Roulette World

Nine hundred and forty-two five ring money

942 five ring coins

In the last days, it is not only life that changes, but also the climate.

Some places are warmer and some places are colder.

Although such changes are only in some special places with special terrain.

In a valley in the east, the temperature is extremely low. From the peaks on both sides, this is a barren land covered by solid ice.

It's just that under this piece of solid ice, there is an incomparably huge human base.

This is the headquarters of Wuhuanqian.

Next to a huge round table, there were four people sitting. Everyone was separated by the same distance, dividing the round table into four equal pieces.

In front of them, apart from a few glasses of red wine, there were a few blank sheets of paper filled with content.

"The charging of Mingshuijie is nearing completion, and it can be opened as planned. There is no problem in holding the Mingshui feast as scheduled."

The one who spoke was a woman in a white robe. Her appearance was not perfect, but she was very attractive. The biggest feature was that her skin was very good, with a healthy whiteness, so delicate and smooth that it was unbelievable.

Her slender fingers tapped lightly on the white paper on the table. Look carefully, every time she tapped, a very faint blue halo would appear at the moment her finger joints touched the white paper, as if Ripples outward like water ripples.

When the other people saw it, their eyes were all fixed.

At the same time, a thought came to my mind, this woman's strength has improved again.

"Since Xiaoshui's Bright Water Realm is ready, shouldn't our funds be in place too? To be a banker, you must be too poor."

The one who said this was a young man opposite the woman called Xiaoshui. He was frivolously picking off his nails with a huge dagger. His legs were resting on the table, shaking from time to time. Twice.

He was talking, but his eyes fell on the old man on his left.

"Although the development of our Royal Chamber of Commerce has not been smooth this year, this little money is still available!"

The old man sitting here is the president of the Royal Chamber of Commerce, but there is no mask on his face at this moment.

"Right now, Wuhuanqian is facing full-scale competition with the Ogre chain, and is already at a disadvantage. It's time for the unanimity to speak out. Everyone must understand the current situation."

Another middle-aged man who didn't speak said with his arms folded.

The other three people were silent when they heard this sentence, and even the face of the idle young man became more serious. It was obvious that the ogre chain had put tremendous pressure on Wuhuanqian.

"Now that Deacon Tong is not here, we are running around outside for the Mingshui feast. If we are at home, if we can't even do the preparations well, we will be ridiculed."

The man continued to speak, making the atmosphere in the room even more dignified.

"Okay, let's talk about the invitation letter. The second page is the preliminary draft list. Everyone has a look. If you don't have any comments, we will send it out according to this."

The only female deaconess turned to the second page while talking. On it were the invitees of the Bright Water Feast. For Wuhuanqian, these were the gold masters and their main source of customers. This is the Bright Water Feast. The key to making money.

"If you have found all the people who are going to end, it's time to send out an invitation. If you don't open the clear water world after it is full, it will consume energy."

The young man nodded, sat upright, and carefully looked at the person he invited.

"I have no comment."

The president of the Royal Labor Union expressed his attitude after looking at the list, and nodded at Deacon Shui who made the list.

"I do have an opinion."

The young man said suddenly, "I think there are omissions in this list."

Deacon Water and the president of the Royal Union looked at him together, and the former asked, "Deacon Bai, who is missing?"

The young Deacon Bai did not answer directly, but looked at the middle-aged man with considerable status: "Deacon Ouyang, I heard that you killed the steward of Jianfeng Mountain under your command when he came back. Is this the case?"

He raised his eyes and glanced at Deacon Bai,

Ouyang nodded expressionlessly, "I lost an extremely precious scroll."

With the status and wealth of a few people, if it can be described as extremely precious, it must be a priceless good.

"The person who can make you lose a scroll, I think the background must be not small."

Deacon Ouyang lowered his embraced arms and leaned forward slightly, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Deacon Bai laughed, "What I want to say is that if this person has the ability to win the good things in your hands, he is eligible to enter our invitation list. Unfortunately, I didn't see the name of his faction."

"Which force?"

The president of the Royal Chamber of Commerce asked, which made Deacon Ouyang's face even worse.

"You know him too, he's still your old friend, Yunding Villa, Ye Zhongming."

This time, there were two people with bad faces in the room.

Deacon Bai didn't care at all, but sat there and continued: "Yunding Villa has just defeated more than two million mutant legions, and they must have a lot of magic crystals in their hands. Facts have proved that they are very powerful, very rich, and very suitable for us. conditions of."

"I have a reward they just issued here. You can take a look. Are the forces that can use these things as rewards not qualified? People here include me, who can come up with such a reward?"

He took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to the three of them respectively. When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but widen their eyes slightly.

They were also very excited about this reward.

"I have sent people to pay attention to this organization called Stabbing Heart. If there is any news, I don't mind getting these rewards at all. You should also send people to investigate early. Don't blame me for not telling you."

After the young man finished speaking, he returned to his previous ruffian appearance.

Deacon Ouyang and Deacon Shui looked at each other, and looked at the president of the Royal Chamber of Commerce together. The latter sneered: "Since Yunding is so rich now, there is no reason to keep him out."

"Well, let's add Yunding Mountain Villa." Deacon Ouyang settled the matter.

The four discussed some things and ended the meeting, but before leaving, Deacon Ouyang suddenly said: "Before the feast of clear water begins, each branch needs to hand in twenty seven-level magic crystals. After the feast begins, we will There must be seven-star evolutionists in the lineup, otherwise everyone's interests cannot be guaranteed, and the matter is of great importance, I hope you will not shirk."

The other three nodded together, knowing that this matter is very important.


Yunding, Ye Zhongming had just returned from delivering equipment from the Blue Secret Realm when someone came to report that a team of about 3,000 people, carrying a large number of unknown vehicles and equipment, had entered the outskirts of Yingcheng and was heading towards Yunding.

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