Roulette World

Two thousand seven hundred and thirty-four consciousness enters


Yao Hansu and others almost unanimously opposed it.

They can accept Liu Zhenghong's current state, although everyone feels it is a pity that a top scientific researcher has lost consciousness. But in the final analysis, he is just a scientific researcher after all. He is top-notch, but he has not yet reached the level of a 'dean'. If you give them time, they can train another one.

But Ye Zhongming can't.

This person is so critical now.

The Sule Alliance is divided into four parts, the Sioux Alliance, the Lena Star Alliance, the alliance of other races headed by the Musk Stars, and the alliance of small races headed by Yunding.

Needless to say the first few, why did Genting become one of the four poles? First, there is the strong support of the Library Palace. Second, the union of many small races. Third, and most importantly, there is Ye Zhongming.

With Ye Zhongming's presence, it has perfectly filled the gap in equipment demand after the death of the dwarves. Now Genting has become the largest weapons supplier in the entire Sule Alliance. It is not as dark as the dwarf's heart, but the quality is almost the same, or even better. The people of the Sule Alliance have already tasted enough sweetness.

With such a person around, there is no need to worry about weapons and equipment.

Even as Ye Zhongming's skills continue to improve, he is now able to make semi-artifacts skillfully. When it is impossible for everyone to have such a thing as an artifact, a semi-artifact is the best equipment.

In the future, this person is destined to be able to create extremely powerful artifacts.

So everyone in the Sule Alliance is very kind to Ye Zhongming now. There was no way, in battle, good equipment could greatly increase the survival rate, and Ye Zhongming was their savior to a certain extent.

How could something happen to such a person?

Also, Ye Zhongming is the link between the entire Su Lai Alliance and the central figure of the young core generation.

Although the Soviet Union is now in a united state, it is impossible for the major tribes of the Sioux Lena Star Musk Star to be without some differences and contradictions. It will take a long time to eliminate these. At this time, someone needs to be the 'lubricant', and Ye Zhongming is undoubtedly this person. He has a good relationship with every family, and he also represents a major force. With him mediating in the middle, many things will undoubtedly be easy to handle, and conflicts can be resolved well without leaving any knots.

As for the younger generation such as Jie Su Pao Bai, they regard Ye Zhongming as their boss. Each of these people is a genius, but they are dwarfed by the talker in Genting. They are struggling in the realm of great masters. Ye Zhongming is a genius. Zhong Ming has reached the peak, and his strength is no longer at the bottom. In time, he will become an old dean again.

How can such a person take risks? If something goes wrong, the entire league's prospects will become bleak.

At this time, it was no longer the time for the researcher to speak. He consciously retreated to a corner, as if he didn't know anything.

Ye Zhongming sighed softly and said: "I know everyone cares about me, but apart from this method, there is no other choice, right? Do you just watch this big guy floating outside all the time? Seeing Sister Hong unconscious like this all the time ?”

"If we do nothing, what if Sister Hong can no longer control this big guy? I don't want anything to happen to Sister Hong, and I don't want to be killed by this fake slave who may go crazy at any time."

"I wouldn't take the chance if there were other options, but we don't, right?"

Everyone fell into silence after hearing this.


Ye Zhongming was lying on the test bed, with the instrument connected to his body.

Outside the laboratory, a group of big guys watched through the windows, everyone looked serious.

Ye Zhongming convinced them, but he could not dispel their worries.

"This kid is always like this..." Yao Hansu didn't know how to evaluate Ye Zhongming's various behaviors. You could call him unstable, but he could practice steadily step by step and work harder than anyone else. It can be said that he is safe, but he often has crazy ideas and dares to try them.

Just like this time, Ye Zhongming is already a high-ranking peak expert and has a lot of years to live. If it were them, it would be impossible to take this risk.

One researcher after another made ready gestures. The one closest to Ye Zhongming was the young man who proposed the idea. After receiving the signal from his colleagues, he pressed a few times on a machine and finally looked at Ye Zhongming. Started the machine.

Everyone felt like something was spreading in the laboratory. It was harmless, but they all felt a little dazed.

Then, those machines suddenly exploded at the same time, turning them all into scrap metal. Many unsuspecting researchers were injured on their hands and faces by the machine explosions, but fortunately the force was not great, and they were all minor injuries.

But this situation was still beyond their cognitive scope. Everyone was a little confused and didn't know what was happening. They could only look out the window.


Ye Zhongming felt his consciousness darken for a moment.

This situation has not occurred for many years.

When he regained consciousness again, he felt like he was in an empty space, surrounded by darkness and absolute silence.

He was not in a hurry, but began to explore the surroundings - now he was just a consciousness.

Thanks to his strong mental power, he discovered some clues after an unknown amount of time.

Ye Zhongming moved over there.

Then he saw the light.

As the distance got closer and closer, the light became brighter and brighter. After a burst of dazzling light, Ye Zhongming entered a bright place.

"The bell rings?"

Sister Hong's voice suddenly sounded. Ye Zhongming turned around and saw a group of light red mist.

He looked down at himself again and saw that he was a crimson mist.

At this time, Ye Zhongming still didn't know that he should have entered the body of the fake slaves in the form of consciousness like Sister Hong, and the mist was the embodiment of consciousness.

"Sister Hong, luckily you're okay."

"I knew your boy would come, but is there such a big difference in mental power between you and me?" Sister Hong floated to Ye Zhongming's side, her voice filled with joy, and she compared each other's colors.

Both of them were very surprised, and after chatting for a few words, they began to discuss the current situation.

"Sister Hong is saying that you created this light?" Ye Zhongming was surprised and looked around. Except for the darkness behind him, he saw no other place similar to a border.

"Yes, at the beginning, everything was dark. Later, I tried to disperse my consciousness and opened up this place. You can also try it later and you should be able to have a space. After that, you will be able to interact with the fake ones. The slaves make connections.”

Sister Hong kept drifting. It was obvious that the past few days had made her very lonely. When she saw Ye Zhongming, all her worries and apprehensions suddenly disappeared.

Ye Zhongming asked some more questions. After answering, Sister Hong knocked Ye Zhongming out of her own space.

"Hurry up and open yours. Let's see if you can completely control this slave. I can only make it move, but I can't do anything else." Sister Hong almost shouted.

Ye Zhongming returned to the darkness and drifted towards the place where he came from. He was afraid that being too close to Sister Hong's space would affect her if his consciousness spread.

After drifting for a long time, Ye Zhongming stopped when he felt it was almost done. According to the method Sister Hong told him, he spread the consciousness that had been concentrated together to the surroundings.

Maybe it's because the space here is a bit magical, but this seemingly simple method has surprising effects.

Light emitted from Ye Zhongming's concrete fog, and then spread. Then, large areas of darkness were washed away, and the entire space became brighter.

Then Ye Zhongming 'saw' the Survivor Fortress. (End of chapter)


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