Roulette World

Nine hundred and sixty eighth great change

968 big change

"Not very comfortable, I wrote for more than three hours, only wrote one chapter, I will make it up tomorrow~ I will say sorry to everyone~"

"Still calm?"

Ye Zhongming returned in a hurry, seeing that the previous situation was still maintained, his mood calmed down a bit.

He was very afraid to come back and see a battlefield where Hongfa died and Yunding suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, although the situation has not improved, at least it has not deteriorated.

"During the period, I was irritable a few times, but I endured it all, but the intervals became shorter and shorter, and the red hair probably couldn't last long."

Liu Zhenghong was processing the soul orbs, and she was using a piece of equipment that Le Dayuan and her worked together. It was a kind of equipment specially made for energy extraction based on the principle of magic crystal weapons.

To be precise, it is a syringe, but what is injected is no longer a liquid, but a kind of energy.

It is obviously impossible for the current redhead to absorb the energy in the soul orb by herself, so she can only use this method to help her.

Perhaps sensing Ye Zhongming's arrival, the redhead opened his cloudy eyes and glanced in this direction, then closed them again.

Ye Zhongming tried to communicate with her mentally, but as before, there was a reaction, but no clear message came.

Soon, the energy of these thousands of soul beads was extracted into four instruments, and Liu Zhenghong handed them over to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming held it, and glanced at the brain boy who was huddled behind the group of corpses, "Get these things out of the way."

Although the mind is controlled by the red hair, it is actually a brain worm with independent wisdom. It feels embarrassed in today's situation. Although it came to protect the red hair like these zombies out of instinct, it is very clear that this It wasn't the red-haired lady's original intention.

But if the red-haired sister loses her mind, she will be on the opposite side with Yunding in the future. If she knows that it has let Ye Zhongming in, then...

"Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows, and the brain boy immediately froze, and yelled a few times at the zombies in front of him. There are several sixth-level corpses, dozens of fifth-level corpses, and the rest are fourth-level corpses, hesitating Get out of the way.

Ye Zhongming walked in, as if the guys around him didn't exist.

Walking up to the red hair, looking at the trembling thorns around him, Ye Zhongming slowly pulled the red hair's arm over, and while paying attention to her reaction, shot the energy of the soul beads in the first syringe. go in.

Then came the second, and then the third.

"has an effect!"

With the injection of these energies, everyone can clearly see that the black lines on the red hair's neck and face began to fade away, the red threads on the thorns and the leaves on the hair began to disappear or wither, and everything was developing in a good direction.

Ye Zhongming exhaled, and continued to inject the energy from the last syringe.

Those black lines continued to fade away.

Red hair has always been in an important position in Genting's system. After the reorganization, Ye Zhongming formed a separate team with her and the zombies controlled by him. This shows that Ye Zhongming attaches great importance to and affection for red hair.

Although she couldn't accept Ye Zhongming's communication now, she still sent her a message before walking back.

But as soon as he took a step, Ye Zhongming stopped, and he turned around suddenly, and found that the red hair had opened his eyes at this moment, with blood red inside, staring at Ye Zhongming firmly. The thorns around her body had already floated up silently, dancing wildly on Ye Zhongming's head.

The transferred teams raised their guns and weapons one after another. Once these thorns really attacked Ye Zhongming, they would immediately attack Hongfa.

Ye Zhongming raised his hand to signal everyone not to move rashly, looked at the red hair, and began to back away slowly.

Just now, he clearly received a message from the red hair. Although it was short, it was undeniable.

said the redhead, back off.

In this case, Ye Zhongming chose to believe in the red hair.

Under his command, the soldiers in Yunding retreated slowly, leaving a large space for Hongfa.


Liu Zhenghong just wanted to ask what happened,

The red hair over there moved at this moment.

The thorns froze for a moment, and then stabbed fiercely at the heads of the group of corpses whose backs were facing her. Her hair also stretched instantly, and stabbed at the unsuspecting men as well.

There was a continuous popping sound throughout the venue, and these zombies were all pierced through their heads before they realized what was going on.

The next moment, they were lifted up by these thorns and hair of the red hair, and they were all hung in the air.

The only exception is Brain Boy, who didn't know if he realized something just now. When Ye Zhongming withdrew, it also retreated. At this moment, he was carefully looking at his eldest sister's hair, and his eyes were full of horror.

It was not only it that was horrified, but also everyone who saw this scene.

These zombies were floating in the air, and soon their bodies began to wither, and the color of the magic crystals kept changing.

From red to blue, to green, black, white, gray...

Until, broken!

"It's their evolutionary level that is going backwards!"

"Reverse evolution?!"

"Turned into a skeleton!"

No matter how good Yunding's discipline is, at this moment, a few people couldn't help but let out a low voice, with sweaty palms.

This scene was really weird and terrifying.

These zombies have turned into skeletons, but the specific characteristics that appeared when they became zombies have not disappeared. Those who had sharp nails before still have sharp nails. Those who had huge bodies before still have huge bodies now. Like a hedgehog, still like a hedgehog...

Then, the eyes of these skeletons glowed with various colors, and some bony weapons 'secreted' from their bodies, and even the bones became thick, with metal-colored things oozing from them, and soon the entire skeleton All turned into this color.

On the other side, the thorns began to wither, falling off the red-haired body one after another, and the red hair covered with thorn leaves slowly retracted, returning to its normal appearance.

The fallen skeletons did not fall apart, but stood up flexibly one by one, pulled out the withered thorns that had pierced their heads, and threw them far away.

Each of them looked at the surrounding humans with their empty 'flame eyes' of various colors, each with a murderous look.

The redhead sitting there stood up, slowly opened his eyes, and the violent blood red inside disappeared, replaced by a rich black.

There is no eerie meaning, just calm, space-like calm.

And as the red hair stood up, those skeletons turned from zombies all turned around and knelt down in front of the red hair. Although there was no sound, everyone felt their fanatical loyalty to the red hair and support.

They are also proved by practical actions.

After these skeletons knelt down and saluted, they began to... pull out bones from their own bodies!

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