Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Three Consciousness Transfer

The huge laboratory was almost full of people, but no one spoke. There was only the sound of researchers moving around and operating instruments.

In the center of the laboratory, there was a huge test bed, and Liu Zhenghong was lying on it with his eyes closed.

Two days have passed since the previous battle between the real and fake slaves. The extremely huge fake slaves were floating in the sky outside several survivor fortresses. The Survivor Fortress was moving, and it kept moving with it, making everyone feel uncertain, fearing that the guy would come and send everyone to hell together.

This kind of worry makes almost everyone accustomed to looking up at the sky when nothing happens. I don’t know how many cervical spondylosis have been cured.

The big bosses of the Su Lai Alliance have discussed it several times, but they have not found any good way to solve this matter. After all, Liu Zhenghong is in a coma, and the only connection with the fake slaves is cut off. The ideas are all speculation and may very well be wrong.

If you act based on this, it is very likely to have serious consequences.

There was a slave clan that was bigger than the real slave clan, and no one dared to act rashly, let alone act rashly.

Today, everyone gathered together again, convened by Ye Zhongming.

After seeing Sister Hong's situation, people from various major clans felt a little sorry for these things.

Currently, apart from Ye Zhongming, there are only three people from the Genting Department who can catch their eye. One is Yama Wangshu. Under the training of the old dean, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he will become the top player in the league in a few years.

In addition, there are Liu Zhenghong and his wife, a master of magic crystal weapons. His technology may not be good at the beginning, but his ideas are advanced enough. After years of continuous progress, he has become a senior scientific researcher and participated in the formulation of the system installed in the Plans for the huge cannon on the Survivor Fortress, and even now responsible for the specific construction of one of them.

Compared with her husband, Liu Zhenghong's status in the alliance is obviously much higher. She has become one of the top scientists and can be said to be one of the best authorities in certain niche fields in which she specializes. If Ye Zhongming holds up most of the sky in the Yunding System, then Sister Hong is holding up the rest.

Such a person is now asleep and all the medical and scientific researchers are helpless. If it continues like this, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss to the alliance.

"Zhong Ming, tell me why we are all here. If there is anything you can do to help, just ask." Yaohansu, as the patriarch of the Su clan and the rotating chairman of the Sule Alliance Joint Council, directly stated manner.

Everyone else nodded.

To be able to reach Liu Zhenghong's level and have such academic achievements, she is not only the wealth of Genting, but also the wealth of Sule Alliance. No one would hesitate or be stingy if they could save her.

Ye Zhongming sighed softly, "I can't help it."

After everyone frowned, the King of Genting continued: "But someone has come up with a way, which may be feasible."

Everyone's eyes followed Ye Zhongming's gaze and fell on a very young researcher.

The researcher suppressed his nervousness and began to express his thoughts.

"Sister Hong is sleeping now. We have checked and found that there is not much problem with her body. Although her brain is somewhat damaged, it is far from comatose. And after two days, those injuries have almost healed on their own. .”

"So we guess that the reason for the current situation is related to the previous control of the fake slaves."

Stele Print's face darkened when he heard this, and he said bluntly: "Isn't this nonsense? Of course it has something to do with controlling the fake slaves, otherwise what else could it be? Tell me something we don't know."

The researcher was frightened, but calmed down a lot under Ye Zhongming's encouraging gaze, and continued: "The fake slave we created is unconscious. Strictly speaking, it is not a complete life. We want it to obey The order could only allow part of Sister Hong’s consciousness to enter, but the situation turned out to be somewhat beyond our expectations. We underestimated the intensity of the resistance of the real slaves, and also underestimated the consumption required to control the fake slaves, so I think Hong In order to prevent the plan from failing, sister put all her consciousness into the body of the fake slave."

Except for Ye Zhongming, who already knew this guess, everyone else was a little shocked.

All consciousness has entered the fake slave clan? Consciousness...completely transferred?

This... is too exaggerated and unbelievable.

Ye Zhongming looked at everyone's expressions and could understand their feelings.

In the words of the earth, isn't this the "seizing of the body" of Xianxia?

This kind of thing cannot be accomplished even if all races in the universe are scientifically advanced.

Not to mention different lives, it is impossible to transplant a complete consciousness even from the same species. There are too many and difficult problems involved. If it can be achieved, it can be called 'immortality'.

"I know this is a bit unbelievable, but there is actually a way to confirm it." The researcher continued.

"How to prove it?" The stele seal frowned slightly, feeling a little disbelieving in his heart.

This is no wonder for him. From the perspective of the tablet, if the consciousness is really completely transferred, then why does the slave outside not do anything other than follow? At least it should show some friendly meaning, right? But there was nothing but no attack, no response at all to any temptation.

The researcher no longer had any stage fright at this time. He opened a light curtain and clicked on it several times.

"This is the structural diagram of the principle of Sister Hong's control of the slave tribe at that time, as well as the virtual map of the spiritual consciousness of Sister Hong and the fake slave tribe. I made it according to the scale."

"As you can see, although Sister Hong is already very outstanding in terms of mental strength, and she must have practiced special skills, she is still a bit small compared to the fake slaves, especially since this slave has absorbed the real After the slave race, its nerve center is extremely large after being quantified, and even Sister Hong’s consciousness cannot be filled up if she transfers all of it.”

In order for everyone to understand, this researcher digitized and pictures all the data.

Simple and clear, you can understand it at a glance.

"You mean, because although Sister Hong's consciousness has been transferred, she cannot control this fake slave because of the huge difference in body shape and strength. She can only give some simple instructions such as follow?" Monument Yin thought thoughtfully and accepted this guess.

The researcher nodded: "Yes, this also explains why this fake slave has been lingering around us and can't do anything else."

Seeing that no one questioned it, he continued: "The problem now is to confirm my idea, and how to solve this problem once my guess is confirmed."

After saying that, his eyes fell on Ye Zhongming.

"I asked Patriarch Ye what he meant, and our opinion is to activate the equipment again, use the same frequency, and use the same method as Sister Hong, so that Patriarch Ye can transfer consciousness again." (End of Chapter)


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