Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-five Sacrifice (Part 2)

The huge battleship smoked and fell from the sky to the ground, then exploded violently. This was the last scene that many people of all races who watched the live broadcast saw that day.

After a long silence, they probably only had a few questions in their minds.

The City of God...exploded?

So... who else is alive?

No one knew how many people survived except those present.

Ye slowly raised his head. It was in extremely bad condition at the moment. The dragon scales on half of its body were broken, and these parts of its body were soaked in blood. The dragon's horns were broken, and even the front claws were missing.

Judging from the breath, the leader of the Dragon Clan is also extremely unstable, as if he may die at any time.

But Ye still raised his head and looked in all directions.

It wants to see how many tribesmen are still alive.

The explosion just now was not an explosion in the ordinary sense. It felt the power of rules from it, as if a piece of God-level equipment had exploded.

Page It is hard to imagine that such a huge metal city would be a piece of God-level equipment. But when it recalled the various situations in which it had seen the urban beast before, it suddenly became clear.

Perhaps, this is really a God-level thing, but the state and level are not something that others can understand.

Page saw some of its kin, and the number was significantly reduced. Even if it risked its life and activated its powerful defense capabilities to withstand some of the power of the explosion, it was still not enough to keep all of its kin safe.

The peak level turned into energy and dissipated into the universe. Those that didn't reach it turned into pieces of broken limbs and broken arms lying on the ground.

Page is very sad that these tribesmen can no longer return to the burial place of their ancestors.

It looked elsewhere. The masters of other races also suffered devastating blows, and the proportion of disappearances was even higher than that of the Dragon Clan.

Even the battleship that was in charge of the command was crashed far away, and it was unknown how many people survived inside.

Even though there are still some battles going on in the distance, basically this time the battle of Shenjiang City is over.

Page knew that they still won this war.

At this moment in Shenjiang City, there is nothing that can stop the remaining coalition forces. The price... is huge, but as long as no one takes advantage of it, the rewards will be huge.

Page's body is in pain, but it has to start thinking about the distribution of benefits. If the rebel dragon tribe does not get the harvest they deserve this time, then this tribe will be completely lonely in its hands.

After the tragic victory, the people who were still alive began to gather. Their eyes were fixed on the urban beast that was half kneeling on the ground and looked like it was smoking everywhere. They knew that the most important person was still inside. come out.


Ye Zhongming fell heavily to the ground, his hands trembling.

The crack nest landed not far from him, rolling on the metal ground, leaving a clanking sound.

He stood up very quickly, but his movements affected his injuries. A lot of blood came up from his throat and flowed down the corners of his mouth. He had to cough twice before spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He had just used the cracks to attack those energy channels. He originally wanted to make this big guy incapable, but who would have thought that the moment he slashed up, the terrifying energy burst out from the core and was outputted crazily through the energy channels. Even if Ye Zhongming tried his best to speed up, but he only caught up with the tail.

It was in the final stage of the violent outpouring of energy, when the energy level had been reduced a lot. When he slashed up with a knife and destroyed the passage, the explosion caused him to fly straight away, and the force of the shock even made him unable to hold the knife.

The explosion not only affected Ye Zhongming, but also other people around him, but it was obvious that the two peak experts were able to resist it with a little effort.

Feigema let out an inexplicable growl from his completely missing mouth, just like the final madness of a wounded beast.

His metal body changed drastically, like a Transformer, showing some weapon-shaped structures that made people frightened at first sight.

Amed immediately moved, his eyes turned red, and several silver-white light strips floated out from behind. As they kept flying, his whole body flew up, and he floated directly in front of Fei Gema.

The transformation of life, especially the transformation of a peak expert into metal, no one except the red dwarf of Talos who did this thing knows how terrible it is.

So Amed didn't know how fierce Feigoma would be if he launched an attack next, and whether he could take it.

But he had to do this and had to stand in front of this metal monster, because his order was to protect Ye Zhongming and let this little guy live.

Once something happened to Ye Zhongming, Amide felt that even with his own identity, he would never be able to withstand the anger of the Su clan and the rebel dragon clan.

Half of Fei Gema's body lit up, and lights of several colors appeared in more than a dozen places, each of which gave people a sense of extreme danger.

The strip of light behind Amed exploded at the same time, turning into a layer of dense light spots, rapidly rotating around him, and soon his front was filled with light.

Fei Gema's voice gradually increased, and everyone knew that he was about to launch an attack.


The sudden sound caused everyone in this space to temporarily stop their next action. They all looked at the location where the sound came from. The core connected to many energy pipes rose again, opened, and crouched one by one. The figure jumped out from inside.

When he landed, he kept coughing and his chest was heaving violently, looking very sick.

But when he raised his head, he felt a sense of oppression from everyone around him. Even at this moment, his hair and beard were all white.

It has only been a few hours since Heiting Yanting entered the core and turned Shenjiang City into a metal behemoth, but he looks dozens of years older.

But the eyes that were still shining told everyone that he was still the strong man who controlled the entire dwarf clan.

"We're here." Heiting Yanting murmured, his eyes sweeping over these people.

"Fegoma, can you deal with him?"

Facing the clan leader's inquiry, Fei Gema, who still maintained his wisdom after becoming metallized, responded in the affirmative.

"What about you, how many of you can handle this person?" The dwarf patriarch asked the well-trained team of masters.

The answer he received was still extremely positive and even exciting.

Heiting Yanting nodded, and then looked at Ye Zhongming who picked up the crack hole again.

"Look, it's me you need to face. Isn't your luck a bit bad? Even if you win this war, you are going to die."

Ye Zhongming did not answer, nor was he prepared to answer. He returned to the black mist state.

Unlike before, he was not much higher than his body under the black mist this time, and the mist was much more solid, making him look like a...rubber man.

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