Roulette World

Two Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Two Fierce Gods

Ye Zhongming entered a state of transformation the moment he saw this person.

He was afraid that if he was one second too late, he would have no chance.

Peak master.

The man sitting on the chair looking at him was a peak master of the dwarves.

The vague aura exuding from the body is something that life below the peak cannot achieve.

Ye Zhongming was only half a step away from the threshold, but he still couldn't possess that kind of momentum.

The man watched Ye Zhongming quickly complete the transformation without moving.

I just found that Ye Zhongming made no other movements after his transformation. When he stood there without moving, there was a little surprise in his eyes.

At the peak level, there is no such thing as a leapfrog challenge.

The gap between the life that has not reached the peak and the life at the peak is like a galaxy.

"I never thought it would be you."

"I didn't expect it was you who came."

The first sentence is a bit surprising. The second sentence is a bit happy.

Legero stood up and looked at Ye Zhongming with a big smile on his face.

This is an important hub of the mechanical city, which is related to the power system of the entire war beast. If this is broken, the beast transformed into Shenjiang City will be unable to move and can only stay in place.

Although it still retains a certain degree of combat effectiveness, it will lose its invincible posture and will be unable to defend against some attacks.

Another key position is also guarded by top experts, that is the real core.

"My name is Legero, the unknown person. I am responsible for guarding the Exma energy center."

"If it were someone else, if he found me and left, I would let him go, because it is my responsibility to protect the center."

"You didn't run. You probably had a way to leave at any time."

"But precisely because it is you who is here, I will make killing you my first goal."

Legero, this name is indeed unfamiliar to Ye Zhongming. This person does not exist in any information he knows.

Ye Zhongming's eyes fell on Legero's left arm.

"Your information has become a must-read for all Talos red dwarves not long ago. It is recorded on it that you are an extremely outstanding craftsman, second only to the divine craftsman. It seems correct, yes, a fierce god-level protector Arms, admiration follows.”

Legero then unbuttoned his coat, revealing a piece of armor underneath.

"The chanter sighs, the fierce god-level armor."

With two pieces of Fierce God level, Ye Zhongming took a step back.

The pressure is just too much.

Even a peak master who doesn't have the Fierce God-level Ye Zhongming can't beat him, not to mention that he now has two Fierce God-level pieces, one defensive armor and one offensive and defensive arm guard.

It's just that Ye Zhongming is a little strange. It's understandable to put a peak expert in a core guard. It's even reasonable to have one God-level one on him, but what does it mean to give two? Wouldn't it be better to give that extra piece to the dwarves who are fighting outside?

The moment Ye Zhongming took a step back, red lines appeared behind him, each connected to a huge and thick metal pipe, blocking Ye Zhongming's escape.

"The ability to follow with admiration - don't leave."

Leggro obviously felt that he had completely taken the initiative, and even if Ye Zhongming had some back-up, it would not have any impact on the outcome.

"I'm sorry, the name of the senior craftsman who made this fierce god-level equipment is a little... special."

The smile is still on Legero's face. This top expert is a little excited. Ye Zhongming's position in this war can indeed make him feel excited. Killing or even capturing such a person alive has almost a certain influence on this war. decisive influence.

"You don't seem to like talking."

Seeing that Ye Zhongming was silent, Legero began to walk forward, very slowly.

After the transformation, Ye Zhongming couldn't see his expression clearly. He continued to be silent for a while before saying: "The villain dies because he talks too much."

Legero shook his head in surprise, "You actually regard yourself as a positive character?"

"Every living being probably feels this way." Ye Zhongming replied, stretching out a hand, and water vapor began to transpire in the entire metal pipe.

"Is this an elemental elf? It seems really magical." The fierce god-level armor on Legro's body shimmered, and eight light shields appeared around his body, protecting him within them. Although there are some gaps between them, it is obvious that these surface light shields will move when needed.

Ye Zhongming pressed down his hand suddenly, and the rich water vapor condensed between his breaths, and then turned into suspended ice flowers.

The entire passage is filled with these irregularly arranged ice flowers.

The red lines behind Ye Zhongming collided with the ice flowers that also appeared there, and a violent explosion occurred in a small area. The ice elements mixed with the red energy emitted, forming a two-color mist behind Ye Zhongming. .

But both of them knew that those red lines were still there, only one was broken.

"It doesn't seem to be powerful enough." Legero shrugged, and then took the initiative to walk into the ice flowers.

The light shields and ice flowers kept colliding, as if something had broken into the dense minefield.

"Come on, come on!" Legro's arm with the God-level arm guard touched the armor, and three red ribbons suddenly rushed out from the arm guard. The speed was so fast that people couldn't react, and they were crushed directly. It suppressed many ice flowers and wrapped around the transformed Ye Zhongming.

"If you're thinking of blowing up this metal pipe this way, you're probably going to be disappointed."

Tangled up in Ye Zhongming, Legero lowered his head slightly and sighed suddenly. The red ribbons hanging on Ye Zhongming immediately shook violently, and three waves of energy rushed towards him through the red ribbons from Legero's side. Ye Zhongming.

After the transformation, Ye Zhongming's body became so huge that he didn't have much room to move around in this passage. One of the three red belts was tied to his waist, and the other jump strips were tied to his left and right legs.

He couldn't go backwards either, those red lines were still there.

Facing the wave of energy, Ye Zhongming seems to have only one choice left.

He pointed forward, and a huge trident fell from the sky and was skewered on three red ribbons, just in front of the energy wave.

The three ribbons broke in response, but the wave of energy continued forward and hit the trident, causing the weapon summoned by one of the Sea Crown's ultimate abilities to fly out and get nailed to the pipe.

Although the remaining energy did not have a belt as a carrier, it still hit the transformed Ye Zhongming. His huge body leaned back and his steps moved backward. After several steps, he barely managed to stand still.

But the back was already cut by the red threads that were still there, and several of them were broken. At the same time, the black mist on the body became thinner, making the transformation state less stable. After a few light and dark moments, the body returned to its original state.

In these few attacks and defenses, Ye Zhongming was at a complete disadvantage.

But at this moment, Ye Zhongming, who had returned to his original appearance, suddenly smiled.

Looking at the opponent in front of him, he said.

"You're not at the top."

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