Roulette World

Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-Four Cleft Nest (Part 1)

The violent vibration even caused confusion between the two sides fighting outside.

All the cities on this survivor fortress felt the earthquake at that moment.

Like an earthquake, or a nuclear explosion.

The remaining battleship protective shields are all opened. Even so, they can only continue to retreat to offset the impact of energy.

Even the lives under the great masters are staying as far away from the battlefield as possible.

The current battle is no longer something they can participate in at this level.

The violent energy gradually dispersed, the twisted space gradually calmed down, and the vibrations also slowed down.

Ye's figure is still suspended in the same position, but the light around the body has disappeared. At this moment, it looks no different from other rebel dragons.

For those who are still on the battlefield, you can hear Ye's breathing at this moment, which is very rhythmic, but also very heavy.

The metal monster transformed from Shenjiang City was half-kneeling on the ground, its intact arms supporting the ground, and its entire body... was bleeding.

Yes, a large amount of liquid is flowing out from all the gaps.

Although those metal bodies made of unknown materials were covered by various traces before, everyone can feel that they are all intact.

But now, the old dirt and dust on it are gone. There are no cracks on the large areas of black and shiny metal, but there are some colorful stains.

It's the same color as the shadow of Dragon God's Wrath just now.

Everyone doesn't know the attack principle and method of Dragon God's Wrath, and naturally they don't know the consequences of being attacked by this ability.

Therefore, it is temporarily impossible to tell the extent of damage suffered by the metal monster under the blow of the Dragon God's wrath.

Whether it was being defended or whether it was this attack method, everyone didn't know. But one thing is certain, that is, the metal giant is uncomfortable, otherwise he would not kneel down.

But, what is that blood-like liquid flowing out from the gaps in the body? Was it the vibration that damaged the internal structure, causing something like lubricating oil to leak out?

If such a big guy wants to move flexibly, he must need a lot of lubricant, right?

But soon, many dragon rebels roared. It was not the anger before, nor the vent of fighting, but a complex emotion, including happiness, sorrow, mourning, and helplessness.

They recognized that the liquid was blood!

There were enemies, and there were also clansmen who had not escaped.

The impact of the skill just now and the raging energy obviously spread into the body of the metal behemoth, causing a large number of deaths of the lives still inside.

The metal monster stood up, and the flowing blood dried up in an instant, leaving only a faint trace.

Losing both arms didn't seem to affect it, just like the page that was cut into the body by the giant sword just lost its luster, and nothing seemed to have happened.

"Tear it up!"

Page's usual gentleness turned into a violent rage, and he gave orders to his compatriots who were still around.

The body of the metal monster changed as it stood up. There were many stubby muzzles protruding from various parts of the body, and some huge metal arms also stretched out, swinging crazily in the air.

The dragons and the metal monster collided again.


Ye Zhongming coughed twice and stood up from the ground.

He was a little disoriented.

Although the space inside the metal monster's body has become less huge due to the change in shape, this thing was originally a majestic city. Even if it becomes much smaller after the transformation, it is still a city.

The reversal of up, down, left and right and the forced position movement made Ye Zhongming a little bit too much.

But it was just a little uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for the violent impact I had just received, it wouldn't even be uncomfortable.

This is what this body that is now stuck on the edge of the peak has brought to him.

After Ye Zhongming discovered that the city had changed, he wanted to find the core hubs and then destroy them.

Although he couldn't see the situation outside, he could imagine that it must be terrifying to be taken out by the Talos red dwarf at this time.

Then just destroy this.

However, when Ye Zhongming followed various traces to search, he found that it was not that easy.

First of all, of course, he is not a dwarf. Even if he is an excellent craftsman, it is impossible for him to find everything he wants to find in a short time.

Secondly, maybe the dwarves will continue to maintain or even improve this metal monster many times, but after all, this thing should be a great work completed in a previous era. Many technologies at that time were very different from now.

No matter how hard Ye Zhongming tried to search and analyze, he couldn't immediately decipher what he didn't understand.

So after receiving this huge impact, Ye Zhongming decided to change his strategy.

Since we can't find the core hub for the time being, we have to find some secondary things to destroy. The cumulative effect will at least seriously affect the overall strength of this metal monster.

With this in mind, Ye Zhongming took out a simple half-length sword.

Compared with the weapons he had made before, this sword was too ordinary.

There are some patterns, but they look simple and don't emit much light.

But this is the strongest equipment Ye Zhongming has created so far with his technology.

Before, he had been able to imitate the dwarves' semi-artifacts, and the craftsman profession inherited from Roulette also allowed him to easily create anything of any level except the God of Fire level.

Now, he combined what he had learned to create this sword.

This is also the first time Ye Zhongming has tried to truly integrate the power of rules into equipment.

Naturally, this weapon is not at the God level. Ye Zhongming is not at the peak level and cannot truly empathize with rules. But as the old dean said, under the words and deeds of many peak masters, as long as Ye Zhongming steps to the top, he can truly use it. If he feels the true power of rules, he can create fierce god-level equipment.

However, this sword is still infinitely close to the God of Fire level.

Ye Zhongming flew quickly, turning around some protruding structures from time to time. When he reached a place, he stopped, observed it, and then swung his knife at a certain part.

A huge knife mark instantly appeared in that place, and some green smoke and sparks came out.

Ye Zhongming did not continue, turned around and flew in another direction.

In the process, he kept encountering people who blocked him, with varying strengths, but there were no peak masters, not even a Fulela with more than 150,000 yuan. All of these people were killed by him with a single blow.

After destroying more than seven parts, Ye Zhongming finally met his real opponent.

It was a group of about 500 elite dwarf warriors, all wearing battle armor and equipped with the latest combat auxiliary systems. They floated in the air and stopped Ye Zhongming. The leader of these people was a foreign leader holding a battle axe. .

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