Roulette World

Nine hundred and forty Genting restructuring

940 Genting Reorganization

Although the three-nosed elephant's intelligence is damaged now, and its strength is not known whether it will be affected, but even so, if it can really make it a war beast, it will make a lot of money. As long as its ability is under human control, it can also play a huge role .

This is different from Yan Wangshu, which is a cooperative relationship with Yan Wangshu. To put it bluntly, the two parties are based on interests. The completion of the previous agreement, or the impossibility of completion, means the end of the agreement.

It's okay to successfully complete the agreement. If it is not successful, it is estimated that they will turn against each other.

Today's three-nosed elephant is different. If it really becomes a war beast, it will be a great improvement for Yunding.

Let Park Xiuying control the three-nosed elephant to do some movements and give some instructions, and this guy can complete them accurately and understand them clearly. It's just that it has not recovered from its serious injury, and it is a pity that it cannot test the application of skills for the time being.

But even if he could follow orders and fulfill all human requirements, Ye Zhongming was still worried.

The mutated life that can evolve to the eighth level is all gifted. Who knows if it will heal the brain trauma over time? What should I do if I suddenly attacked Park Soo Young at that time?

Therefore, the safest way is to find a war beast contract scroll while its intelligence is damaged, and complete the contract directly, so that everyone can rest assured.

Then the problem came, Ye Zhongming didn't have this kind of scroll in his hand.

If it is a war beast egg, Ye Zhongming still has a way. After all, there is a broken dream obtained from the sea giant, which can easily make the hatched war beast recognize the master, but for the eighth-level three-nosed elephant, the broken dream is not easy. It doesn't work anymore.

The contract scroll must be the highest grade, this is not cheap.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and decided to wait and see if there was any information about this kind of war beast contract scroll among the recently collected roulette information. If not, then you can only issue a bounty task.

Of course, there is another channel, which is to seek the help of the ogre chain and order from him. But the price must be sky-high, and Ye Zhongming would not choose them unless it was absolutely necessary.

Before there was any news about the high-level war beast contract, Xia Bai had to be with Pu Xiuying. There were no mutated beings around, and even a three-nosed elephant in good condition was not Xia Bai's opponent.

After setting up the three-nosed elephant, Ye Zhongming fell into the busy again.

The posthumous warriors went back to the Blue Secret Realm one after another. This time they suffered a great loss. Although they didn’t mention pensions, Yunding had to say that even if they wanted to help them defend the royal city in the future, there would still be losses, but the core members held a meeting to study After that, it was still decided to give the posthumous person a batch of evolution potions and weapons, how to distribute them was Wang Zun's business.

During this period, Young Master Yun came back. He was sent to the base in the new area by Xia Lei before, to contact the family members and Daming to see if he could absorb them. If not, he could form a partnership. It's just that after Yun Shao got there, he found that the base in the new area was empty and occupied by mutated life forms, and his family members had disappeared.

When Ye Zhongming heard the news, he secretly cried out that it was a pity, and hoped that these old friends would be fine, and then asked Yun Shao, who was muttering that he hadn't caught up with the big battle, to rest.

Next, before the Dawn Temple was besieging the King City, the rebuilding of the Genting team began. This time, it was more detailed, mainly divided into the main battle team, the guardian team, and several functional teams.

Among them, there are seven main battle teams, from the first team to the seventh team, in no particular order. The captains are Mo Ye, Xiaohu, Liang Chuyin, Guangyao, Tonghu, Yun Shao, and A Yang.

There are four guardian teams, also divided into the first team to the fourth team, the captains are Xia Bai, Sheng Yuan, Tang Tian, ​​and sister Rong.

There are several functional teams, including the inspector team headed by Xia Lei, the tribal team headed by Ah Tao, the auxiliary team headed by Park Xiuying, the caravan team headed by Lu Yi, and the Yungang branch headed by Xiaopeng. department.

The main station team is naturally responsible for external battles, including those against mutated life forms.

Also includes the same kind. They will become the sharp tips of Yunding. The number of each team varies, but the difference in strength is not large. The captain's own strength is relatively weak Tonghu, Yun Shao and Ayang, all have someone to assist, Tonghu has Xiaoli, Yun Few of his relatives and former subordinates, Ayang has his seven brothers.

The guardian transfer team is mainly responsible for important personnel and locations, as well as the defense of the base. The tasks are also very heavy. Among them, the Xiabai team's responsibility is the most focused. They are Ye Zhongming's personal guards and are only responsible for Ye Zhongming's safety.

Sheng Yuan is the main person in charge of the security work of the two experiments, and even Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan's personal safety, Sheng Yuan has to bear most of it. It can be said that his importance is no less than Xia Bai's, and he is even more responsible. After all, Ye Zhongming's personal strength is superior, and he has no problem protecting himself. But Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan were far different. Although their evolution levels were good, they were not combatants.

Let Sheng Yuan take charge of such an important position, which shows Ye Zhongming's trust and regard for him.

Tang Tian is mainly responsible for the defense of Yunding's city wall, and Sister Rong is responsible for the security work inside the villa, and the responsibilities are very clear.

Among the functional teams, Xia Lei's inspector team, Ah Tao's tribal team, and Park Xiuying's auxiliary team are all newly established teams.

The inspector team is formed based on Xia Lei's team. In the future, it will mainly assist Xia Lei in managing the increasing number of villa members. After formulating some rules, they will supervise everyone's compliance and have great power.

Ah Tao's tribal team is the predecessor of the Yunding Fallen Alliance. They are all composed of posthumous fighters. They have no clear positioning. They belong to the mobile force and the reserve team. They are usually responsible for guarding the trading market in Puxing Town. In wartime, they will Enter the main battle team sequence.

As for Park Soo-young's auxiliary team, it is because with the increase of various auxiliary professionals in Genting, it is necessary to manage them in a unified way, so this team was formed. Their duties are to provide such things as medicine, medicine, supplementary food, etc. These. Candy also entered it and became Teacher Park's deputy.

Lu Yi continued to command the caravan, and most of Yunding's motor vehicles were in the hands of this team.

In addition, there are actually two other very special teams, one is naturally to avoid service, and now the command of this team has fallen into the hands of Ye Zhongming, who is only responsible to him, and specializes in external news It is a secret organization for espionage collection, intelligence analysis and sorting, spies and agents placement, etc. After the establishment of the inspection team, the evaders are no longer responsible for internal affairs, but they will still monitor all the personnel in the two laboratories. The video data of the doctor came from them.

The other is the corpse team. This team is divided into two parts, one part is red-haired, including thousands of zombies such as brain children, and the other part is composed of copper corpses and silver corpses that Ye Zhongming secretly made recently. The twin sisters are in charge and specialize in managing these puppets.

Xia Lei was still in charge of the logistics, and Mia and Da Titswei became her assistants.

At this point, Genting has completed the most important reorganization, each team has a clear division of labor, the overall structure is basically completed, and a super power is faintly rising from the east of the world.

When the compensation work for this battle was completed, Ye Zhongming knew that after Anne was settled, it was time to fight against the outside world.

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