Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-four Sacrifice (Part 1)

The subject of materializing life was once a taboo in any race of life. After all, it involves the issue of origin.

Until many races formed the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, some small races who felt desperate during their escape and were about to be annihilated took the lead in opening this magic box.

Gene recombination and fusion are relatively mild, but some bold and crazy racial scientists have conducted experiments far beyond this.

The resulting genetic pollution and disasters have broken out among all races in the universe several times.

After suffering heavy losses, all races united and began to strictly investigate and ban these experiments. After many years of turmoil and the efforts of all races, the pain caused by this disaster gradually healed, and the inhumane experiments disappeared.

The leaders of these bans are naturally the major alliances and super clans, because they have a rigid need to ensure racial purity. In other words, their rule requires it.

Therefore, there may occasionally be one or two crazy races that engage in extremely bloody experiments on life forms, but races that can still survive in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races will basically not do such things, especially the big races and super races. The rich clan will also strictly monitor other races to maintain stability.

That's why Amed was so rude when he saw a dwarf whose entire body was made of metal.

With the racial status and strength of the Talos red dwarves, there is no need for them to do this at all. Especially if this kind of experiment appears on an ordinary dwarf, it may be to enhance strength, but now a peak master has already stood at the top of the strength. At the top, why do you have to turn yourself into this kind of person who is neither a human nor a ghost? Can the metalization of life surpass its peak?

Amed didn't think so, so he thought the guy was crazy.

Fei Gema, who had completely turned into a machine, did not answer at all. Two tubes were stretched out from the body machine. One was facing the direction of Ye Zhongming, and the other was facing Amed. He began to spit wildly. .

Ye Zhongming had to make a turn in the air, otherwise he would be hit by the flying metal palm. However, after he changed his direction, he was covered by balls of red material.

That's what Phegoma sprays out of the pipe.

"Is this your own... blood? You are really crazy!"

Ye Zhongming didn't know this thing, after all, it hadn't reached that stage yet, but Amide knew that the target of the other tube was him, so as soon as the red substance sprayed around him approached, the peak expert sensed it What is it.

Infusing one's own blood with the original power and the power of rules and spraying it out is not something that people should do.

Even for top masters, blood is not endless and will be squandered. If it bleeds dry, you will die. Compared with ordinary life, the difference may only be how much it bleeds before you lie down.

As he spoke, a two-color light spot appeared on Amed's hand. As he waved his hand, light sand of the same color would flow out from the light spot. While protecting his body, the blood mist coming towards him would hit the light sand. It will make a sizzling sound as if it is being burned, and then it will be melted away little by little.

For a moment, although Amed could not break through the blood mist, the blood mist could not do anything to him.

But in this way, he obviously couldn't help Ye Zhongming for the time being, and Amed was a little helpless. He really didn't expect that Fei Gema would stop him in this way.

Ye Zhongming felt that the armor on his body was melting or corroding bit by bit.

He had tried his best not to let his body come into contact with the blood mist, and used various methods to try to defeat and disperse them, but with little effect.

Although he didn't understand what the metallization of life was about, he knew that the attack of a peak master would definitely not be so easy to crack.

A crack appeared in Ye Zhongming's hand, and this weapon, which was now a masterpiece of his craftsmanship, was waved once in each direction around his body.

Several different colors flashed on it. Anyone who knows Ye Zhongming will know that these colors represent the colors of the elemental spirits he currently possesses.

Then, a halo of light flashed, and there was suddenly more violent energy in the space. Wherever the sword light passed, black traces were left behind.

At the beginning, these traces were not very conspicuous, just such a thin one.

But gradually, when Ye Zhongming kept slashing at these places with the cracks, the black marks gradually grew in size, until they were as big as an open mouth, and the violent energy that originally only had a little bit suddenly increased. stand up.

Amed, who was trying to break through the blood mist, and Fei Gema, who had already targeted several other members of the Sioux Alliance, looked over in surprise.

They feel the power of space.

The power of rules is a general term. Each peak master understands and understands the rules differently, otherwise it would not be so difficult to advance from a great master to the top.

Among the powers of these rules, the power of space is the most difficult to master.

Even for a race like the Rebel Dragon Clan, which is physically strong and endowed with extraordinary talents, there are very few people who can comprehend the true power of space.

So when the crack truly split the space, allowing the mysterious and violent space energy to leak into the real world, the two top masters were both in disbelief.

They don't understand why a person who has not yet reached his peak can use the power of space.

Perhaps only Ye Zhongming himself knows that he did not master the rules of space, but how much the elemental elves helped when making this weapon. Their unimpeded space ability is also imprinted on this weapon to a certain extent. among.

The spatial rift that opened its mouth spewed out energy. This energy did not restrict the approach of the blood mist. On the contrary, it made the blood mist approach even faster.

But what is different from before is that the target of these blood mist has changed from Ye Zhongming to these space rifts.

When the blood mist approached the crack and reached a certain distance, the blood mist was immediately drawn into the crack and disappeared as if it was subject to a huge suction force.

Ye Zhongming, who came out of the fog, ignored the confusion and shock of the other two peak experts. Instead, he moved quickly. Before Fei Gema continued to attack, he jumped up and slashed towards the previously selected place. go.

Where Ye Zhongming looked, the pipes that output energy suddenly trembled violently, as if some huge energy was passing through them.

The crack nest fell on it at this time.


Outside of the urban beast, all the cannon barrels that had been raging before had been destroyed. The beast was half-kneeling on the ground, like the sunset that was mostly covered.

It’s still shocking, but everyone knows it’s going to disappear.

The surrounding masters of the Dragon Rebel Clan and the Sioux Clan Alliance gradually approached, still on guard, and ready to give the final blow to this big guy who was beyond their knowledge.

It was under such circumstances that the urban behemoth's body suddenly shook, and more than a dozen parts suddenly detached from its body and shot towards the surroundings.

After reaching a certain distance, an extremely violent explosion occurred. The smoke and fire that were instantly generated directly enveloped all life within several kilometers of the surrounding area.

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