Roulette World

Nine hundred and sixty-nine, the bone is used as a seat, and the soul is used as a whip

969 Take the bone as the seat, condense the soul as the whip

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, and everyone stared blankly, not understanding why such a scene happened.

After the roulette fell from the sky, there were evolution potions, all kinds of equipment, zombies and monsters, and war beasts and pets. Everyone thought that they had seen enough weird things in this life.

But now, he was still shocked by this scene, even Ye Zhongming, who had been reborn once, was no exception.

Not to mention he has seen it, but he has never heard of such a change in mutant life.

The red hair is a human puppet he made according to the roulette blueprint. He died later, but somehow he came back to life, possessing two abilities of thorns and spirit. And follow the evolutionary level of mutated life.

In the past, Ye Zhongming was a little confused about what the red hair turned into and what type of life it belonged to.

Seeing this scene today, he was even more confused. What is this life that he created?

While he was full of doubts, each of these thousands of skeletons pulled out a bone, respectfully placed it in front of the red-haired body, and then returned to the original position, kneeling there on one knee, lowering its head.

The red-haired man stood quietly without seeing what happened to her, and the bones under his feet floated up, reaching about the same height as her, and began to change, combine, and assemble in front of her eyes...

These metal-colored bones are like soft crystal mud. When the shape does not meet the requirements, it will change its shape and look extremely smooth, as if these bones themselves are one, and they were just scattered on these skeleton warriors before.

Soon, everyone saw what the bones were trying to assemble.

It was a...chair.

But this is not an ordinary chair, just the shape is exaggerated to the extreme.

Four sturdy chair legs like flowing clouds float in the air, bending upwards in a regular and graceful arc, supporting a square sitting surface at a height of more than half a meter, where bones of different thicknesses criss-cross, and The high backs at the back are leaning together to form two delicate and complex surfaces. The sitting surface is flat, and the backrest has a certain curvature backwards, but the middle part, which is also the leaning part, is also curved inside.

The two handles are composed of two skulls, which are still extremely delicate, without the slightest sense of horror. On the contrary, they are more like some top-level ivory artworks that people can't put it down.

If these places are only slightly exaggerated, then on the backrest, there are three pairs of sharp thorny thick bones covering the backrest evenly from the back, as if three bone rings were inserted from the top, the chair is huge, The bones are not closed, as long as you sit on it, you will be protected by these three bone circles.

And on the high back is the head of a bone dragon, with its mouth open, as if roaring towards the world, the dragon's horns stand upright to the sky, with sharp tips, shining eye-catching under the sun cold glow.

The person behind this chair, at this moment, sees a dragon's tail under the backrest, cocked up there, and together with the four chair legs, it forms an alternative line with the backrest, bone ring, and dragon head. The complete bone dragon!

When the shape of the whole chair was stabilized, a monstrous and fierce aura emanated from the chair, and as it finally took shape, it slowly fell to the ground behind the red hair, with a bang, an invisible wave of air rushed towards the surroundings, and the top of the cloud The soldiers retreated one after another, with unconcealable horror on their faces.

Although this air wave did not hurt the bodies of the Genting soldiers, they all felt severe pain in their heads. This air wave directly impacted their mental strength.

The keel chair fell, and the red hair sat on it slowly.

When the red hair leaned against the back and pressed his hands on the skull of the armrest, a clear dragon roar came out from the dragon head on the top of the chair, and the metallic color of the bones on the whole chair seemed to come alive. It flowed on the chair like running water, and began to condense from the bottom to the top, and finally sprayed out from the dragon's mouth, and sprinkled it on the kneeling skeleton warriors.

Golden rain falls on every skeleton,

Not a single drop was wasted, and all of them were received by these guys. As a result, their bodies gave off a faint bronze halo, making the sturdy aura on their bodies even more intense.

After spitting out the metal rain, the scene gradually quieted down. Only the red hair sat there, like a high queen, looking down on everything in the world.

Seeing the calm scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the aftermath of the mental shock of the air wave just now gradually passed, and the Genting fighters basically returned to normal.


Just when everyone thought that everything was over, those skeleton warriors who had been kneeling honestly raised their heads collectively, and from their eye sockets, clusters of lights of various colors flew out, and they all flew towards the redhead sitting on the bone dragon chair , and soon formed a brilliant colorful light group in front of her.

"This, what is this?"

Some surprised whispers came from the surroundings, and everything I saw today was too much beyond cognition.

These light clusters are not as dynamic as when the chair was formed just now, but the changes in them are still very drastic.

The clusters of light seemed to be merging, the same color gradually merged together, and soon, a cluster of light composed of six colors of black, white, green, blue, red, and purple appeared, replacing the messy appearance before .

Afterwards, the light cluster began to stretch slowly, and did not stop until it was four or five meters long.

The red-haired person sitting there stretched out a hand, and one end of the elongated ball of light landed in her hand. With a slight flick of her hand, a long whip composed of six colors of light appeared in front of everyone. before.

At this moment, the red hair is sitting on the exaggerated shape of the keel chair, holding a six-color floating light whip in her hand, plus her long red hair, enchanting figure, and those pure black pairs, as if she could With eyes that see through everything, this picture will often appear in the minds of Genting fighters after a long time.

That heart-shattering change was also spread by many of them.

"Zhong Ming, she, she is..."

Liu Zhenghong was rarely nervous, no matter when Ye Zhongming found out that she was facing monsters, or not long ago when she was facing the siege of millions of mutated lives, she was extremely calm.

But now, she really has some violent emotional fluctuations, because she tried to explain all this with her knowledge, but after thinking about it, she found that she couldn't find the answer.

Ye Zhongming didn't speak, just nodded to Liu Zhenghong, and then began to walk slowly towards the redhead who was sitting there.

The soldiers at Yunding immediately became nervous, especially when Ye Zhongming approached, those skeleton warriors all stood up and turned around, all kinds of bone weapons in their hands were aimed at Ye Zhongming.

But Ye Zhongming still didn't stop, his eyes and red hair looked at each other through the skeleton warriors.

Everyone watched nervously, because a battle might start soon.

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