Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and eighty-nine Wood Elf

The huge tree man is not as huge as the previous planet, but the momentum of the charging tree is not weak at all.

I don't know if it's because of the battle in the universe, but there are some small scars on the tree man's body, and they seem to be carved deliberately.

These wounds were slightly open, as if to say that the tree man could not hold on much longer.

The old dean lowered his head and looked at the approaching enemies with an expressionless face.

Behind him, a huge shadow appeared at some point, with three legs, one of which kicked the giant figure in the air.

A fragment of the planet that was still in front of the giant tree suddenly exploded and shattered into an unknown number of thick stone cones.

Because the Speaker devoured his companions and then rushed forward, and the planet fragments flew towards him, they pierced into the tree man's body almost at the same time that the stone cone was formed.

The huge tree man, who looked like a sky-holding demon, was immediately blocked in place, with the main part of his body covered with stone cones.

Of course, these stone cones, which are a hundred meters long, are like toothpicks on the tree man's body.

The speaker tree man roared silently, and all the stone cones on his body were shattered, and then he continued to charge with his teeth and claws.

The other foot of the shadow behind the old dean also kicked out.

What exploded this time was all the fragments around the tree man at the moment. They all exploded like bombs, erupting with a huge impact. The tree man immediately rolled up in the energy impact and retreated a certain distance. .

The tree man stabilized his body and charged forward again unwillingly. After this period of game, there were no more astral fragments between him and the old dean.

The third foot kicked out.

There were no star fragments, and the huge force acted directly on the tree man's body. A part of the trunk exploded, and the tree man's body flew backwards.

When it stood up again, the swing frequency of its limbs slowed down, and a large amount of liquid seeped out from everywhere. It was obvious that the injury was serious.

"After three legs, there are still three punches. If you can rush to my side, you can leave without giving me the wood elf." The old dean said to the tree man in a cold voice in front of the shadow of three legs.

After turning into a tree man, the speaker's facial features have disappeared, and it controls everything by relying on perception. It's just that it is an intelligent life after all and is used to the human form, so it will crack a few slits somewhere in its body, revealing a structure similar to eyes.

There are a different number of eyes on the branches and trunk, with different sizes. The small ones are as big as cars, and the big ones are like a building, giving people a very strange feeling.

Hearing what the old dean said, the eldest father of the Gu Ruixing clan and the speaker of the alliance parliament stared at it, but did not answer immediately.

It's weighing, it's calculating.

It already knows the difference between itself and the old dean in terms of strength. Even if the three father figures join forces, they are no match for it. It is useless to say anything else.

But just now, it swallowed the second father, and its strength improved by leaps and bounds. At that moment, it felt that it was capable again, so it rushed towards the old dean.

It was just the old dean's three feet that calmed him down a lot.

Now, the Great Father is weighing whether the brand new one can match the Holy Father.

"I can let you try one more punch, and then make your choice." After the old dean finished speaking, regardless of whether the elder father agreed or not, one of the three hands of the shadow behind him moved.

With a simple and unpretentious punch, the big father only had time to wrap all the branches around his body, and the space around it was shattered like a mirror, and it was the shadow in the mirror, which was also shattered.

"I hand it over!"

The branches wrapped around the Great Father's body were cut into sections and floated in the universe, with the same pattern of mirror-like space fragmentation, but the body was still intact at this time.

At the critical moment, it used branches to protect itself and saved its life.

At this moment, it finally knew that even though it had used the skill of devouring its own kind that could only be used once in a lifetime, and its strength had improved dramatically, it was still no match for the old dean.

Yes, it still has fighting power, and he still has the confidence to fight this old man for a while, but the eldest father already knows the outcome completely.

It is not an opponent. It can support, but it will not last until the end. It may still hurt the opponent in front of it, but it will die.

Out of instinctive fear, the Great Father agreed to hand over the Wood Elf. At that time, he felt a little ashamed, but he immediately thought about it.

Now it's not fighting for its own race, it's just fighting for its own interests, but to put it bluntly, it's fighting for the dwarves.

It has done what it can, even though it has lost the precious wood spirit, it has tried its best.

The old dean looked at it.

The eldest father simply drove it away and shook it for a while, and the wood elf separated from its body. Lao Yuanchang waved his hand, and the elemental elf flew towards him and fell into his hands.

The old dean took a look, his face obviously unhappy.

He has met Ye Zhongming's elemental elves. It can be said that Ye Zhongming is very well-raised. They all have independent consciousness and good intelligence.

They are each other's partners and comrades-in-arms.

But this wood elf is obviously an object of enslavement and extortion. Although its level has reached the adult stage, its whole body is very weak, and its expression is dull with a hint of violence, and it does not have the agility that an elemental elf should have.

The old dean suddenly raised his head and looked at the eldest father who was walking away.

"Just now, we were preparing to launch the homologous pouring. Don't waste it in vain." After saying that, the shadow that had disappeared appeared again, and grabbed the elder father with one hand. The shocked Speaker immediately touched a part of his body. There was a dent in it and it dried up visibly to the naked eye.

Those evenly opened small holes at the beginning were not caused by broken pieces, but a precursor to the Great Father's activation of an ability called 'homogeneous pouring', in order to alienate the old dean with the power of the same source.

A large drop of dark green original liquid floated out from there, flew to the top of the wood elf's head following the old dean's call, and then slowly sank in.

The little guy who was still struggling a little and grinning at the old dean immediately fainted.

"This is compensation, you can go." After the old dean said, he no longer cared about the father who had returned to his human form and ran away quickly, clutching his abdomen, turned around and walked away on the stars.

Finally, I have a gift to take out, the old man thought.


Ye Zhongming shattered one place and flew quickly towards the next place.

The full blow from the crack just now made him feel uncomfortable, but he suppressed the injury and continued to complete the goal.

Killing and maiming this urban behemoth is his only remaining goal now.

As for others, such as the top masters among the dwarves, he was not able to deal with them.

The rebel dragon clan and the top floor of the library palace are the ones to deal with those.

With the continuous destruction, more and more structures were exposed to the eyes of Ye Zhongming, a master craftsman. His understanding of this huge war machine continued to deepen. After several experiments, he almost found some regularity, which allowed him to calculate a key position.

As long as it is destroyed there, it will at least cause this big guy to lose one-tenth or even more of its kinetic energy.

But when he walked through a thick metal passage and arrived there, he saw a dwarf sitting on a chair in front of a complex and giant gear combination, looking at him calmly.

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