Roulette World

Nine hundred and forty first high reward

941 High Reward

Xingmei Company is considered to have contributed the most in the offensive and defensive battle of Yunding this time, and also suffered the biggest loss from the actual battle team in Yingcheng. Almost all the people who stayed in the villa were killed or injured.

However, Zhao Xingmei did not agree to Ye Zhongming's proposal to join Genting. The position of captain of the main battle team was not very attractive to her. She was used to giving orders instead of obeying them.

Ye Zhongming naturally couldn't force it.

The Baifeng team also contributed a lot. Although the loss was not as great as that of the Xingmei Company, it was still a desperate effort.

Ye Zhongming compensated these two teams more than other forces, and even gave Zhao Xingmei and Baifeng a bottle of six-star evolution potion, which was beyond their expectations.

For the future, both of them decided not to return to Yingcheng, but to set up bases further afield. They knew that Yunding would still expand in the future. If the two teams stayed in Yingcheng, it would be very troublesome in the future. Their development would be restricted and Yunding's way would be blocked.

This point, everyone tacitly.

Although the two teams set up bases outside, they did not leave the sphere of influence of Yunding Mountain Villa. They also need to be attached to Yunding, and this time Ye Zhongming has gained so much, neither of them is stupid, knowing that there will be a large number of evolution potions immediately After the release, they all have the priority to trade evolution potions, and they can buy a batch of enhancements.

Like Genting, they suffered a heavy loss this time, but they must recover quickly, and their strength will go further.

For other teams with special contributions, Ye Zhongming was not stingy, and added some potions and items to express his gratitude on top of the promised remuneration.

Where there are rewards, there will naturally be punishments.

In this battle, not all forces are helping Yunding Villa.

There are some teams that specialize in robbing humans who came to help, and some that artificially attract mutated life forms to join the ranks of besieging Yunding. There are even some organizations that are even fighting in two places inside and outside Yunding. , Attack the people in the Yunding camp, snatch equipment and magic crystals.

In addition, those Yunding issued a call-in order, not only did not come to help, but there were also many people who wandered around and harbored evil intentions.

All of these, Genting needs to be liquidated.

Blindly tough, will lose friends, blindly weak, will lose fear.

Kindness, to repay. Hostility, revenge!

So the seven main battle teams newly formed by Genting, with the help of the information provided by the avoidance, set out from the villa and raided everywhere, and carried out a bloody cleanup of these forces!

Many people, in fact, ignored Genting's warning before. Some people think that it is my freedom to help you, so what if I don't go? Whether you can survive yourself is still a question. The other part was sure that Genting would be defeated, so they did a lot of things that harmed Genting, thinking that even if some people in Genting survived by chance in the end, it would no longer be a threat.

But Yunding Mountain Villa told them with the power of thunder, with their blood and lives, that Yunding is still Yunding!

If you used to rely on Yunding for food, but were indifferent when your benefactor needed help, your jobs would be ruined.

Under the accurate information of avoidance, the seven teams of Yunding attacked one after another, slaughtering one after another. Every time there is a surprise attack, Yunding will bring the attached organizations around the target and let them fight with them. It's not about their combat effectiveness, but for them to express an attitude in this way.

After the victory, the territory of these eliminated forces was distributed to the teams that accompanied the team.

The entire area around Yunding and Yingcheng was immediately 'cleaned up', as long as the forces staying nearby must be friendly forces of Yunding!

Afterwards, Ye Zhongming released a reward task marked as the highest level in the Puxing Town trading market.

There is a lot of content in this mission, but it only targets one organization, Stabbing Heart!

The content includes the composition of Stabbing Heart's members, location information, strength status, etc., each kind of news,

They are all divided in detail, and after each piece of information, there are corresponding rewards.

The lowest level of rewards, that is, the information of ordinary members of Stabbing Heart, the rewards are... a bottle of three-star evolution potion!

And if anyone can accurately know who the boss of Stabbing Heart is, the reward is...a bottle of six-star evolution potion.

If someone can know the base of Stabbing Heart, the branch base, a bottle of five-star evolution potion, and the headquarters, still a bottle of six-star evolution potion.

Under these information bounties, there is another kill bounty.

For members of the Stabbing Heart organization identified by Genting, the reward for killing ordinary members is a piece of white-level equipment, and the reward for killing captain-level members is silver-level equipment. If you can kill the core members of Stabbing Heart, a piece of green-level equipment Equipment will be available.

If he could kill the heart-stabbing boss, Yunding would reward him with three green suits, one blue weapon, and three bottles of six-star evolution medicine.

As soon as the reward was released, most of China was shaken.


Since leaving Guangyao and Ye Zhongming behind, Wen Zhong, who returned to his base, has been paying attention to the news of Yunding Villa. He knew that he was besieged by the mutant army, and he has been waiting for the result.

These days, two pieces of news came one after another that surprised him.

One is that in this defensive battle, instead of being destroyed, Yunding won the final victory, annihilating two-thirds of the mutant army one after another.

When Wen Zhong got the news, he sat alone in the room all night, which made people in the resistance area afraid to speak loudly for a few days. Everyone could see that the commander-in-chief was in a bad mood.

Then, this bounty that Ye Zhongming released to almost all parts of the country through the chain of ogres shocked Wen Zhong once again.

A few worthless pieces of news are worth so much? If you find out who the boss of Stabbing Heart is, you can get a bottle of six-star evolution potion?

Six stars! Even in the resistance area, this level of evolution potion cannot be taken out casually. Genting's ability to make such a promise shows that their medicine of this level is in stock.

After all the core members are six-star evolutionists, there is still stock...

Wen Zhong hardly dared to think downwards.

Also, if you kill the boss who stabs the heart, the reward is... a suit! Blue weapon! Three bottles of six-star evolution medicine!

Wen Zhong admitted that his heart was moved.

He didn't need to think about it to know that this reward will become a heart-piercing reminder, and all the survivors in the country will look for them, entangle them, and attack them like a chicken blood!

Ye Zhongming offered such a high reward to tell everyone a truth.

Anyone who provokes me, go to hell!

As for stabbing the heart, it will be difficult to move an inch in the future.

After Wen Zhong sat down for another night, he issued an order to all ministries to pay attention to the situation of Stabbing Heart.

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