Roulette World

Nine hundred and eighty first first collision

981 first collision

Seeing the light shield protecting the entire royal city from a distance, Ye Zhongming's heart felt a little more at ease, and seeing those rays of light falling on the shield made him completely relieved.

The more he understands power, the more Ye Zhongming knows that no matter what kind of attack there is, one principle must be followed, that is, the greater the power, the more restrictions there will be.

Either the consumption of mental power, or the consumption of physical energy, or the limitation of cooling time, or other people, in short, powerful skills cannot be used casually, and must have their limitations in some aspects sex.

If the attack launched by the Dawn Temple outside the city is really as powerful as the pool guards said, then there must be restrictions, and the facts have also proved Ye Zhongming's guess.

Although, the number of four launches in total is a bit scary.

"You, this, me, it..."

The guard of the pool has probably never been so excited in his life except when he worshiped a generation of guards as his teacher, and he has never lost his composure. He just saw with his own eyes the magic orb of Almighty God in the temple emitting the mask that protected the city wall, and let It was Ye Zhongming who emitted the mask from the magic beads!

Ye Zhongming was a little embarrassed. Anyway, this orb belongs to the posthumous person. Now he takes the orb as his own...well, although it only has 7% ownership right now, but in the end, Without other people's permission, this bead has been homogeneously strengthened, and it will completely belong to him in the future. He is still a little embarrassed to hear the question from one of the pool keepers.

Of course, he was just embarrassed and wanted Ye Zhongming to return or restore the bead to its original state, so he would definitely not do it.

Big deal, compensation for some weapons and equipment.

"Here, I activated it."

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and chose a word that everyone could accept.

After that, afraid of being questioned by the guards, he said he was going to the city wall to check the situation, so he just ran away.

After arriving at the city wall, Ye Zhongming happened to meet the soldiers who brought down the corpses of the Minghan tribe. The miserable appearance of those corpses moved him. Screen, perhaps the soldiers of Genting will also become like this.

After climbing the city wall, several Wang Zun, Xia Lei and others gathered together, looking at Ye Zhongming differently.


Ye Zhongming, who was not here just now, is the only person that everyone can think of who can do this, so Kun Wangzun pointed to the mask above his head and asked.

Ye Zhongming nodded: "I activated the dharma beads in the palace, and I don't know the specific process. Anyway, I have obtained the right to use a certain ability of it. It seems that I need to continue to cultivate it in order to exert more many effects."

Several Wang Zun looked like dogs, and their hearts were racing.

When they became kings, they also entered the palace and swore before the dharma beads. They can guarantee that Ye Zhongming must be ten thousand times more pious when they swear, but let alone get the approval of the dharma beads. Kneeled on one knee of the soil.

There is a sacred place, and not everyone can clean it up.

Now, a person from the earth, given the name of a foreign king who everyone knows what is going on, is actually recognized by the magic beads, and even activates the use of the magic beads. This world is really about to be destroyed Understand.

However, it was difficult for them to say anything. After all, it was Ye Zhongming who activated the dharma beads at a critical moment and saved Wangcheng once with the ability of the dharma beads. It is inappropriate to say anything now, so the few Wang Zun did not speak, and they all called I made up my mind to go to the palace to have a look. It doesn't make sense for an outsider... what a foreign king can do, but they can't.

Ye Zhongming nodded, knowing that this was considered qualitative. In the future, when the awareness of the Brown Bone Magic Bead can be raised to the point where it can be taken away, the posthumous person must be compensated accordingly.

"Can we take the initiative to attack once?"

Xia Lei suddenly interjected. She was not surprised or even numb to Ye Zhongming's ability to create miracles.

What she needs to consider is, if she cooperates with this kind of sign to gain more benefits.

"I have observed the attack method of Dawn Temple, which is a kind of plundering energy collection launch. Although their fighters have no obvious side effects after plundering, their energy will definitely drop a lot. If we Launching an attack now may have good results."

Hearing Xia Lei's sudden words, several Wang Zun were stunned.

This is actually a very simple question, the difference is that when an opportunity arises, Xia Lei thought about it, but they didn't think about it.

Due to the long-accumulated psychological disadvantage to the Dawn Temple, the posthumous people, including the kings, are instinctively thinking about how to defend against the attack of their old opponents. Now, I am thinking about how to defend the royal city.

They never thought about giving up the tall and solid city walls with many defensive measures and going to fight against the Temple of Dawn, because history has proven countless times that the posthumous people cannot defeat the Temple of Dawn in the wild, and they are not even qualified to fight against them.

So even though they were like Xia Lei, they didn't think about taking the initiative to attack after witnessing the process of the strange equipment showing off its power just now.

Even in the face of this kind of Dawn Temple fighters who consumed a lot of physical strength, they did not have the courage and confidence to win the battle.

"I think it's okay." Ye Zhongming turned his head to look at several Wang Zun: "Probably in order to ensure the power of the previous attack, most of the fighters they entered the mountainside now have their energy absorbed, and there are not many people left to protect them." If we send more mobile troops to attack at this time, we should be able to achieve certain results."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhongming looked at the posthumous human who was moving to defend the Minghan tribe just now: "Although we defended against the previous attack, the first attack still caused a lot of casualties. It is a serious blow to morale, and we should also find ways to restore the lost morale. Undoubtedly, taking the initiative is a good way."

Wang Zun pondered for a moment, and felt that it was okay.

It's not that they don't have this vision, but they haven't turned this corner before.

A life-and-death battle, the first counterattack of the posthumous man, began under such circumstances.

Regarding this war, there may be many records in later generations, and perhaps the future history of the earth will regard this battle as the last battle before the posthumous people emigrate to the earth, but no matter how the history will be written, the Dawn Temple and the The first real family collision of the posthumous people broke out at this moment.

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