dragon tribe have died. Even if the battle ends here, the race's vitality has been severely damaged. If possible, Ye would rather sacrifice his own life in exchange for the survival of more tribesmen. Because it knows that if it wants to regain a foothold among all races in the universe in the future, in addition to the help of Ye Zhongming and the Su clan, its own strength is also one of the most important things to rely on.

They left seeds, but Page did not want to place its hopes on the growth and rise of the younger generation. If possible, it also wanted to retain more adults.

Its body was suspended in the air, its dragon head stood high, a little light gradually lit up in the beautiful dragon horns, and at the same time, a colorful dragon phantom rose behind it, even in the face of the giant Shenjiang City had become. The metal monster is not as big as it is, but it is even more powerful.

"It's the wrath of the Dragon God!"

"There is actually a dragon palm that has this ability!"

Many senior figures who watched the live broadcast of the light curtain were excited, because in the legend, the ultimate ability of the dragon clan is the wrath of the dragon god. It is not the powerful ones now called the wrath of the dragon god by many people, but the real one. , using that legendary ability that has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

It is said that only in the very ancient times, only strong men from the dragon clan have mastered this ability. Every time it is used, it has the power to destroy stars.

Of course, these are all legends. No one has seen it, and no image data has been left. It is only recorded in some ancient documents that the sign of the dragon god's wrath is the appearance of colorful dragons.

Obviously, after Ye used this ability, he completely attracted the attention of the metal monster. The voice that should be the dwarf leader appeared again.

"the same."

Two of the four giant swords were suddenly thrown out by it, not only the giant swords, but also the hands holding the giant swords.

A peak wind dragon appeared in front of Ye. The speed of the wind allowed it to catch up with all its companions. Its body was surrounded by several wind balls as a defense at this moment.

At the same time, some other dragons who couldn't keep up with the speed wanted to put layers of defense on it, and some launched attacks against the giant sword that came like thunder and lightning.

Most of the attacks were in vain, and most of the defensive abilities did not fall on this peak wind element before the arrival of the giant sword.

After the dragon's cry and the dragon's blood, there was the fallen body of this peak dragon. It was already disappearing, but even so, a giant sword was still wrapped around its tail.

It failed to block the metal monster's attack, but with the limited help from its fellow clan members, it won a relatively safe casting time for the clan leader.

Another giant sword shifted its direction after cutting open the dragon's body.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

They are not leaning towards the Sioux side, they just want to see the real Wrath of the Dragon God.

However, at certain locations on several major fortresses, a few people sighed slightly.

"The level of strength is not enough." Someone said.

"Not completely avoided." Someone else murmured.

"Legends are legends after all." Some people were shaking their heads.

At the scene, the two giant swords that had fallen sideways suddenly exploded.

The giant sword was very big. After it exploded, a large amount of smoke appeared, covering almost more than a quarter of the area where the page was located, but it seemed that it did not affect the leader of the Dragon Clan.

But immediately everyone discovered that the almost formed colorful dragon's shadow suddenly dimmed, and Ye's figure also moved.

"It's a giant sword!"

Sharp-eyed people lit up the light screen and shouted.

With the intervention of the Dragon Clan, most of the smoke disappeared in an instant, and everyone saw a giant sword stuck on Ye's body.

As the smoke dissipated, everyone saw clearly that what had been blown up was not the giant sword itself, but the hands that had been separated from them.

The entire rebel dragon clan is attacking the metal monster crazily. Their attacks are effective. The monster's huge body is damaged everywhere, but everyone can see that such damage distance can really destroy the monster, or even let it be destroyed. Losing part of the combat effectiveness is still too far.

The attack of the metal monster did not stop because it injured Page. Its two arms that had lost their hands separated from the main body at the root. Each one was divided into dozens of parts and shot out towards the surroundings. Once it encountered something, even if It will also explode if not touched.

Those affected include all the rebel dragon clan, as well as most of the attacking troops in the air and on the ground.

The explosion was so violent that all live broadcasts stopped at this moment, and the light curtain in front of every race in the universe turned black.

On the battlefield that had lost everyone's attention, Ye roared angrily, and the dim colored dragon phantom faced the explosion and pounced on the metal giant monster.

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